Close encounter with 2 4WDs.


Avid 4WD Hunter
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Sep 6, 2008
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South Australia
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Was taking the fun way to work the other day and not going too hard when I came round a blind corner to see.....

That's right. A completely stopped 4WD filling the lane. They were reading a map:rtfm:.

I had just overtaken another 4WD so I knew I was in for a bad day:(.

I didn't go round as that gives the guy an excuse to turn into my path and I'd end up just like Wolfman and I had some extra time so I stopped. I moved as far to the edge of the road as I possibly could and put my foot down......

Right on a big round rock:eek:.....ouch!

My knee folded backwards a little but I managed to catch my pride and joy....

Just in time to hear the skid/stop/skid/stop of the ABS on the 4WD behind me:eek:.

It stopped with its bumper about level with my toes with my foot on the peg.

I tried to stand my bike up (as my knee was causing me quite a lot of pain) and found that I couldn't as my indicator was touching the 4WD when I tried to straighten up:eek:. The front 4WD moved off. The horrified looking lady in the second one waved to me to go, but I obviously couldn't and so I waved her to move forward. Off she went too. I moved down to a driveway and got off my bike and sat under a shrub for 2 hours to get my knee a little bit sorted.....neither of the vehicles involved bothered to stop and see if I was OK:(.

I've waited a day or so to calm down a little before posting:thumbup:.

Now, what sort of a tool stops their vehicle in the middle of the road on a blind corner to read a map....Hey, I know the answer. Someone who shouldn't have a license.

Fortunately I've met enough good folks now to know better than to think human beings are all F#$%wits when they drive off and leave you stranded with no phone service....was awfully hard to ring work. I hope the guy who caused this gets rabies and bites his own tockley off so he can't breed.

And last of all, the silver I hurt my knee bad, but if I hadn't stood on that rock, then the second 4WD would have carved me up big time....probably smashed my hip.....thanks annoying and horribly painful rock:bow:....LMAO.

I don't understand how this could have happened. I mean, I don't have a fender eliminator, my indicators are the right distance apart and my reflector is the right height off the ground.....hmmm. Maybe the wrong things are being targeted by our constabulary.:spank:

Glad I waited to calm down:thumbup:.

Was taking the fun way to work the other day and not going too hard when I came round a blind corner to see.....

That's right. A completely stopped 4WD filling the lane. They were reading a map:rtfm:.

I had just overtaken another 4WD so I knew I was in for a bad day:(.

I didn't go round as that gives the guy an excuse to turn into my path and I'd end up just like Wolfman and I had some extra time so I stopped. I moved as far to the edge of the road as I possibly could and put my foot down......

Right on a big round rock:eek:.....ouch!

My knee folded backwards a little but I managed to catch my pride and joy....

Just in time to hear the skid/stop/skid/stop of the ABS on the 4WD behind me:eek:.

It stopped with its bumper about level with my toes with my foot on the peg.

I tried to stand my bike up (as my knee was causing me quite a lot of pain) and found that I couldn't as my indicator was touching the 4WD when I tried to straighten up:eek:. The front 4WD moved off. The horrified looking lady in the second one waved to me to go, but I obviously couldn't and so I waved her to move forward. Off she went too. I moved down to a driveway and got off my bike and sat under a shrub for 2 hours to get my knee a little bit sorted.....neither of the vehicles involved bothered to stop and see if I was OK:(.

I've waited a day or so to calm down a little before posting:thumbup:.

Now, what sort of a tool stops their vehicle in the middle of the road on a blind corner to read a map....Hey, I know the answer. Someone who shouldn't have a license.

Fortunately I've met enough good folks now to know better than to think human beings are all F#$%wits when they drive off and leave you stranded with no phone service....was awfully hard to ring work. I hope the guy who caused this gets rabies and bites his own tockley off so he can't breed.

And last of all, the silver I hurt my knee bad, but if I hadn't stood on that rock, then the second 4WD would have carved me up big time....probably smashed my hip.....thanks annoying and horribly painful rock:bow:....LMAO.

