broken bolt


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Mar 2, 2009
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Highland, CA
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OK so I did BDs dual headlight mod yesterday...Awesome btw! Then while i was putting the tank screws in i got a little over zealous and snapped the head off one of them with my Dewalt drill. I went to lowes bought an industrial strength easy out and snapped that off in the hole as well. any ideas on how to get it out...I'm driving around with one tank bolt, hopefully that won't hurt anything.
I almost feel obligated to answer any question with "add 2 bottles of NOS energy drink to your tank", but in all seriousness, with one in securely, I think you'll be fine. We've seen some members find theirs were both loose or missing.
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or you may be able to drill it out and retap the hole bigger and just replace with a bigger bolt i would get someone to help ya can be a easy job or a big job ask your friends someone might have drill and tapped a hole before.
Should be fine to have 1 in. I'm not sure what to do in the situation except defer to the pros or experienced.

I'd have a moto shop reverse it out cuz if they strip it, then it's their fault...right?
OK so I did BDs dual headlight mod yesterday...Awesome btw! Then while i was putting the tank screws in i got a little over zealous and snapped the head off one of them with my Dewalt drill. I went to lowes bought an industrial strength easy out and snapped that off in the hole as well. any ideas on how to get it out...I'm driving around with one tank bolt, hopefully that won't hurt anything.

I just rode 1500 miles last week with no tank bolts and I didn't even notice they were missing until I got home. You should be fine while you sort it out. The tank doesn't really lift on its own.

I'm sure you know this now, but you should always hand-tighten the bolts/screws on the bike.
The tank isn't going to go anywhere with one bolt holding it in... To get that broken "easy out" removed, your going to have to use a small center punch and smash it into smaller pieces as its made of an EXTREMLY hard material. That thing will NOT DRILL OUT... Once that's out use a drill bit and slowly drill out the broken screw using a larger bit as you get closer to the edge. Another "easy out" should work when your down to just about the threads... If there's any stud left sticking out above the frame itself, you can cut a slot in the stud and try a screwdriver...
If your easy out is broken off in the bolt try grabbing it with vice grips and turning it. If everything is flush or lower with the hole just leave it and ride with one. Thats the easy way :D
Actually, I have done this exact same thing with my old 89 Ninja....

Snapped a bolt head off, then tried the easy out and ended up breaking the tip of the easy out in the inside of the broken bolt. ... The next thing I tried was using a flat head center punch and made a slot to try and use a screwdriver to open it. That didnt work.

Last resort, but worked.... Depending on the size of the bolt, I welded a square rod to the bolt and was able to twist it out. All else fails, you can weld a new bolt to it and try to open it that way as well. But, welding something to it to try and turn it worked for me.

Good Luck!:thumbup:
Step 1. Don't use a damned electric drill to install bolts on your bike. (Well, I suppose you know that now, but it's good for others to see.)

Step 2. Center punch the broken bolt.

Step 3. Go buy some left hand twist drill bits. These have a backwards spiral from normal bits. The advantage here is that as you drill into the bolt, the force of the drill is trying to unscrew it for you. So either you drill the bolt and can use an easy-out on it, or it'll unscrew during the drilling process. Either way, you win.

Step 4. Assuming the threads are OK, replace the bolt. If they're not, time for a thread repair kit. And if you're unfamiliar with these, either get a pro to do it for you, or practice on another piece of metal first.

You can get a cheap set of left hand drill bits from Auto Zone. A good set could be ordered online.

I used to be a maintenance machinist. I had to remove a lot of broken bolts/screws. The broken easy-out won't be drill-able. It's very hard material. Almost sounds like you have a cross-threaded situation because of your broken easy-out. I'm also imagining there is no stud left to grab hold of with vise grips.
I agree as many have posted here, you're probably okay with one bolt, but those engineers at Yamaha could have saved a little money making that front tank mount with one bolt. Or maybe they have reason for two. Probably some crash related test proved two are better.

Kinda like removing the ground on AC operated devices. They work fine until there is a hot against case condition and someone pays the price. I have 2 good stories about that. The better story in an OBGYN office!

Try This. Put on safety glasses. Even though you can still work with one eye you'll work better with two. Then try using a small center punch to drive the screw out in a counter-clockwise direction. It may work but honestly there are so many variables it's hard to give good advice and a picture might help.

Good luck!
I've had the same thing. Several times.

1. I didn't tighten bolts enough, they slipped out while riding.

2. i overtightened the bolts, with 1 bolt head breaking off.emainder of bolt slipped down, allowing space for another bolt to hold the tank.

3. Mechanic does repairs, bolts fall out. He kindly replaced them with new, which were longer, obviously on one side it did not tighten correctly.

To get the bolt out, i used a screwdriver and hammer. Hammered screwdriver in to get purchase, and it took about 15 minutes to unwind the bolt out of the slot.

Recommendation, get harder bolts than standard, use big washers, tighten SOLID!!!

I actually watched the one bolt climb out, astounding how fast they climb out the screwthread :eek: