checking in, and i wish it was with better news...

Well Rob....I'm glad you had your angels with you that day! Am I'm so relieved to hear it wasn't ANY worse!
How is Keira doing? I know that's one scary phone call to get.

:hug: to you all.......
[ame=]YouTube - Antilocks significantly reduce motorcycle crashes[/ame]

good reason for anti lock brakes
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#1 reason to wear a full face helmet!!!!
My friend and I were looking and the damage and description looks just like my accident. Except it was 60F so I know it was just me braking too hard.

If your frame isn't broken, it'll be like $1200 to replace all that. Upgrading along the way of course. :)

Hope you don't miss the whole season. That would suck.
Feel Better Soon !!

Are you going to fix the plastic or go naked. Or the old "well, guess its time for a new bike" route. :thumbup:
Wow Rob, so sorry to hear about your off! Damn, I knew you were tough, but to heft the bike up and ride:eek:. Adrenaline is great but temporary... I hope you heal up soon, If you need some help on repairs give me a shout, I'm sure Eric would open the "Busted Knuckle" to facilitate.

Good on you for all the gear! Did anyone get a report on the meat head who cut you off?
Sorry to hear about this!!

Heal up fast!!
I'm sure both you and your bike will be just fine.

In all seriousness, I think you should cover your scratched plastic with Rhino Liner.
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Sorry to hear this and I do know how this stuff can hurt. They did have me raise my arms to X-ray my ribs. F*****!!!!!! :eek:I broke 3 ribs and couldn't lay in my bed for 3 weeks. Get better soon!!!

I whacked my right shoulder, and broke 3 ribs right along my spine in '05 crashing my FZ6.... Sleeping on the couch was the only place I could make sure I wasn't going to roll onto that shoulder. The seat area tilts back a bit, so you can lean into the back of the couch without putting a lot of pressure on the injury.
Thanks for posting. Definately could have been a lot worse if it wasn't for your gear.

From your description of the crash, it was probably due to improper front braking. If the surface was wet, the surface condition contributed. Too much front brake, more like a grab which caused you to lock up the front wheel and lowside. Cetainly, it's a very easy thing due to, and only practicing on a regular basis will help develope your muscle memory in terms of how much pressure to apply. Combine the fact that you're coming off a long lay off from riding may have contributed.

Motorcycles are tricky when it comes to emergency braking. When you're in a car, you instictly slam on the brakes and lock them up or ABS kicks in. On a motorcycle, you have the same instinct to do the same, but the difference is you will most likely low side if you grab the front brakes, which is equivallent to slamming on the brakes in a car. That is why, we all have to practice our quick stops on a regular basis.
Well Rob....I'm glad you had your angels with you that day! Am I'm so relieved to hear it wasn't ANY worse!
How is Keira doing? I know that's one scary phone call to get.

:hug: to you all.......
She would have been a LOT worse if the call came frome someone else, she was awesome though!

#1 reason to wear a full face helmet!!!!
Always and I agree 100%
Feel Better Soon !!

Are you going to fix the plastic or go naked. Or the old "well, guess its time for a new bike" route. :thumbup:
will fix the side pod, and the front might be able to be taken care of with a new "eyelid" which is just a small facia piece and not to terribly expensive. I will check it out better tomorrow, i have not made the trip to check it out and the pics are curtocy of one of my buddies.

Wow Rob, so sorry to hear about your off! Damn, I knew you were tough, but to heft the bike up and ride:eek:. Adrenaline is great but temporary... I hope you heal up soon, If you need some help on repairs give me a shout, I'm sure Eric would open the "Busted Knuckle" to facilitate.

Good on you for all the gear! Did anyone get a report on the meat head who cut you off?
Thankf for the tough guy comment, i can't even fathom how much it should have hurt to pick the bike up by myself with broken collar bone and probable clue who cut me off, and i forget more about it the longer it is, all i can remember is the front starting to slide and thinking that it was way too easy to be sliding... Eric already offered bike transport and repair services, but i will most likely have Keira ride it home after i make sure it is all straight and safe.

I am recovering pretty quick as far as how i feel, i have to go see an ortho early this week, but i am hoping i will be back out there very soon.
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Crap mate,that just sucks.I know what its like to make that call and say you have been in an accident.
+1 on full face helmets,I have one with the same marks and would hate to think about my face with out it .

Heal up quick mate :thumbup:
Well Rob....I'm glad you had your angels with you that day! Am I'm so relieved to hear it wasn't ANY worse!
How is Keira doing? I know that's one scary phone call to get.

Rob is right - the call would have been way harder from someone else. By being able to hear his voice, I knew he wasn't ok, and he told me that he would do whatever I told him (not a good sign). On the way home I let him think that he wasn't going to the hospital unless he chose to, but we were on our way there regardless, especially as he complained more and more about his shoulder and not being able to move his arm. I held it together until the next day when MY shock wore off and I just fell apart for 5 minutes. But, he is a strong guy, and determined to not be helpless, so one phone call and I knew he was fine and I could stop worrying.

Long story short, I am just glad I got to bring him home with me, broken bits and all. :)

Feel Better Soon !!

Are you going to fix the plastic or go naked. Or the old "well, guess its time for a new bike" route. :thumbup:

Hey I am due for a new bike waaay before him!! Don't go giving him ideas!

Wow Rob, so sorry to hear about your off! Damn, I knew you were tough, but to heft the bike up and ride:eek:. Adrenaline is great but temporary... I hope you heal up soon, If you need some help on repairs give me a shout, I'm sure Eric would open the "Busted Knuckle" to facilitate.

Good on you for all the gear! Did anyone get a report on the meat head who cut you off?

We need to see what repairs are really necessary. I'll have a better idea after I get it home if it is something that needs to be fixed now, or that can wait until we have a bit more cash flow. Me not working is making things a bit tight, and the medical bills will likely make fixing cosmetic stuff a lower priority....mechanical is another story.

Thanks all for your kind words and offers of help, we really appreciate it. We'll keep you posted on recovery, whether he's going to need surgery or not. Right now, based on how he feels, it's looking like it will heal itself, but we need to get another X-ray to be sure of how it settled (gross alert - he pushed it back into place himself the other night....UCK!!!), and find out how much PT is going to be involved. Either way, it's going to be an interesting couple months.
Wow Rob, I'm sorry to hear about this, but glad to hear you are relatively ok. We should round up some of the NE crew and have a moto GP viewing with you since you won't be riding for a bit. We can also start to turn some wrenches on that bike to get her up and rideable sooner than later so that when you're healed, you're ready to go!

For what it's worth, I work in Physical Medicine and as others have mentioned, Physical Therapy will be the key to your recovery. Work hard, be consistent with your workout regimen, and try to stay off the pain meds if possible.

Let me know if you guys need anything or have questions about what your doctors are telling you.

hope you heal quickly, good on you for getting straight back on, don't know if I would have had what it takes, all the best