Did 120mph or 193kph yesterday


The UNO Master
Elite Member
Apr 30, 2008
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Webster Texas
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It was on the interstate, in a straight line except for a couple of lane changes. Went almost two miles. Felt secure, like the wheels were magnets and the road was steel. Even when I changed lanes and went over the lane dots, it seemed like they weren't there. I was in a nice little tuck, knees squeezing the tank and elbows touching my upper thigh, I felt like I could of done that for hours. When I got to my exit I rolled off the gas, raised my body up and slowed down to about 60 almost instantly.

It was about 7am on a Sunday.

One more note: I left the house at about 5am, the first time I've ridden in the dark since I installed the SilverStars, Wicked bright and very sharp!
I ride my bike to work any time i can (70miles round trip),taking the highway with very little traffic...I take it up to max speed(145mph) almost every time atleast once! I can't resist,love speed...
Yea the other days ride i hit 192km/h the fastest before that was 190, not the easest on a naked with no screen.
Quite a feeling, eh? Just be safe ok?

I've done it in known areas, without any traffic at all and only because I know where the LEOs hide out thus where my only stretch is. I've done it for the very short duration so long as no cars were around.

I can't say I do it often at all though. :D
going that fast isnt smart I know, but my first throttle cracker moment on the fz was on rt 81 near syracuse NY....136mph and nowhere near redline...just needed to see how she compared with my r6! pretty stable Id say..lots of wind resistance compared to the r6, but plenty fast and seriously comfortable on longer hauls than the r6:Sport:! thank god for rev limiters...haha and cops lunch breaks
i feel you on that.. i have had mine up to 142. and it still wanted more. but on an average ill atleast throw it up to 110. you just have to scratch the itch...:Sport:
Yea the other days ride i hit 192km/h the fastest before that was 190, not the easest on a naked with no screen.

I was on same ride as AussieJules - perfect flat road, nice big open sweeping bends, no blind corners, lots of run off, no traffic!, ...except i was chasing a rampant z1000, got the naked fz6n (small screen fitted) up to 232km/h, but had to back off as the front was starting to get a little too twitchy for my liking...hence my comments elsewhere re the need for a steering damper if you plan to ride this fast more than once...i know i wont be again till i get a steering damper fitted, and most probably a stiffer front end set up - i need at least a 1kg spring for my weight, bike is sprung at about 8.5kg at standard from memory (correct me if i am wrong, please).

Oh and just as a point of interest, the FZ6 held it's own against the nasty sounding, Akropovic full exhaust systemed Z1000.
I've had mines to 12omph, and you can barely tell. I like the naked style, but do not care for fighting the air. It's why the fairing and screen are there in the first place.

Anyhoo, I have read of "top speed" mentioned here a few times, and wonder...

Does the 07 FZ6 ONLY go to 145?!?

(Probably a good thing, but really...)
hence my comments elsewhere re the need for a steering damper if you plan to ride this fast more than once...i know i wont be again till i get a steering damper fitted,

Guess I might as well ask now: I've seen steering dampers on other bikes and when I asked a friend w a ZX10 his response was "it keeps the front end steady when your in a wheelie at 120mph" He knew my shock and disapproval was coming when my next question was "do you do wheelies at a buck twenty?" I wanted to grab him by the back of his neck and smush his face against the bike like you would a puppy that shat in the house with a firm "no! No wheelies at 120!" He's a good friend and a bit of an adrenaline junkie...Anywhoo, thats between him and God. Never got my question answered fully tho. Does a steering damper do anything else??
I've had mines to 12omph, and you can barely tell. I like the naked style, but do not care for fighting the air. It's why the fairing and screen are there in the first place.

Anyhoo, I have read of "top speed" mentioned here a few times, and wonder...

Does the 07 FZ6 ONLY go to 145?!?

(Probably a good thing, but really...)
I've gotten mine up to 148 :D Still had a tiny bit left but not much i think...Heres the topic where lots of members posted their best ;)
Guess I might as well ask now: I've seen steering dampers on other bikes and when I asked a friend w a ZX10 his response was "it keeps the front end steady when your in a wheelie at 120mph" He knew my shock and disapproval was coming when my next question was "do you do wheelies at a buck twenty?" I wanted to grab him by the back of his neck and smush his face against the bike like you would a puppy that shat in the house with a firm "no! No wheelies at 120!" He's a good friend and a bit of an adrenaline junkie...Anywhoo, thats between him and God. Never got my question answered fully tho. Does a steering damper do anything else??

From the Wikipedia

"A steering damper, steering stabiliser or sprint damper is a damping device designed to inhibit an undesirable, uncontrolled movement or oscillation of a motorcycle steering mechanism (a phenomenon known in the motorcycling community as 'wobble', or in extreme cases, a 'tank-slapper'). Modern bikes are unlikely to exhibit this behaviour in daily use thanks in part to better dampers and due to their very stiff front ends and other general improvements in design and tyre technology.

[edit] Device usage
Sport bikes have a short wheel base and an aggressive steering geometry to provide the ability to make very quick changes in direction. This has the generally undesirable side-effect of making the bike less stable, more prone to feedback from uneven road surfaces, and more difficult to control.[1] In addition, their light weight and powerful engine can cause frequent wheelies. If the front wheel significantly deviates from the direction of travel when it touches down, it may cause an unwanted wobble. Steering dampers are installed on some high-end sport motorcycles and most contemporary racing bikes to counter these behaviours.[2]

Steering dampers are also mounted to off-road motorcycles such as motocross bikes[3]. A damper helps keep the bike tracking straight over difficult terrain such as ruts, rocks, and sand, and also smooths out jolts through the handlebars at the end of jumps. They also reduce arm fatigue on longer rides by reducing the amount of effort needed to control the handlebars.

On motorcycles, one end of the damper mechanism is mounted to the steering yoke, the other to the frame. Steering dampers are available in two forms. Linear dampers resemble a telescoping shock absorber and operate in a similar manner. They can be aligned either longitudinally and to one side of the steering, or transversely across the bike. Rotary dampers resemble small boxes and operate via a rotating pivot. They are mounted coaxially with the steering axis and are typically located on top of the steering head."

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Just throwing this out there...

I'm not going to be the guy who says "don't pin your bike" because I'm not that guy. I like to hit a high speed every once in a while just like any other rider. That said, there is a great place by my house where no cops sit and it is pin straight for 2 miles with no possible oncoming traffic. I usually hit it there on my way home just for a little bit, but I realized there's a flaw in that logic. Unless you are on a major state or national highway they don't put up animal fences. I almost tagged a monstrosity of a groundhog at 110 this afternoon...not a fun experience.

Just a word of caution. Try to make sure the road you hit the throttle on has a good piece of open grass on both sides to see animals coming near.

Have fun and be safe!
Ah, I see...

It's a gear ratio thang.

In that case, I bet a bigger rear sprocket would add a little to the top end...

But then you will lose power down low, where you need it more often, dont know the exact science, but there are threads about this elsewhere in here.