
Thank you guys. I believe I know what to do. I have also talked to my wisest friend. He also thinks I should stay where I am happy.
Life is 365 days a year. To just exist for 208 of those days, and enjoy 157 of them is not as valuble as enjoying almost all of them.

The hourly rates can never be compared. One job will be 44-50 hours a week, the other will 60 hours a week.
One will have 3 days in a row off, the other two days off split up.
One I am wanted at, and have been told I would be the best man for the job.
The other I feel like I will be needed.

When I compare the features of each job
the shorter hours with more money sounds great.

Midas may always be less money. As of right now there is just no way they can even come close in salary.

I can expect 700-800 a week at best, and that will only be if I can determine a way to increase, gross and net profit, and grow the business at the same time.

It is doable. It just has to be done.

We have a few major problems. No drive thru pit bay for oil changes, we have two oil change techs, three ASE master techs, three with several ASE certs but with out master tech yet. One is very close. We have 15 lift bays, but the oil change guys end up doing brake inspections, and other stuff at the same time when a car comes in for a O/C and brake inspection. This is tying up the bay, and leaving several cars sitting around waitiing for approval, parts, and such.
Basicly a 5000$ lift making 2$ a hour profit. I need to convice them to install a two bay pit in our one drive thru bay. With a staging lane for O/C cars. Move all the filters, wiperblades, bulbs, and convience items to that long bay, and rapidly move oil changes thru, then hand off to the ASE techs for any other work.
That will free up two huge lifts for profitable work, and at the same time keep more customers happy with the speed of service on oil changes.
I believe we can turn oil changes into a profit center from a lead/loss. I believe we need to sell the benifits of mobil one full synth to the customer.
THEY DONT HAVE TO COME BACK FOR 8000 miles, and that they will get more life out thier investment in thier car.

Also right now one very likeable o/c guy is costing a fortune in broken things. Actually more than he brings in profit wise. Its a loss. 450$ in sales last week. one broken audi A6 window that cost 350$, several striped drain plugs, overfills, missed burned out bulbs, forgetting to fill the washer fluid and such.

I have lots of ideas about this place, and have in my mind taken ownership of the job. I think that makes the decision for me more than anything.

Oh and I like most everyone here, and believe I can make all of us more money with more job satisfaction, and there is even a possibliity it can be done with less hours.
Right now when we dont have lifts we have cars waiting. two more lifts available would reduce that as well.

What I feel like I need to do is write down all my ideas, and benifits to Phil and Jane. Ask for a meeting with Phil after work on Monday, present my ideas and see where we go. Basicly I have already got Jane on board with some of the ideas. Especially the making the place more attractive to women. They spend alot more money with us, if we can increase that part of our business gross and net profit will increase.
We have a few major problems. No drive thru pit bay for oil changes, we have two oil change techs, three ASE master techs, three with several ASE certs but with out master tech yet. One is very close. We have 15 lift bays, but the oil change guys end up doing brake inspections, and other stuff at the same time when a car comes in for a O/C and brake inspection. This is tying up the bay, and leaving several cars sitting around waitiing for approval, parts, and such.
Basicly a 5000$ lift making 2$ a hour profit. I need to convice them to install a two bay pit in our one drive thru bay. With a staging lane for O/C cars. Move all the filters, wiperblades, bulbs, and convience items to that long bay, and rapidly move oil changes thru, then hand off to the ASE techs for any other work.
That will free up two huge lifts for profitable work, and at the same time keep more customers happy with the speed of service on oil changes.
I believe we can turn oil changes into a profit center from a lead/loss. I believe we need to sell the benifits of mobil one full synth to the customer.
THEY DONT HAVE TO COME BACK FOR 8000 miles, and that they will get more life out thier investment in thier car.

Also right now one very likeable o/c guy is costing a fortune in broken things. Actually more than he brings in profit wise. Its a loss. 450$ in sales last week. one broken audi A6 window that cost 350$, several striped drain plugs, overfills, missed burned out bulbs, forgetting to fill the washer fluid and such.

I have lots of ideas about this place, and have in my mind taken ownership of the job. I think that makes the decision for me more than anything.

Oh and I like most everyone here, and believe I can make all of us more money with more job satisfaction, and there is even a possibliity it can be done with less hours.
Right now when we dont have lifts we have cars waiting. two more lifts available would reduce that as well.

