Do you critique other riders while you drive?

Do you Critique other riders while you drive?

  • Yes, I critique how he or she rides.

    Votes: 38 70.4%
  • No, I don't care or pay any attention how he or she rides.

    Votes: 3 5.6%
  • No, I'm too busy checking out the bike.

    Votes: 13 24.1%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I find myself giving positive or constructive criticism to other riders while I drive. It’s not surprising that I criticize other DRIVERS more than RIDERS. Driving too slow, cutting one off, signaling left and turning right and vice versa, talking on the phone and going over the lane dividers, the list goes on and on. I find myself criticizing other drivers more while riding my bike as well.

Few days ago riding 2 up we ran in to bad traffic on the freeway where speed limit was 65 MPH. Cars were going about 20 MPH, so naturally I attempted to split lanes when some punk in a honda civic would turn right every time I attempted to pass him on that side. I noticed his passenger's reflection in the mirror just grinning stupidly like it was a game or something. Anyway people are can be flippin A-holes; when it comes to road etiquette there seems to be none at times. I ended up moving 3 lanes over to the right and passing everyone including Mr. and Ms. Bonehead.

Damn I needed to get that off of my chest... Wheeeef!

But i spend the majority of the time watching my own butt, it's scary out there, especially in grid lock, cagers love to jump out of lanes, with no indicator, from a standstill, to get to the front of the shorter line in the lane next to them.



No comments on our ride so does that mean I did well or you just didn't speak up? come on... I can take it! :D

I always watch others and silently critique them. I do this mostly to view what I see as a bad habit/choice and make a mental note to myself to not repeat what THAT guy did!


Exacty! Someone quoted "Live and Learn", If riders allow me the opportunity, I'll try to live and learn at others people expense. Thats why I'll critique how they ride, including their line choice while I'll watch as a cager.
Today on the way to work, I ended up following a rider who on a Kawasaki Ninja, not sure what cc but it had dual undertail exhaust like the R1. Anyway, I could tell he was a new rider. His license plate was a high number, which indicated a recenty registered bike(here in LV, you keep your plate) but the guy could had multiple bikes which could explain the high plate number. But he was dragging both feet everytime as we came to a stop at a redlight. He had no gloves, jacket or pants, wearing tennis shoes. We were on one of the rare surface streets in town where there were only two lanes in each direction, here in Vegas, most of the major surface street has 3 lanes in each direction, with a refuge lane in the middle for left turns for a total of seven lanes. Anyway, with no traffic in front of us, he was riding in the right line of the right lane. Horrible choice. He was leaving himself very vulnerable for somebody to pull out in front of him out of some sidestreet or a business. From the driver's point of view who is pulling out onto the street, his or her angle of view for a motorcyclist is greater if you are riding farther from the side that the car is pulling out. It helps me to understand why so many bikes get hit from vehicles pulling out in front of them. Take it the rider ended up taking a right turn, but that was a couple of miles down the road. Then his line on the turn was absolutely pathetic.
Most of the time I'm looking at the bike and gear or lack of gear. There are only a few times that I'll notice the rider's action. Usually when they are riding like an idiot. I watched a guy buzz by me, and weave in and out of lanes with out giving much space to the car they are passing. Basically they were cutting them off. I shook my head and knew that I couldn't think about driving that way. I have looked at the space in between lanes before in traffic stops, wondering what it'd be like to be 'one of those guys'.

I feel I live in one of the better states to drive in. The reason I say that is because I've lived in other places that was ranked number 2 as worse driving conditions in the country. I couldn't imagine what it'd be like to drive in CA or some of the other places while on a bike.

Nah, I'm too focused on my own ride situation to bother watching or criticizing someone else.

If they're an inconsiderate or sloppy rider then I figure that natural selection will do its thing probably sooner rather than later. I try not to make a habit of wishing bad things on other folks. Instead, I would just hope they'll maybe have a close call when they're riding by themselves and get a clue...

Though there was this guy... ;o)

How does that sticker read, "Stupidity should be painful"?