Cleaning tires


***** Elite
Elite Member
Apr 3, 2009
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Loveland, OH
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So I’m having a hard time keeping my rims and tires clean what do you all use to keep em looking new?
For the rims I have found out that by using already used up dryer sheets, it would take anything and everything off the rims. As for the tires, just water or nothing at all most of the times. Try it works well.
For the rims I have found out that by using already used up dryer sheets, it would take anything and everything off the rims. As for the tires, just water or nothing at all most of the times. Try it works well.

The dryer sheet trick will also work for getting bugs off paint! :thumbup:

I use chain cleaner and a rag on the wheels and a little water and scrub brush on the tires

Disclaimer:please don't use tire shine/black magic/tire wet/etc on your motorcycle may think it looks cool now but when you are on your butt on the side of the road you will feel like a dee da dee. ;)
Soap and water/simple green and water to clean both. A nice coat of car wax on the rims to help keep them clean.
Soft cloth and pledge furnature polish on the rims for quick clean-up w/o water - seems to lift the dirt well with minimal damage. Kerosene on a paint brush for the chain lube splater. Foaming spray on tire cleaner and a brush when dirty enough. Works for me. :thumbup:
I use Meguires vinyl and rubber cleaner conditioner. Works great on the tires and strangely enough it makes the paint on the wheels look wet and shine real nice.:thumbup:
I find the bathtub works best.

Some biker degrease/tar remover which is friendly to the paint, for the rims. It also leaves a layer on it so dirt can't stick to it.

Tires ... nothing ... don't mess with products on them, rince em off with water when cleaning the bike. But I would leave them alone.
I use that silicone based tire shine all over the whole tire, it makes the ride more interesting....J/K.....carwash & water.
I use a product called Bean Clean. I use it for chain, swing arm, wheel cleaning. It's all natural and cleans most everything up and is safe for 0-ring, x-ring chains. Follow up with a constant flow of water to rinse and good to go. I use asphalt to clean the tires. :thumbup:
I clean em once a year when it comes out of hibernation, then I ride so insanely fast that I create a vortex effect sucking all the road grime right off it:rockon::rolleyes:
I clean my whole bike with Richard's Best, aka "The Bomb". I get lots of compliments, and it has only been waxed maybe once, a long time ago. You'll have to use something else to get some nasty greases/lubes off first though.