Did my first lane split yesterday


TopEnd.tv Guy
Jun 10, 2008
Reaction score
Madison, AL
Actually, it was something of a forced lane split.

While going down the interstate near where I work, got a nice open patch of road and opened up the throttle. Being that the speed limit is 70, I wasn't going quite twice as fast. Keeping my eyes open to other cars up ahead, I do see a few, and even one abandoned on the side of the road. Nothing to worry about. Except what I didn't fully realize is that the abandoned car wasn't quite abandoned. And it was now moving. And merging into traffic. In front of me. I hit my brakes. Hard. However, at the speed I was going, there was no way that I was going to be able to slow down in time. I couldn't merge right since there was a bridge coming up and there were the standard barriers. I couldn't keep going straight because I would plow into this a$$hat. My only other choice was go merge left. Into the traffic that I'd caught up to. So my only choice was to go between the cars.

All in all, it went rather well and was over before I really knew it. Still, scared the crap out of me though. Unless you're in a state that allows lane splitting (California), you fully don't realize how much room a bike really has to squeeze between two cars. At least I didn't.

Now... just got to go and clean my pants and the sides of my bike where I sh!t everywhere.
So this guy is an a$$hat for not realizing you were traveling 135 mph and pulling out in front of you? lolz. :thumbup:
Actually, it was something of a forced lane split.

One should never be "forced" to split lanes. It's always a choice.

I couldn't keep going straight because I would plow into this a$$hat.

Who's the a$$hat? Oh right, the guy claiming to nearly double the speed limit in a 70 zone, not the guy pulling out onto the road that was probably clear when he looked but had someone coming up at well over 100mph from WAY the hell back there.

So my only choice was to go between the cars.

Your other choice would have been to be riding at a safe speed on a public road.

Seriously, I don't mean to stand a soap box here, but this kind of riding is only safe on a track. I'm not saying we all don't push it a little on public roads, but the only person you can blame for this event is yourself. Totally preventable by riding at a safe speed for the conditions at hand.
Hooray... I've been lectured. Fully noted.

Ok. Fine. Maybe I was a little to rash in calling this person names. And yes, I will fully take all responsibility for the situation based on the speed that I was going. I just saw an opportunity to open it up, so I did. A bad decision? Sure. Was it fun? Absolutely.

In all honesty, I rarely (and I do mean rarely) ever hit the speeds that I did on a public road. I think the last time I did was nearly a year and a half ago. The only reason that I did at this point is that I assessed the situation, deemed that things were ok to do so, and took advantage of the opportunity. Of course, I was quickly put back into my place again. A mistake was made, and it was mine.

I will never, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever do it again. Hooray...
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Hooray... I've been lectured. Fully noted.

Listen, I'm glad you are alright, aside from some dirty drawers.:thumbup: But how do you expect people to react to this story? I know you are a regular on here and I've seen your videos (which are awesome btw), so I know you are aware of how conservative the forum is about riding and squidly behavior.
You are correct and I agree. And I wasn't expecting kudos or anything of the sort. Maybe a laugh or two, a little finger waggling, or someone calling me an idiot (to be expected). I do know that what I did was not the best idea, but I just got a wild hair and hammered on the throttle. We've all done it. Doesn't exactly make it right, but we have.

Again, I do agree that calling the person in the car names wasn't cool (just a knee-jerk reaction) and that everything probably could have been avoided had I been going the speed limit (or close to it). It's just that once everything had passed, my first thought was, "Huh... I just did my first lane spit." :)
You are correct and I agree. And I wasn't expecting kudos or anything of the sort. Maybe a laugh or two, a little finger waggling, or someone calling me an idiot (to be expected). I do know that what I did was not the best idea, but I just got a wild hair and hammered on the throttle. We've all done it. Doesn't exactly make it right, but we have.