I don't understand how this could have happened. I mean, I don't have a fender eliminator, my indicators are the right distance apart and my reflector is the right height off the ground.....hmmm. Maybe the wrong things are being targeted by our constabulary.:spank:

Glad I waited to calm down:thumbup:.


Oh Mikey, am so glad your "ok", well sort of, Hope your Knee gets better real soon...THIS SUCKS! I have said it before, but freakin 4 wd drivers are a blight on our roads!

Am totally freaked out by what i just read....your a riding buddy, and i really dont want you to go through the crap i have been dealing with for the last 3 weeks or so....if there is anything i can do to help, please tell me.

Just makes me even more angry about the prejudice us riders are dealing with in SA at the moment, we are for the mostr part, the most aware road users out there, and we are treated like we dont exist.....

Would be nice if the so called authorities could use some of the cash they extort out of us for bogus fines, etc, to do an adsvertising campaign to raise awareness re Motorbikes!

Fat chance of that happening, as we are seen as a n annoying minority on our roads!
Oh Mikey, am so glad your \"ok\", well sort of, Hope your Knee gets better real soon...THIS SUCKS! I have said it before, but freakin 4 wd drivers are a blight on our roads!

Am totally freaked out by what i just read....your a riding buddy, and i really dont want you to go through the crap i have been dealing with for the last 3 weeks or so....if there is anything i can do to help, please tell me.

Just makes me even more angry about the prejudice us riders are dealing with in SA at the moment, we are for the mostr part, the most aware road users out there, and we are treated like we dont exist.....

Would be nice if the so called authorities could use some of the cash they extort out of us for bogus fines, etc, to do an adsvertising campaign to raise awareness re Motorbikes!

Fat chance of that happening, as we are seen as a n annoying minority on our roads!

It's all good. Went to work today. Stiff and sore and found out my back is sore I'll heal quick:thumbup:. I'm going to be using my video camera a lot now I think, and not just for twisty rides.:D
It's all good. Went to work today. Stiff and sore and found out my back is sore I'll heal quick:thumbup:. I'm going to be using my video camera a lot now I think, and not just for twisty rides.:D

Probably a very good idea, maybe we can get some footage to take to an opposition MP, and state our case as to the crap we have to deal with everyday, re innattentive, inconsiderate, poorly trained cagers!

Dont like our chances, the media seems intent on making us all out to be evil at the moment!

Probably a very good idea, maybe we can get some footage to take to an opposition MP, and state our case as to the crap we have to deal with everyday, re innattentive, inconsiderate, poorly trained cagers!

Dont like our chances, the media seems intent on making us all out to be evil at the moment!


No, no. The media want to sell papers and advertising space. If you can provide some good footage and stories of attempted murders (this is how I am starting to look at it) they will play it and get all they'll get stuck in to bikes again and get all outraged:eek::spank::D.

Might even get some video of a speeding police car, although this is pretty something in my

No, no. The media want to sell papers and advertising space. If you can provide some good footage and stories of attempted murders (this is how I am starting to look at it) they will play it and get all they'll get stuck in to bikes again and get all outraged:eek::spank::D.

Might even get some video of a speeding police car, although this is pretty something in my


I had a cop car speed past me on my way home lights, no sirens, just going for it...

I had a cop car speed past me on my way home lights, no sirens, just going for it...


I knew exactly where to go to get some footage of one doing 200+ km/h with no lights or I used to follow them home from work a few years back. They are probably still doing it. Am pretty keen to get that:thumbup:.
I remember a similar situation heading North on Tapleys hill road heading towards the lights at Sir Donnie Drive when I came up over the crest over the Torrens the traffic was backed up to the crest I checked my mirror to see if the idiot behind me had dropped back any.....he hadn't. I stopped in between the last 2 cars and watched him slam into the back of the car that had been in front of me......not much room left for my old XS400. After looking at what he'd done he looked over at me to see me sadly shaking my head at him....what an idiot.
Would be nice if the so called authorities could use some of the cash they extort out of us for bogus fines, etc, to do an adsvertising campaign to raise awareness re Motorbikes!

