Chased by the cops, what to do?

I dont think the police post videos when they lose. LOL

If you were to wait for them to get up on your tail and then go it would be pretty dumb, if they are stopped clocking or coming head on

Well... theres this.
If Rambo would of just got a hair cut and a nice shirt none of this would of happened. LOL
Drive thru local donut chain, buy donuts, leave, toss donuts left and right, police stop for donuts, you are clear.
I was working on a computer in the middle of the police department and we were talking about motorcycles. One of the detectives asks me "Do you know what to do if you're pulled over?" I said, "No..." He replied "Ride as fast as you can." I'm positive he was joking, but I don't think they have the means to catch a motorcycle getaway since they don't have any aircraft flying around.:D

Why bother for a simple speeding ticket? I have been a cop for 14 years and have never attempted to pursue a fleeing motorcycle. In fact when they stop, I warn them 99.9 % of the time( if they were not fleeing of course). I have seen more than one motorcycle fatality from subjects fleeing.:(
Drive thru local donut chain, buy donuts, leave, toss donuts left and right, police stop for donuts, you are clear.

ha,ha :rolleyes: Thank God we don't have Donut shops in my town. I hate freaking donuts. I am one one of those 1%-er cops that likes to run for fun, work out and stay in shape. It is fun to get in a foot pursuit and chase some guy down that is half your age and see the look of frustration on their face when you catch them.:thumbup:
All in good fun, I run 5-7 days a week. Have done three marathons. But it does kill me to see the motorcycle cops providing the escort who are 5'10", and look like they weigh 250+. And I havent gotten a speeding ticket in over 20 years.
I have seen more than one motorcycle fatality from subjects fleeing.:(

I'm sorry you have had to witness these awful thing's,and i'm also grateful that you and your fellow policeman have chosen to serve and protect your comunity's.without you guy's the world would be like a Mad Max movie.

ha,ha :rolleyes: Thank God we don't have Donut shops in my town. I hate freaking donuts. I am one one of those 1%-er cops that likes to run for fun, work out and stay in shape. It is fun to get in a foot pursuit and chase some guy down that is half your age and see the look of frustration on their face when you catch them.:thumbup:


Damn 1%er cops.

I thought you had to take a polygraph about doughnuts and maintain a .08% blood level of doughnut grease at all times. LOL LOL
All in good fun, I run 5-7 days a week. Have done three marathons. But it does kill me to see the motorcycle cops providing the escort who are 5'10", and look like they weigh 250+. And I havent gotten a speeding ticket in over 20 years.

It drives me nuts too bro. Fortunately we have a semi-annual Fitness assesment that your job depends on to weed out all of the fat guys. The new assistant chief was a chunker about 10 years ago. He decided to get himself in shape so now he is a huge proponent for fitness:rockon:. I can say chunker, because I was 225 lbs at 5'11" years ago, but now I am 5'11" 180 lbs.(nothing against bigger guys my friends, just when your life or another officer' s life is at risk, you need to be in shape.) It is also unfair for taxpayers(yes, I pay City,State, and Federal taxes too) to have out of shape cops serving them.
Great way to look at it J, and congrats on the fitness thing. Pity more people (not just cops) don't do it.

I heard the other night that Aus took over as the highest proportion of overweight people per capita.... Not good.

keep it up, and do us all proud.

I'm going to get a Chuck Norris mask. When the cops go to chase me I'll turn around and glare at them. Game over. I'll just cruise off and they'll just be glad I didn't turn around and beat the carp out of them:D.

I'll be good to my Chuck Norris mask too or it might kill me:eek::D.

Or there's the inflatable Kylie Minogue in a thong ruse. Just throw her off the back and keep riding. (note...Won't ordinarily work on a female cop.) The cops stop to see if she's ok and you're long gone.:rockon:.
