Cop abusing taser...can you say power trip?

so is your point to show that cops are corrupt? i can find video of sport bike riders that are idiots and breaking the law. i'm sure i could find some of fz6 riders if i looked hard enough. but i'm not. do you want to take a few isolated cases and turn them into the rule?

i'm not going to join in on saying the cops were wrong and i'm not going to defend them. i wasn't there and didn't see the whole thing unfold. nor were you. but congratulations, yes there are corrupt cops. but for every corrupt cop there are plenty that go unnoticed and unthanked for the jobs they do and sacrificing their safety for the well being of others. not to mention their families that have to worry every time they walk out the door to go to work because they never know if that night will be the night that they get a call to a demestic disturbance where they get shot at.... or pull over someone on a routine traffic violation to find a gun pointed at them because they pulled over the "wrong" guy.... or the list could go on.

ok, one thing at a time:

"so is your point to show that cops are corrupt"

ummmm no. there has been zero mention of any sort of corruption or bribery of any sort in this thread. and even if there was, what sort of a generalization is that? "cops are corrupt"? I have no doubt some cops are in fact corrupt. But I also have a deep and abiding respect for the many non-corrupt and very professional cops out there that do their jobs the way the job was meant to be done. those individuals deserve the praise they get. they do not make up 100% of the police force across north america. Personally I dont think they make up 90% of the police force across north america either. Beyond that I dont know.

"for every corrupt cop there are plenty that go unnoticed and unthanked for the jobs they do "
"do you want to take a few isolated cases and turn them into the rule?"

ok. Im not even going to respond to that. I want you to read through this thread and find me anything that anyone has said that is saying that is the rule that all cops are on power trips. really. go thru the thread again. take ur time.

"i wasn't there and didn't see the whole thing unfold. nor were you."

hmmm.....that's what the video is for. it shows you the altercation as though you were there from start to finish. point here is you have responded to a thread without reading the thread, or anything that anyone has said after the original post. I am not entirely sure what else to say here, except to reiterate my point...again.

Taser use is acceptable in a TINY MINORITY of the cases it is actually used in. Those instances are when there is some risk of a cop sustaining an injury of some sort. an unarmed 72 year old lady does not fit the description.

maybe, to you she does fit that description. the senior brass of police departments would agree with you as would some cops out on patrol right now. not all, not even most...but some. that is the issue i am presenting as a problem.
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i'm sure i could find some of fz6 riders if i looked hard enough.


but really, Glad they have dash cams so that the bad apples get their day in court.

also, I much rather have someone man handle my grandma out of traffic then shooting her with a taser.... thats just pretty retarded if you believe forcefully moving an elderly person is more dangerous than a taser ......
1) how is shocking a 72 year old woman and possibly giving her a heart attack more safe then just giving her a bear hug and handcuffing her?

2) he was the one who turned it into a physically abusive situation. not her.

3) her normal mental state when she is driving is not the same mental state she is in when being thrown around by a police officer.

sorry man, this cop was on a power-trip and too willing to use his "I win" button in the form of the taser. IF there is a risk of the cop being injured at all...then bring it out. you dont need a taser in most cases they are deployed. its just cops being lazy and not wanting to get their hands dirty.

poor policy making on the parts of the senior brass imho.

Are we talking about the same video? In addition when the weather gets to be 100 degs. I get tired of hearing on the news how 9 people died from the heat wave. They died because they were unhealthy. I'm not ready to run a marathon because I'm not in shape for it. If you're not ready to deal with a "power tripping cop" stay in your car! Go to the judge and tell him" How dare that police officer give a 72 year old woman a ticket!" and then push up against the judge if you want to see a "Power Trip"
Try to understand I'm not condoning a, "Power Tripping Cop" Try to understand that on a traffic stop they are both at risk on the side of the road. Try to understand she was totally non-compliant and combative which was probably what got her stopped in the first place. She was at that roadside stop before she got in her car that day. We really should take responsibility for ourselves as soon as we become conscious. This wasn't a little kid and if by chance she was, should she have been operating vehicle? Watch the video! Where does it go wrong? Be honest. Unless I move back to the woods I think I should try to be a productive if not peaceful part of my culture/society. Am I going to have bad days? You bet! But they're my bad days. Regardless I have to own them. "How did I get here? Is this really my beautiful house? Is this really my beautiful wife?

