California and back August 2010

Having ridden both the big Yammi, and the Triumph....the Yamaha is like riding a bus, compared to the Sprint...and it feels it, big!!!!

My bet is the Yammi still goes around corners ok though....But the Yammi seems more like a middle aged man's bike...

Yeah, I've just been thinking about the sheer comfort of it. Being from Australia you wouldn't understand. Half our riding season is within 5-10 degrees of freezing and there are no corners until you travel about 1,100 miles south-west to BC.

But the part of me that is still a kid wants the sprint because its fun and to hell with comfort.

that's why i really like the GT.....I'm not sacrificing so much......

some numbers:

FZ6 wet weight = 459 lbs
sprint ST wet weight = 554 lbs
k1300s wet weight = 560 lbs
sprint GT wet weight = 590 lbs
vfr1200 wet weight = 591 lbs
fjr wet weight = 716 lbs
gold wing wet weight = 898 lbs
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I know doesn't it?

Seems even longer ago when there's 10 feet of snow everywhere you look.

But that's awesome Dirk. Can't wait to read it. But not a lot must happen in your town :p
Still, that's pretty awesome. Even if I was in my local NEIGHBORHOOD's paper I'd be pretty stoked about it.
'I can say a lot of really good things about your trip, there is no one word for it or maybe there is...awesome!

I've driven on most of the routes that you took, but where was the picture of the shoe tree? I just want to see if my pair of white nikes are still there on the ground. I drove or we (Wifey & 3 + yr. old boy) drove my Truck from California to Florida & back. It was something you just will never forget, forever.
Am I going to do what you did, on my FZ6? Maybe, I don't know, I hope, who knows....I guess time & money will dictate that for me..
Very nice thread you did, congratulations on your very nice trip & keep the memories.