Dealer recommendations


Junior Member
Oct 23, 2008
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Is there any chance of a sticky thread where people can list/rate their local Yamaha dealer or parts supplier where they've received good service and would recommend them.
I know that any such thread would be purely subjective, but might provide a useful resource for those living in simlar locations.
Users would have to understand that it would not be a place to badmouth individuals or companies, though I suspect, there are more good ones than bad these days.
Many Yamaha owners in the UK have used Fowlers of Bristol over the years and they continue to provide good service to this day,that would be my first shout.
So lets hear it for the good guys, because, one day, you're gonna need someone that will go the extra mile and maybe you'll find that dealer from this forum.
Thats it....rant over!
I have used 2 dealers here in Denmark:

Fisker MC, Copenhagen ( Home )

These guy's have been motorcycles for generations (The current owner is 3 generation I think), and it shows!
They always seem able to come up with 1. a short term fix and 2. getting exactly the right part for you in a day or 2.
They do great work on the bike, and always seem to go that extra mile to check up your bike when it's in their shop anyway.
I absolutely recommend this dealer/work shop.
On a 1 - 10 scale I rate this dealer 10. (1 being worst - 10 being best)

Special MC, Aalborg ( Special Motorcykler )

This dealer I would rate above average. They don't always seem 110% committed, but I can't point out any bad doing from their side either.
I guess this dealer is like most dealers, - they have 1 or 2 people working there that are 110% the right stuff, and the rest of the people employed there are fully qualified to do the job, but just don't care that extra little bit.
On a 1 - 10 scale I rate this dealer 8. (1 being worst - 10 being best)