What I feel like I need to do is write down all my ideas, and benifits to Phil and Jane. Ask for a meeting with Phil after work on Monday, present my ideas and see where we go. Basicly I have already got Jane on board with some of the ideas. Especially the making the place more attractive to women. They spend alot more money with us, if we can increase that part of our business gross and net profit will increase.

Sounds like you may have a Midas Consulting gig ahead of you too. I'm assuming Midas is a franchise where owners kick back a fee to help with things like advertising, purchasing power, etc. If these ideas work for your shop and truly demonstrate cost savings and better customer service then you might want to pitch the idea of a Midas Consultant to corporate as a service the owners get for their fees (or an add-on). Of course you'd be just the right person for the job.
I am a high school drop out, I cant really expect that. LOL

Just do what I am able here or there. LOL
I am a high school drop out, I cant really expect that. LOL

Just do what I am able here or there. LOL

Hey Michael Dell never finish collage. Determination and knowledge is more important than a degree. I know many people with degrees who are total underachievers. Don't sell yourself short Sailor!
It sounds like keeping the Midas job is an easy choice- you will like your life better and you will have a sense of accomplishment as time goes on. Learn the work, up the profits, buy the place, and then make it work for you (rather than you work for it).

Tell the oc guy who is breaking things that he will have to cover half the cost of his damages- if that doesn't work out, you'll be better off without him anyway.

If your town is over 10,000 population you need at least three dedicated high-speed drive through oc pit lanes. At my regular speedy lube I am rarely on the property for more than fifteen minutes for a simple oil and filter change- usually don't even get out of the car.

Want to cater to women? Upgrade the ladies room, keep it immaculately clean, and have a separate play area for their kids. You'll have more women business than you'll know what to do with. In fact, keeping the whole operation very neat and clean for everyone will pay off.

Just make sure the people who you are working for fully understand that you need a life too, and don't be afraid to negotiate and don't assume they can't afford to pay you more. If you are doing good work and they want to retire, it's a pretty safe assumption that they want you badly.

Opportunity knocks . . . . . .
I am a high school drop out, I cant really expect that. LOL

Just do what I am able here or there. LOL

I'm a high school dropout also steve. I run a crew of 10 guys, setup freeway closures and have about 5 million dollars worth of machines to look after all the time. I also never went to college.
Hey Michael Dell never finish collage. Determination and knowledge is more important than a degree. I know many people with degrees who are total underachievers. Don't sell yourself short Sailor!

So true, so true! There are plenty of people running around with degrees who aren't too bright. You can't fix stupid, but lack of education is fixable- if you have a hang-up with the lack of a sheepskin, get one - otherwise just get busy.

If you need more elaboration, watch "The Wizard of Oz" again.
OK Steve,

I want to start off by saying I hope, and believe 2009 will be a much better year for you. It looks like the Midas job may pay enough to get by on, but I don't know all your financial needs either. I have spent 20+ years doing jobs I don't like. The last 4 years, I had a job where I had chest pains and almost vomited at work due to the job. I recently took another job, but again, nothing that I want to do. This week I responded to an ad at a local Honda/Suzuki shop for a sales position. The money will be less, but I hope I hear back from them because happiness is more important to me at this point in my life.
It sounds like you have a great attitude at the Midas shop, looking to make positive changes for the right reasons. It sounds like this will make you happy. I would have to think that any job in the financial world would have added stress added to it in the economic climate we are in right now.
Whatever you decide, I'm sure you will do well in, and remember that we'll be here for you.

Happy New Year!

I'm sure that Trin will be happy with your decision matter how hard you try, you always bring home a bit of work, you know how kids pick up on that! So if you are unhappy, she would be too. Hope all works out for you ...
I am a high school drop out, I cant really expect that. LOL

Just do what I am able here or there. LOL

Get that out of your head right now.

From what you have written it sounds like it is just a matter of executing the plan. And as mentioned previously, don't sell yourself short compwise. If you think you are worth more, you make more and vise versa. Maybe propose an incentive comp where your commission etc goes up at step levels of GP or something where you make more when you make them more. Win-Win.

Hope the best for you.

LOL thanks Lewis

I made my decision.

I have spent the last two hours writing out a plan to help the shop. I called Phil and told him my decision was to stick with them. I know it was stupid but I dont get to lie or lie by ommision so I told them last night about the offer I had on the table.

