Dirt and the black FZ6?


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Apr 19, 2009
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Ok...Credit approved and supposed to be picking up a new FZ6 Monday if I decide 100% thats what I want...

Question is this...How hard is it to keep all the black on the the motor etc clean..Especially the all black FZ6 like the one I'm looking to get??

I'm a little worried that the first time I get out and end up on a piece of wet muddy gravel road or just run through that inevitable muddy spot and then run the bike until its hot, dried and baked on that it will never clean up again..
Great choice in bike and color and if you decide to go with the FZ6, :welcome:.

I've got an '06 (the first year for the black engine and frame) and I can tell you that it's not as hard as you think to keep clean. In fact, I purposely waited for the '06 to come out before I bought it because I'd been told that Yamaha was switching from the silver frame and engine to the black (my concern was the same as yours, only how hard it would be to keep the silver clean as opposed to black).

As someone who would rather ride than clean my bike, I don't wash it all that often. I find that just wetting it down with a hose, using a soft brush on the frame and engine, and then hosing it off again does the trick.
I have an all black FZ6....ride it in all conditions...they get dirty, but it all washes straight off, mine is 30000km's old now, and i can still get it clean enough to look almost new.

As someone who would rather ride than clean my bike, I don't wash it all that often. I find that just wetting it down with a hose, using a soft brush on the frame and engine, and then hosing it off again does the trick.

+ 1...and having fairing lowers fitted (in black, of course) makes it even easier - less fiddly engine bits to clean around.
But you guys DO know that black seems to get more dirty than grey/silver, right? I've had my share of black cars, to put it that way.... With grey, and especially silver, dust and such won't show as much as it usually does on a black background.
I use ACF50 on the engine. makes the black gleam and the dirt just hoses off
Well...I guess I'll find out...I picked up the new 2009 black FZ6 today...I was able to ride about 18 miles...Pretty much lovin it... At first it seems a little buzzy but after about 15 minutes I was settled in, had the power figured out and diggin it... Feels very good, light, electric, cruises with ease yet pretty eager to get up and go when asked to....

Where do you find this ACF50...I'm not a clean freak about my bike yet I do take care and pride in my bikes...
The black frame/motor is the least of your worries, that cleans off no problem. Black paint on the other hand is whole other ball game. Used to have a black car and never will again. Absolutely impossible to keep clean and looking good. You can spend five hours getting it spotless, leave it outside for a couple hours and you'll already see dust show on it. Marks and swirls start showing if you just breath on it as well

For those couple of hours that it is clean after you wash it though, there is nothing better.

My car is beige now btw, I'll wash it maybe twice a year and it always looks great :thumbup:

well as good as a beige car can look :D