I'm not saying there couldn't have been a different way for this to go on either parties part but as far as I'm concerned, being fully capable of stepping up to many situations, I don't get what she did other than understanding being Pi$$ed for getting a ticket.

Oh Yeah! This is a fun thread and thanks for getting it going.
Has anybody else noticed that there used to be discussions on this forum. Now it takes about four posts into any thread to see people calling each other retarded.

If I don't agree with these videos I'd just go on to a different post. I'm not pointing at any of the guys who do simply discuss things, more so the guys who can't just say "No, I don't agree" and feel the need to say "You're retarded because I believe the opposite of what you do."

It's just there every time you turn around now days.

Maybe it's just me.
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first, by corrupt i mean someone using power to do things they shouldn't be doing. corruption doesn't just deal with money.

next, i have read the whole thread. what i've seen is you posting videos to point out that there are bad cops. and i haven't seen anything from you that reads... so sad that a few bad apples give all the other great cops a bad name. as a matter of fact, in your response to me you said you're not even sure that 90% of the cops are good. that means that 1 out of every 10 cops is a bad cop... if not more.

well, there's more i'd like to say but i'm not sure there's a point. not because i don't think you're an intelligent fella who can carry on a conversation. it's just that these things are often hard to talk about through a computer. so i'll just end there.
It seems like a lot of people have bad feelings toward police officers. It comes out a lot here in these posts. Just try doing the job for a while and see if that changes your opinion. Check with your local PD and do a ride along, make friends with an officer, Maybe go another route apply to be a Reserve for a while. It may make you think twice about judging other people's jobs. There are lots of "stupid" people out there to deal with, it goes unnoticed by lots. just give it a try. Or reply and come up with excuses why you won't do it, so you can bad mouth the job you know nothing about. People have bad days every where. Have fun
Has anybody else noticed that there used to be discussions on this forum. Now it takes about four posts into any thread to see people calling each other retarded.

If I don't agree with these videos I'd just go on to a different post. I'm not pointing at any of the guys who do simply discuss things, more so the guys who can't just say "No, I don't agree" and feel the need to say "You're retarded because I believe the opposite of what you do."

It's just there every time you turn around now days.

Maybe it's just me.

I think I missed the retarded part....Or maybe that was when I tasered myself! :spank: I'm all better now....

I thought we all were in discussion on this thread...
nccoder, I think you understand that I do truly have a deep respect for those that are good police officers. I know a few personally and understand what their jobs demand. I have seen a vast majority of police officers behave with great chivalry and respect for the community they are protecting. These individuals are, in my mind, among the finest examples of human beings out there.

But this thread is not about those people.

This thread is about one thing really.

Poor decision making on the part of some cops

I am going to make a very strong statement here. Be warned all.

I HATE TASERS. I think the manner in which many police officers use them is reprehensible and unecessary in the vast majority of cases they are used. The polish fellow in vancouver that died was shocked for a total duration of one minute and 30 seconds.....of SHOCK TIME. he had 7 police officers on him and he was armed....with a stapler. The videos in the case of that situation I dont think the cops were on a power trip in that instance. That instance I blame on the taser policy that the senior brass have set up. It is a flawed policy that many police departments share.

As for anyone calling anyone else retarded I think that is the furthest thing from the truth. From the start I think this thread has been nothing short of a discussion.

i have read the whole thread. what i've seen is you posting videos to point out that there are bad cops. and i haven't seen anything from you that reads... so sad that a few bad apples give all the other great cops a bad name. as a matter of fact, in your response to me you said you're not even sure that 90% of the cops are good. that means that 1 out of every 10 cops is a bad cop... if not more.

I didnt feel the need to make the bad apples statement because I know anyone in their right mind understands that not all cops are bad cops. The only people who think that are criminals. I am pretty sure just about all of us are family-oriented and law-abiding citizens. So I chose not to bog myself down with mushy talk.

when i say i think more than 1 cop out of 10 is a bad cop I stand by that statement. Cops are to be held to very high and exacting standards of professionalism. The vast majority of people are unable to perform the job. They are not honest enough, or capable enough, or self-controlled enough to do it. Recruitment procedures are designed to minimize incapable people from getting in. Are you saying they remove 99.9% of people that cant cut it?