He was sure when I called him today I was calling to say I was leaving, and you could hear the relief in his voice when I told him what I had decided. We are meeting in 45 minutes at the shop to discuss plans to make it more effiecent and profitable.

Money always follows when you do the best you can. It has no choice but to follow. Build a mastermind group, work towards goals, and success will beat a path to the door.

Thank you guys for your help. I saw where I had taken ownership of the job at midas in the way I wrote about it. That made the decision more than anything.

Thank you all again.
Good luck Steve Im sure your decision to stay will be best for yourself and foremost the happiness of Trin. :D

Putting some ideas you've mentioned together: you're going to run the business, they want to continue to own it (income), they're retiring, they want you...

I would have negotiated for an ownership stake in addition to pay. For example, if you hit revenue/profit goals of X you can buy X% of the business for $X, or something like that. You've helped the shop, taken an ownership stake, and increase your income all in one shot.

Longer term, you may be able to buy the business outright from them as they fully retire.

Then you would have the money (or at least net worth) along with doing things you enjoy.
Good luck Steve, wish you the best. I believe you chose the right job. The most important thing is being happy where you work and being happy with what you do. Happiness leads to good health, and good health will eventually have you seeing the finer things in life. Sure money will be tight, but would you rather be a grumpy, angry old rich guy or a happy poor guy? Remember, money can't buy you happiness.
Great to hear you've decided to stay on at Midas. That decision would have been one of the harder things you had to do, now, you just need to get your head into the job and make it a better place... for everyone, employee's and customers.
A happy customer might not tell everyone about their experience there, but an angry/upset/dis-pleased customer will tell as many people as they can.. and that can be bad.

Good luck, and you've got all of us here backing you up.

I'm sure you'll do a great job.

Putting some ideas you've mentioned together: you're going to run the business, they want to continue to own it (income), they're retiring, they want you...

I would have negotiated for an ownership stake in addition to pay. For example, if you hit revenue/profit goals of X you can buy X% of the business for $X, or something like that. You've helped the shop, taken an ownership stake, and increase your income all in one shot.

Longer term, you may be able to buy the business outright from them as they fully retire.

Then you would have the money (or at least net worth) along with doing things you enjoy.

Fizzy has some excellent ideas.

And - good luck to you Steve! After reading through your posts again, I think you will do well. And - let us know how your conversation with Phil goes.
I know how you feel in a way. I would stay with what makes you happy as long as needs are taken care of, being unhappy can end up affecting the others in your life. I love living in KY, don't like my employer much right now but still won't go back to FL. I could make almost double in FL what I make here but I'd rather be broke and happy than have the money and be miserable. A good employer is a rarity these days so if you have one you are lucky. Hope the best for you :rockon:
Ok just got back from talking with them both.

They have been worried to death since I started how they would keep me. That made me feel really really good.

I expressed my ideas, and they agree with them, except the express oil change drive thru bay. I think it takes way way way to much time to pull each car around and put it on a 5000$ lift for 2$ profit.
One of the guys is awesome worker, smart, happy, competent and just a good guy.
The other guy is a shiat head. He just has to go. One hour to do a oil change, and constantly breaking stuff.

We are going to redo on the cheap now, but still redo the bathroom so it looks very very nice instead of nasty.
Redo the showroom/waiting room so it looks sharp instead of run down.
Redo the counter and make everything look nice for the customers.
Clean and neaten and paint the bay that has a huge picture window into it. It looks like hell now.

This is the largest Midas in the country. It should be at least in the top 200 in sales. We are in the top 600, but really only because of the size not because of profit to cost which is as it should be. I know I can bring us up that ladder.

Phil has awards and awards from Midas, but all of them are old. We need new ones.
We did win the best of Bowling Green award this for favorite auto repair shop in town though. That needs to be a lock.

I am supposed to write job discriptions for the techs and lube techs.

I should become general manager soon. I know the shop manager now is going to be very very very pissed at me. He is screwing up, and has been screwing up for a long time.

I am not going to get into details but one of them is a big big screwup Phil has no idea about.

Anyway I stuck my neck way way out today. I turned down money for more work and less pay. I do however believe that it was the right decision.

Thanks again for all of your thoughts. I do appreciate all of them even though I am sure some of you may think I am crazy. LOL LOL LOL I am crazy :thumbup: so you are 100% right there anyway.