Again, I do agree that calling the person in the car names wasn't cool (just a knee-jerk reaction) and that everything probably could have been avoided had I been going the speed limit (or close to it). It's just that once everything had passed, my first thought was, "Huh... I just did my first lane spit." :)

Haha awesome! When I lived in Cali, we did it all the time. Amazing what smaller spaces you can fit a bike. Now that I'm in Boston, it's not exactly legal, but I'll still do it at stop lights. I even had a state patrolman tell me to get going on the highway in heavy heavy traffic.
Haha awesome! When I lived in Cali, we did it all the time. Amazing what smaller spaces you can fit a bike. Now that I'm in Boston, it's not exactly legal, but I'll still do it at stop lights. I even had a state patrolman tell me to get going on the highway in heavy heavy traffic.

Lane splitting in heavy traffic under 15mph should be legal everywhere. It would encourage riding which is just as "green" as carpooling or hybrid cars.
I couldn't get to work on time if I didn't lane-split.

I do it so much, maybe 10 times on the way to/from work, it's just second nature now.

Unless I'm already the first vehicle in line at the lights, I split.

Only ever at the lights, and due to the congestion benefits and the health and safety benefits for the rider not being stuck behind a smoky car or diesel truck, it's legal in all states and territories of Oz.

The only problem with splitting is with those cagers that resent it. They see it as you're cutting in the line of traffic.

Even worse in those places where cagers are stuck in traffic for an hour or so every day (like Brisbane), they resent it so much they're likely to open their door into you in spite!

In Adelaide, on three occasions, thus far, I have pulled up as two cages are too close to each other, and every time, one of the drivers has hardlocked it away from me and driven slightly forward to give me room to pass.

The differences between the two states is astonishing!

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I couldn't get to work on time if I didn't lane-split.

I do it so much, maybe 10 times on the way to/from work, it's just second nature now.

Unless I'm already the first vehicle in line at the lights, I split.

Only ever at the lights, and due to the congestion benefits and the health and safety benefits for the rider not being stuck behind a smoky car or diesel truck, it's legal in all states and territories of Oz.

The only problem with splitting is with those cagers that resent it. They see it as you're cutting in the line of traffic.

Even worse in those places where cagers are stuck in traffic for an hour or so every day (like Brisbane), they resent it so much they're likely to open their door into you in spite!

In Adelaide, on three occasions, thus far, I have pulled up as two cages are too close to each other, and every time, one of the drivers has hardlocked it away from me and driven slightly forward to give me room to pass.

The differences between the two states is astonishing!


I can't even imagine the backlash we would get from jealous cagers in the USA if lane splitting were legal in 50 states!
The only problem with splitting is with those cagers that resent it. They see it as you're cutting in the line of traffic.

And they'd be wrong. All they see is the bike that just passed them. They don't see or think about the bikes already in front of them that already split ahead and are at the next light or already at work. If every one of those bikes were cages, they would be further back in line.
And they'd be wrong. All they see is the bike that just passed them. They don't see or think about the bikes already in front of them that already split ahead and are at the next light or already at work. If every one of those bikes were cages, they would be further back in line.

People are afraid of coming in last. They hate being passed. I can't count the number of times I've passed a slow moving vehicle on a backroad that was going the limit or under and then as soon as I overtake them they speed up to 10 or 15mph above the limit to stay on my tail...until I decide to wave goodbye to them! :Flip:
MisterX, while, as you already acknowledged, you were very unwise to hit that speed under the circumstances, but good for you not panicking at the end. Nice that you kept your head. We've probably all seen motorists who go into a deer-in-headlights mode and end up in a collision that could've been avoided had there not been panic. It's worth it not "relaxing" and instead keep an active, on-going assessment of possible emergency ways out (applies to cagers, too!).

About CA lane splitting, I marvel at how many, no, make that very many cagers almost go out of their way to extend courtesy to lane-splitting riders here. I don't want to "push it," but I think CA drivers are quite understanding about riders lane splitting around here. It's, you might say, an expected cycle manueuver in the state and the vast majority of riders who do it are doing it in a controlled and cautious manner. As if that weren't enough, sometimes even other riders go out of their way to accomodate other lane splitters (such as try to maneuver so as to make space for two bikes lane splitting at a traffic light queue). It's such a refreshing contrast to the espisodes of "road rage" that we sometimes hear/read about in the media.
The only problem with splitting is with those cagers that resent it. They see it as you're cutting in the line of traffic.

