
Professional test dummy
Nov 16, 2011
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kennesaw, Ga
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family, most deffinetly a love/hate thing.
my brother ALWAYS has to be glued to my hip, if im in the garage he HAS to be there....

STORY TIME!! what do you guys do with your siblings or kids?
i know we always make crap a family matter :BLAA:
family, most deffinetly a love/hate thing.
my brother ALWAYS has to be glued to my hip, if im in the garage he HAS to be there....

STORY TIME!! what do you guys do with your siblings or kids?
i know we always make crap a family matter :BLAA:

I haven't always been the best at it but...don't miss the time you have to be a loving being. :D

You are obviously a really big part of his world. :rockon:

Edit: Oh yeah! It looks like he's been on your bike and getting some elbow down!!! Tell him ATGATT!
I was the youngest of six and ALWAYS needed to be in the middle of things, not mainly for attention but to be a part of something.
Now that I'm a little older and with three kids of my own. My youngest Matthew loves getting involved when it comes to car and motorcycle maintenance. It's my father-son bonding moment. I feel most especially close to him when he tells my wife how he wants to grow up like daddy.... "very handy at home".
Cherish these moments, they grow up so fast.
At the end your little Bro will love you for it. And yes to ATGATT and Keep the rubber down :BLAA:
He got on my old yzf600r should have told him ATGATT sure the swimtrunks dont count for anything :rolleyes:
Me and my lil bro do just about everything together. Including riding. He's in the army national gaurd and even tho I'm supposed to be the one he looks up to he's definitely my hero.
That's friggin awesome man! He really looks like he idolizes "big bro".

I was the youngest of two. My SISTER practically raised me. I gotta say...Her boyfriends kept me in line, and her girlfriends...well...they gave me an education too. :rockon: :BLAA: I don't think I lost my cherry to one of them...But I came close with a few of em!

I agree with all the above though. My sister and I have been very close throughout our lives because of our relationship growing up.

I'm in my mid-30's now and I'm apparently not allowed to tell a woman's age so I wont...just know she's older than me and looks younger...and hotter. THANK GOD! Our joke was always that she got the looks and I got the brains.

I'm sure we don't have to tell you...teach him how to be the guy you want to be...and of course...ATTGAT!
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I would teach him very well how fix the car and bike, and then when you don't have time he can do it for you!! :D

Seriously, though, cherish the time you have with him, as it will go surprisingly fast. You may get aggravated by it now, but in the not too far future you will look back on it fondly.
My brother and I didnt exactly hate each other when we were kids, but growing up sharing a bedroom having no personal space sort of sucked until he was 17 me 14.
After that we started to get a few things in common. Now as adults we share a robust sense of humuor, poke mullock at anything/everything and really enjoy the opportunity to see each other. Our fortnightly radio show gives us a chance to spend a bit of time together doing one of the things we both love, getting into some music
The older we get the more we value something that is, in essence, so easy to achieve. Its all good
Cherrish every second of it :thumbup: My brother & I never saw eye to eye as kids & until he got mixed up the the wrong crew & did a ''spell'' in the big house we never talked...... The ''spell" woke him up & now he has a family & we are very very close :cheer: just wished I lived closer to him now so I could spend more time with him , his wife & my 2 gorgeous niece's :(
Some times kids are annoying, we all were that way, but as others have said cherish every moment you spend with your little bro, clearly you are his hero, pretty cool feeling :thumbup:
Everyone's missing the most important part here: You now have the most important tool a man could ever ask for...someone to make a beer run for you!

Really though, he's learning as he's watching you. Let him get involved. Have him hold wrenches and stuff like that. Teach him what you know, and he'll thank you for it later.

My dad got me involved with an old snowmobile he had. It was seized up when we got it (it had been sitting outside, uncovered, for YEARS). He said if I wanted to ride it, I had to help fix it. I was about 10 at the time, so I was out there every day. That was really when I learned how to turn wrenches and not be afraid of mechanical things.
he will be building faster stuff than you in about 2 years...young kids are sponges when it comes to knowledge.
he might be a nuisance now yeah, i like being alone in the garage, but keep him involved, he likes you that s why he likes being with you and likes what you do and your hobbies so help him out, just make sure he does not start banging wrenches on the fz6's tank! sometimes young ones thing that banging things is their way of fixing things!
My daughters a daddy's girl. She always wants to hang out with me. Whenever I'm outside, she wants to come help. So the other night while outside, I hear,"Daddy, give me Mommy's helmet".

Edit: I know it's not a "brother", but they're in CA and my son is too small.
yea he did like to hit things with wrenches and anything else, he stopped that about a year ago after i went ballistic on him for hitting the Mustang.... :spank:

he is always helping me with crap, i took him to work with me a few weeks ago and he was right at home among the toolboxes and 2post lifts...he even knew when to cover his ears :thumbup:...
we take pics of everything...its crap we like to bring up for when hes older:BLAA:
Everyone's missing the most important part here: You now have the most important tool a man could ever ask for...someone to make a beer run for you!

Really though, he's learning as he's watching you. Let him get involved. Have him hold wrenches and stuff like that. Teach him what you know, and he'll thank you for it later.

My dad got me involved with an old snowmobile he had. It was seized up when we got it (it had been sitting outside, uncovered, for YEARS). He said if I wanted to ride it, I had to help fix it. I was about 10 at the time, so I was out there every day. That was really when I learned how to turn wrenches and not be afraid of mechanical things.

I agree! My dad involved me at a very young age and and I believe that enabled me to have the confidence to get involved and branch out in other areas where I could excel.
This is an important time for little ones.