Sorry but I dont buy that. Here you have to pass a psych evaluation and do 20 push ups. That is a simplified version of the screening process. It works very well. But it isnt 100%. It isnt even over 90%. I stand by that statement. People that shouldnt be cops become cops. the HR people probably try to get them off the streets and into desk jobs or something. I dont know. But there are people out there as cops who dont make the grade. They dont cut the mustard. They dont meet the exacting standards of professional conduct that the good cops are able to do. This thread is just exploring those that dont make the grade and pointing at them and talking about it.

just give it a try. Or reply and come up with excuses why you won't do it, so you can bad mouth the job you know nothing about. People have bad days every where.

This kind of content has a tendancy to make people very defensive about cops in general. I am not slandering all police officers. I am arguing that it is GROSSLY irresponsible to gloss over bad acts just because an individual is a police officer. Cops have a tendency to look out for one another. That is a VERY dangerous attitude to take. If anything they should be very alert to warnign signs of problems and ready to take corrective action against their own very quickly and efficiently.

And having a bad day as the guy who assembles furniture at your local IKEA is acceptable. a table might be a bit lob sided, but no biggie. Having a bad day but possessing deadly force is a different matter entirely.

I am going to share a story but not post the video of this one. It is very graphic. If you dont like graphic dont read on.

4 cops respond to a disturbance in an underground train station somewhere in the states. They detain a few guys and calm down their friends. The cops have their guns drawn. One cop bends over to pick up the suspect. The gun discharges a single round into the head of the suspect. That man dies instantly. The group of friends go nuts. Backup arrives and the situation is stabilized. A bad day as a cop is on another level than a bad day as guy at IKEA making furniture for display.
So my problem has nothing to do with abuse of power...
my biggest problem is not even with the "bad cops"... My problem is with yet another exclusive grouping. Im not going to "Rat" out my brothers. I hate that phrase, high school kids are too old to use it. The good cops that protect their "brethren" are enablers. The poor choices are ridiculous. There have been people in my profession asked to educate the police in their dealings with the mentally ill.

There was a schizophrenic man, unarmed, they knew he was unarmed because he was NAKED!!! He was standing on a small roof and obviously experiencing an episode. While on this VERY small roof he was tazed and fell to his death. The officer claimed that he was following protocol and believed the man had room, "maybe he jumped" the video shows his falling. This is not the need to know about Mental illness, this is kindergarten physics.

I would normally agree with the "I don't know the whole story" line, but I have personally experienced ridiculous abuses of power, from the time I was 12. A cop picking on a 12 year old.

The thing that irks me the most is that all of this incompetence results in litigation. The legal fees and punitive damage will come from tax dollars, the court time also tax dollars. Cops are in the position to garner respect, when they let blatant offenders flaunt in front of them and exercise gross negligence in front of law abiding folk... They should feel shame... They Don't...
these police post always come down to one thing. BOO HOO for me i got a ticket. suck it up be a man or women

haha what? someone has been drinking this evening :D

ive got 2 speeding tickets this year but im not angry with any cops. They were photo radar. But I will argue why the law is stupid as the roads were empty and i exercised caution and was not unsafe. Will still have to pay though. But at no point did I have any interaction with a cop. Just a law made by lawyers and people behind desks.

It has nothing to do with this thread.

now if I start a thread about politicians....then yah its probably got something to do with those tickets. but im used to getting them by now. so im not too bothered.
So my problem has nothing to do with abuse of power...
my biggest problem is not even with the "bad cops"... My problem is with yet another exclusive grouping. Im not going to "Rat" out my brothers. I hate that phrase, high school kids are too old to use it. The good cops that protect their "brethren" are enablers. The poor choices are ridiculous. There have been people in my profession asked to educate the police in their dealings with the mentally ill.

There was a schizophrenic man, unarmed, they knew he was unarmed because he was NAKED!!! He was standing on a small roof and obviously experiencing an episode. While on this VERY small roof he was tazed and fell to his death. The officer claimed that he was following protocol and believed the man had room, "maybe he jumped" the video shows his falling. This is not the need to know about Mental illness, this is kindergarten physics.

I would normally agree with the "I don't know the whole story" line, but I have personally experienced ridiculous abuses of power, from the time I was 12. A cop picking on a 12 year old.

The thing that irks me the most is that all of this incompetence results in litigation. The legal fees and punitive damage will come from tax dollars, the court time also tax dollars. Cops are in the position to garner respect, when they let blatant offenders flaunt in front of them and exercise gross negligence in front of law abiding folk... They should feel shame... They Don't...

tell us how you REALLY feel. :)

1. We don't know the entire situation
2. Cops are humans too, they make mistakes and bad decisions like everybody else, just hopefully not as much!