Funny we were talking about lane splitting at work the other day and my boss (who is a motorcyclist, albeit a "typical" Harley rider, rides maybe 2k miles a year) stated that if he was in traffic and saw a motorcyclist lane splitting that he would open his car door to prevent it. :confused:

Back to the topic at hand, if I were ever to break the speed limit I would do it with the understanding that motorists are given even less time and space to appropriately maneuver. That being said if I were ever to do such a thing I would not feel as though I could hold a motorist responsible...something about he who is without blame may cast the first stone...or glass houses and showering in the basement...??? IDK
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What has failed to be mentioned (I think? didn't read EVERY word in the thread..) is if the cager had his turn signal on, indicating that he was merging back onto the highway. If he didn't, what he did is illegal too. Not saying speeding isn't, but we all do it, hopefully safely while acknowledging the inherent risks.

So did he have his blinker on? If he didn't, he is indeed an asshat. :Flip:
The problem is that drivers do not have the opportunity to see a rider, who flies 135 mph. Moreover, even if a driver sees you, then definitely he can't estimate your speed. It means, that a driver has no idea how fast you are approaching him. You are a tiny twinkle in a side mirror and nothing more! "Twinkle, twinkle, little star, how I wonder what you are"
You shouldn't be doing 135 on public roads, Sport Bike Track Time is at Barber's this Saturday and Sunday. I do like to see the posts where folks talk about close calls and admit their errors. Makes me stop and think about the situation and what I might have done - I don't run 135 but have done other stupid things from time to time. That said:

Here in Alabama, going 70 in a 70 zone can be very risky behavior. Sunday afternoon was on I459 in the cage and in a pretty short distance was passed by three pickups and a Porsche Turbo. All were running at least 90 with a Ford diesel 4x4 running closer to 100 while weaving thru three lanes of traffic.

Not justifying 135 but it is only about 35 over the flow of traffic sometimes . . .

BTW there were two deaths the other day from a pickup going over the median barrier on the interstate.
Wait? it's legal ? That's news to me :eek:

Queensland Government Motorcycle Safety - Queensland road rules

"you must not lane split irrespective of whether traffic is moving or stationary"

Yes, you are right.

Is IS apparently news to you... :BLAA:

Under the auspices of the National Transport Commission, lane splitting is legal. They tried to remove it, and there was an aproar in Victoria, so the amendment was removed (151b from memory)

Having said that, there are still ways that a picky Police Officer can attempt to cite you. Changing lanes without indicating, coming to a stop across the solid white line (like 99% of cagers do!), driving without due care and attention or reckless driving. (both the last will be impossible to prove at the average lane splitting speed of 5kph!)

If you're not a squid and ride dangerously, lane splitting is perfectly legal in all states and territories of Australia. (read your link again - it is more advisory, rather than a hard and fast rule)

Under the Australian Road Rules, Feb 2012, section 141 states:
A driver (except the rider of a bicycle) must not overtake a vehicle to the left of the vehicle unless:
(a) the driver is driving on a multi-lane road and the vehicle can be safely overtaken in a marked lane to the left of the vehicle; or
(b) the vehicle is turning right, or making a U–turn from the centre of the road, and is giving a right change of direction signal and it is safe to overtake to the left of the vehicle; or
(c) the vehicle is stationary and it is safe to overtake to the left of the vehicle.

Section 151 Riding a motor bike or bicycle alongside more than 1 other rider
(1) The rider of a motor bike or bicycle must not ride on a road that is not a multi-lane road alongside more than 1 other rider, unless subrule (3) applies to the rider.
(2) The rider of a motor bike or bicycle must not ride in a marked lane alongside more than 1 other rider in the marked lane, unless subrule (3) applies to the rider.
(3) The rider of a motor bike or bicycle may ride alongside more than 1 other rider if the rider is:
(a) overtaking the other riders; or
(b) permitted to do so under another law of this jurisdiction.

As you can see, the actual specification of riding alongside another vehicle was withdrawn.

Your call, but I researched this extensively, and even got an email from the S.A. Gubbermint stating it was not illegal - the S.A. Police said that an Officer could, but as shown above, he'd have a hard time proving his allegation unless you were riding like a squid.

Now, please note this applies to lane splitting BETWEEN cagers, passing to the left, off the designated carriageway, IS illegal.

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