Do you have a bug out bag?

one thing i find amusing is that everyone seems to have axes or hatchets or machetes, but no means to keep these instruments sharp. please go buy a metal file and keep in mind it is designed to only go one way, don't backdrag the file :thumbup:
Well I also have 1, but right now mine is backpack sized. I keep 2 knives, a sharpener, some emergency electorlyte packs, empty water bottle, and depending on what abode im at (school or home) 200 rounds of 9mm, a Beretta PX4 Storm pistol(9mm) as much 12ga ammo as I can grab 2 hatchets and 1 folding saw. On top of that I have been collecting many different survival books just in case. The books may sound silly, especially as I have been raised in the woods, but you can get good medical and wild food information from these books. I know that realistically nothing will happen, but it doesn't hurt anything to be prepared.

Im the same, i really honestly doubt anything will happen, but I don't plan on getting sick or injured either and I still pay my health insurance every month. If nothing else I finally got all my hunting and camping stuff organized, I've been looking for a excuse to do that for years lol. But I've always wanted to get more info on wild edibles and stuff just never have, that's a really good idea actually
I have two, one for myself and one for my fiancé. Stocked with 500 rds of .45, 500 rds of 40 (Including Hornaday Zombie rounds). Two boxes of MREs. I'm ready to roll.
I have two, one for myself and one for my fiancé........

I started to read this after the last post about Vegemite in the fridge, and I thought WOW, thats dedication to an Aussie Icon and that you must have lived here to acquire a taste for it to have one for you and your fiance.
I havent been able to eat vegemite( gluten intolerance) for about 3 years now and I miss it so much, most aussies will pity and feel sorry for me as this IS something that would/should go into a bug out bag.

and it is sorta like, well if I need to run I will when the time comes.

It reminds me of a tale my uncle told me about an army troops parade after the 2nd WW

The Poms were all lined up in formation and the yanks were looking real spiffy and polished up but all the aussies were lounging around , playing two up and and generally looking like a bunch of rabble.

Until the call to march. Thats when they all, to a man, got into formation and marched in absolute perfection with so much pride, that you would not have thought them the same fellas.

Just a bit of that WTF mentality.... when we have to,.....we perform. and thats how my uncle said the aussies were on the battle front too.

Now you can all tell me to STFU and go back to dreaming about vegemite... thanks for reading it all
And just to add to the conversation about preparations for the end of times.

As I live in Oz, I have exactly nothing packed, or ready for when the world ends.

We'll just sit back and watch you all destroy yourselves!

Our dollar is worth more, we have lower unemployment, we have MUCH lower crime, have a higher percentage of home owners per capita etc.

And to think some Americans STILL look down upon us as a backward country that is beneath them!



P.S. Possibly some of this is because we're not allowed to be armed anyway! (and despite the gun-lobby saying we'd be more in danger once we were disarmed, the evidence would show otherwise)

First of all, what is Oz? Yes, I am a terribly uninformed American, but in Sweden I thought everyone has a gun, and their crime rate is really low, right? please educate
As a long time backpacker I figure I have much of what I need at the ready. Though, I seriously don't expect to have that need.

I don't have guns/ammo with that kit because that crap is just too heavy and I almost never get killed dead in the woods. My first aid kit protects me from all of the real dangers out there anyway.

(btw - that's OZ-stralia... get it?)
Let's see what I have in my bag right now....


How do they make the pork Cholesterol free, can't be good for you?

They just use the oink! :BLAA:
First rule of marketing is "Don't tell the truth"
So all this talk about the end of times is near and what not has got me thinking a lot lately, first let me say I seriously doubt anything will happen, but there are a lot of people who do and I think if anything happens it will be just from people going crazy rioting in the streets and chaos might follow. So in the .0001% chance that something does happen I have made the decision that I will "bug out" rather than "bug in" I've started preparing a bug out bag that i can throw in the truck with my bike on the back and head for the hills. The bag that I have started to prepare is larger than most at about 4 1/2ft tall and 36" in diameter. I don't plan on stuffing it to the gills but I chose this bag because for one it's fairly water proof, very durable and has a huge capacity. So far this is what I have prepared to go in it and things I intend to put in it. The things I already have will be *

*1000rds 9mm 124gr NATO fmj ammo
*200rds 00 buck shot 20ga
*300rds rifled slug 20ga
*300rds .243 ammo
*About 500 waterproof matches in water tight containers
*30 coleman fire starters
*1 magnesium fire starter
*1 hammer/pry bar/entry tool
*1 leatherman multi tool
*1 small tool set I put together including; 2 pairs channel locks, 2 crescent wrenches, 1 10 in 1 screw driver, 1 Allen pack metric/standard, pair of dikes, pair of needle nose
*1 hatchet
1 kukri (I've always called them banana knifes)
*1 survival knife with assorted supplies in the handle w/compass
*1 ka-bar
*1 folding saw
*4 wire saw
*1 small hack saw w/blades
1 self filtering water bottle
About 100 water purifying tablets
*500' of 50lb Fishing line
*Small fishing tackle set
*5big rolls of duct tape
*small cooking set with camp stove, propane, seasonings, small pan, small pot, and fuel tablets
About 20 power bars
2 large bottles of centrum performance multivitamin
Assorted MRE's
* easily compacted mummy sleeping bag rated down to 10*f
*2 survival blankets
4 mini mag lights
10 big packs of AAs
I want to find some easy way to pack about 5 gal of water, I'm thinking about some camel back inserts
I also want to find a good high quality hand pump that is fairly small so I can siphon gas if i need to

I'm sure there will be some other things I think of along the way, or things I might take out that I don't think are necessary. But like I originally said I seriously doubt ANYTHING will happen but in the event that something does I don't want to get caught with my pants down. So do any of y'all have any sort of plans of bugging out, bugging in? Made any preparations? Plan on making any preparations? Think it's all just a big joke?

I searched the entire thread before posting this but uh.... paranoid much? WTF are you expecting? The only food I recognised in this list (I think) was power bars.

Yeah, I think it is all a big joke.
I'm not expecting anything, but it the .00000001% chance that some sort of catastrophe happens wether it be tomorrow or 50 years from now or even never, I'd like to think I'm prepared to handle everything. I don't plan on my teeth rotting out, or my eyes getting messed up but I still pay for dental and eye insurance, I don't plan on someone breaking into my house but I still lock the door, I could keep going on but basically I just think of it as a "insurance" plan. I'm not paranoid or scared of anything, I had most of that stuff just laying around and figured it would be a good idea to put it all together, in the rare chance that I might find myself in a situation that I need to get out and get out quick.