But other than that it is always funny watching someone get shot in the face with the barbs and flop on the floor like a fish.
the fact of the matter is that you either listen to police, or you get tasered... end of story

So that's it no room for middle ground and the police become the arbiters of right and wrong. Well at least it will save money on judges and attorneys.
They could grade punishment from a slap maybe for saying "who me?" to shooting their kneecaps for running away and full blown execution for resisting. Then we could do without expensive prisons as well.

Face it there are times when Police officers do wrong and this is clearly one of them. He blamed illness and hunger and was punished with a three day suspension, but hang on, he was trained by a police officer and doesn't seem to have listened to that so maybe he should have been tazered as well. 2 wrongs don't make a right.

Even his Police department have called it a black eye for the department and use the video in training as an example of how not to do it.

There are plenty of good police officers out there but equally there are those who are not, and they need weeding out and not supporting.
Has anybody else noticed that there used to be discussions on this forum. Now it takes about four posts into any thread to see people calling each other retarded.

If I don't agree with these videos I'd just go on to a different post. I'm not pointing at any of the guys who do simply discuss things, more so the guys who can't just say "No, I don't agree" and feel the need to say "You're retarded because I believe the opposite of what you do."

It's just there every time you turn around now days.

Maybe it's just me.

Who called who retarded? I am merely playing devils advocate in order to get a discussion going, i agree with what i said, but do think that the officers in these videos could have been a bit less "on edge".
the taser is alot more important than you think. Everyone seems to think that police officers wear protective armor over their entire body. Even a 72 year old woman can injure a police officer. You dont think if she was crazy enough to not listen to a police officer and walk in the road she wouldnt be crazy enough to bite him? or kick him in the b@lls? Police officers warn people they will be tased, but people fight back, then wonder why they got tasered. If i had a taser pulled on me you better believe that i would hit the deck and start listening.

Yes there are bad cops who abuse it, and yes there are cops that think they are billy bad@ss. But if you listen to them, and do wht they tell you, this wont happen, then file yoru complaint later. I have been pulled over a few times by police officers who think they are tough as nails, you act polite, "yes sir... sorry, i apologize." and they move on and then you file your complaint. Fighting with someone with an ego trip and weapons... a guaranteed loss.

1. yes there are bad seeds that shouldn't be cops, but the system isnt perfect, they screen as well as they can
2. If a cop has a taser, and points it at you, now is not the time to argue.
3. you are not above the law, im sorry you think your special, your not.
4. no matter how much of an a-hole that cop is, he is still a cop, and you still have to listen.
5. be polite, being a prick back will not get you anywhere.
6 remember, cops are human, they have emotions, when they are screamed at, they lash out like any other person.
7 if a police officer yells "Taser" 17 times, take it as good advice to stop doing what your doing
8 dont be an idiot in the first place. (*hardest to follow)
the taser is alot more important than you think. Everyone seems to think that police officers wear protective armor over their entire body. Even a 72 year old woman can injure a police officer. You dont think if she was crazy enough to not listen to a police officer and walk in the road she wouldnt be crazy enough to bite him? or kick him in the b@lls? Police officers warn people they will be tased, but people fight back, then wonder why they got tasered. If i had a taser pulled on me you better believe that i would hit the deck and start listening.

Yes there are bad cops who abuse it, and yes there are cops that think they are billy bad@ss. But if you listen to them, and do wht they tell you, this wont happen, then file yoru complaint later. I have been pulled over a few times by police officers who think they are tough as nails, you act polite, "yes sir... sorry, i apologize." and they move on and then you file your complaint. Fighting with someone with an ego trip and weapons... a guaranteed loss.

1. yes there are bad seeds that shouldn't be cops, but the system isnt perfect, they screen as well as they can
2. If a cop has a taser, and points it at you, now is not the time to argue.
3. you are not above the law, im sorry you think your special, your not.
4. no matter how much of an a-hole that cop is, he is still a cop, and you still have to listen.
5. be polite, being a prick back will not get you anywhere.
6 remember, cops are human, they have emotions, when they are screamed at, they lash out like any other person.
7 if a police officer yells "Taser" 17 times, take it as good advice to stop doing what your doing
8 dont be an idiot in the first place. (*hardest to follow)

A perfect summation.
you are not above the law, im sorry you think your special, your not.

That also goes for Police officers I am in no way anti-police I just expect them to uphold standards and obey the law just like any other citizen including those relating to assault.