this is about as far as it goes here in the UK..better than nothing i guess

[ame=""]YouTube - Think - Bike Awareness Ad[/ame]
Sorry to hear about your knee/back Mike , heal quick mate or Jamie will sneak a few miles in without you :thumbup:.... As for the mindless cagers , well what do you say :shakehead: :spank: its all been said before....I drive a 4WD to :scared: so we aint all bad seeds....Once again it is an issue with a 4WD though , when i was driving interstate down there i noticed that SA 4WDers were by far the worst this country had to offer :spank: (why is that) :don'tknow:....Im thinking that if you be a good boy when the camera is on , you may be able to highlight our plight....If an opposition MP doesnt want to hear about it Today Tonight/ACA would certainly love to run with it :D....Ohh and BTW i LMAO at the rabies v's tockley comment , fact remain that the best part of some people ended up a stain on the matress :eek: :spank:
What hope do i have ? Im a Truck driving , Motorbike riding , 4WD owner :spank: not to mention that i pull fish out of the sea aswell :eek:.... Im :scared: because that makes me public enemy #1 , quick run there is no place to hide , they are coming to get me :thumbup:
Two 4wd's Mike ! sheesh I wish they would ban those things,bloody climate change on wheels and a danger to all around them(sorry Hump).

Glad you didn't get creamed mate.
Gosh - hate to say this, but glad it was just the awful painful knee instead of 2 4wd crates! People can be so inconsiderate. :spank:
Holy crap Mike, glad you're still with us.

4wd's... :banghead: As Humps said, there are some good ones out there, we just don't see them :rof: Probably because they're out doing 4WD stuff in them, and not just using them as the "Toorak Tractor"

Same as there are the few bikers that stuff it up for the rest of us :banghead:

As soon as I saw the thread title, I thought the worst, (ya freakin scared me Mike), just come to expect it after the last few weeks, I think the drivers around here are getting worse.

Stay safe out there guys, and grow some eyes in the back of our heads.

Thanks for the concern guys. Knee's still pretty sore....back's a lot better already. I drove my car to work for one didn't take carp from to kill me now when I'm in my car losers:Flip::Flip:....LMAO.

I know some folks that drive 4WDs that are ok....heck, I'd be OK if I drove's these fools who can't drive, know it, so they get a 4WD to make them feel safer.

My video camera works at night well too so video to and from work now:thumbup:.

Still, they ganged up with 2 of them and still couldn't get me...LOL:rockon::rockon:.

I remember thinking that if I hear locked up brakes I'm going to bail on my bike and clamber up the embankment......what a horrible decision to have to make:(. I hate them for making me think that about my beast.:(

This video is a demo of my night ride home:thumbup:. [ame=""]YouTube - Night Bike Cam Demo[/ame]

The first part shows how much it would suck to try to steal my bike from work with a disc lock and the steering lock on.

The second part shows a police car going past the other way and ignoring completely the dude in his car 6 feet off my rear fender....need a rear mounted cam

The third part shows a dude who dawdled off at the lights but suddenly accelerates when a the red car with 2 chicks in it goes past him...needs to pay more attention to what he's doing. Fortunately it was a pretty boring ride

Nice video mate :thumbup: , like the path you take out of the joint..... Through he tables and chairs , Al Fresco bikin' style :D around the A/C units through the palm tree past the connifer and turn left at the wheely bins :thumbup:..... LOL , ive heard the rumours that you'll find twisties anywhere you go.......Now we've all seen the proof :rof:
Glad your ok man. Sucks on the old knees though man. Mine still hurt from octobers Kickstand? we dont need no stinking kickstand incident. (for the record you do need a kickstand and it has to be down to go slamming the bike over on it and jump off)

Heal up quick.

Cool video man. Its bad but we do almost need constant looping video on all bikes to at least get evidence of the stupidity.