Do you Lane Split

Do you Lane Split (Filter to the front of traffic)

  • Always

    Votes: 91 22.6%
  • Sometimes

    Votes: 96 23.9%
  • Rarely

    Votes: 66 16.4%
  • Never

    Votes: 149 37.1%

  • Total voters
Lane splitting is illegal in Texas..

I believe there was some considered legislation to make it legal, but I believe it never made it out of committee. Even if it was legal here in Texas, I doubt if I would do it. Texas drivers have a tendency to be very aggressive! In the Dallas-Fort Worth area, someone using their turn signal is considered a sign of weakness by the other drivers!!
I have noticed something though. I used to ride a cruiser (V-Star 1100) and found that cage drivers, for the most part, seemed to tolerate my presence on the road. Since riding the FZ6, I have found that cage drivers are (in general) much more unfriendly to me. I ride my FZ6 basically the same way I drove my cruiser. I'm just seeing a different attitude towards "sport" bikes. I am guessing it is because of the few who blow by them on the freeways and pop wheelies. Don't know, but there is definitely a different attitude towards the different styles of bikes.:don'tknow: :(
I have noticed something though. I used to ride a cruiser (V-Star 1100) and found that cage drivers, for the most part, seemed to tolerate my presence on the road. Since riding the FZ6, I have found that cage drivers are (in general) much more unfriendly to me. I ride my FZ6 basically the same way I drove my cruiser. I'm just seeing a different attitude towards "sport" bikes. I am guessing it is because of the few who blow by them on the freeways and pop wheelies. Don't know, but there is definitely a different attitude towards the different styles of bikes.:don'tknow: :(

That can be put down to human nature, - seeing the cruiser, - the cagers think "Poor bastard, - I pity you" and lets you by, - but seeing the Fiz, - the cagers think "Lucky SOB!!!,- I Wanted one of those instead of this "room-for-seven-kids-with-toys-and-friends-cage", - No way that SOB is getting by me!"
That can be put down to human nature, - seeing the cruiser, - the cagers think "Poor bastard, - I pity you" and lets you by, - but seeing the Fiz, - the cagers think "Lucky SOB!!!,- I Wanted one of those instead of this "room-for-seven-kids-with-toys-and-friends-cage", - No way that SOB is getting by me!"

LOL, I didn't think of it that way! :thumbup:
I actually do the polar opposite. I'll occupy and assert my spot in the lane. Had one guy almost run me over in his unnecessarily large truck. I almost punched his window I was so angry.

I guess I just can't afford the ticket...

I don't need to lane split. Blasting up to the next light won't get me to work faster. Now in grid lock on a bike that's running to hot I might do it to keep it cool. But day to day its not needed. I have enough people trying to run me over without pissing them off.
I've never tried it. I've thought about it at times when the roads are under construction. I have passed up the traffic who has already taken the right lane when they know it's merging from two into one. I don't mind waiting in 5 to 10 mph traffic because I've lived in cities that have worse traffic where I feel like if I got out of the car and walked I would have reached the destination faster.

Traffic in Michigan isn't that bad, unless it's construction season, then it's just as fun to find routes around it.
I guess the closest I have come to lane splitting is several times where a cage is in the right lane at a red light waiting to go straight, the cars wanting to turn right can't because he didn't leave enough room, so I slip to the right of everyone (if enough room), pull up to the light (right on red), and turn right, because I fit and they don't. I know that was a "run-on" sentence, but I think you understand what I'm trying to describe. They are all stuck behind each other and can't move to block me even if they wanted to, but I watch them closely anyway!
When i was in cali, I Lane split ALL the time. Every light. If i knew it was going to turn green before i got to the front, id budge in a lane. I Hit my mirrror against cagers twice. Traffic Rocks on a cycle!

Couldnt get enough of it.
I do it occassionally when its safer that way.

Everything I do on a bike is filtered (pun!) through the fly screen of safety. When I'm stopped at the lights without at least 2 cars behind me, I constantly watch the mirrors for the 2 tons of metal hurtling towards me. If I can get in front of the line up at the lights, I do it so that I don't HAVE to worry about the metal avalanche.

If the traffic is stopped, I'm ALWAYS going to look for the opportunity to filter. All it takes is one foot slipping off the clutch in the cage behind me and I'm squished.

When I'm coming to a stop behind a car and its not feasible to scoot around, I always make sure I'm pointing at a gap regardless.

Mind you, as some have said here, why would I sit in traffic? Why WOULD I???? WHY WOULD I? If its safe to do so, why would I want to sit there when there's a better, safer option.

Having said that I don't do it at all in moving traffic. Once the traffic starts moving, I'm back over immediately. If the lights are probably going green before I'll get there, I don't bother.

Its all about safety.

Have had several angry young men (why is it never women) saying all sorts of unflattering things to me as I slip past them in their cages. My usual response is to wave lazily at them if I get the chance. Wouldn't want their blood pressure to fall too far would I. Usually people are fine with it and even move outta the way. I think this has a lot to do with the fact that I'm only going about 20kph and only when everyone's stopped. I'm hardly flying past them at 80 giving them the bare-bum salute...
I usually lane split and filter ahead of all the traffic at lights. When traffic is stopped on the freeway I usually ride on the shoulder about 30mph.

There are a lot of angry people out there though. I had one guy try to throw things out his window at me. Another one got as close as he could and threatened me. I try not to look at anybody and not to say anything back.

I do not see anything wrong with going in front of the cars that would be going slower than me.


So from what I read it seems thats It's legal in California only in the states, the UK its not prohibited?, and In Aussie you have to stay in your own lane?
I want to know how you guys feel about lane splitting.

hahaha... i've had that happen. I honestly do not get it. Somehow, the fact that you have the ability to get home faster and cut through traffic affects them so much that they must be arseholes.
Only on or around the Las Vegas Strip. Traffic is always jammed up from all of the toursit gawking at all of the sights.

This would have turned into a 15-20 minute video if I didn't split traffic, as a result, it's only 4 minutes.

[ame=]YouTube - Las Vegas Strip Go Pro[/ame]
It *is* legal in the UK except we call it filtering. Until recently it was a bit of a legal grey area but now Rule 88 of the revised 2007 edition of the Highway code includes:

"Additionally, when filtering in slow-moving traffic, take care and keep your speed low."

Nonetheless, this month's Motorcycle News magazine has a bit about a biker who got an ASBO for filtering (Antisocial Behaviour Order - a sort of catch-all conviction we've had over here for the last few years).

Personally I do it on single carriageway roads only when the traffic has stopped and on motorways only when the traffic is travelling at less than 10mph. If it is going any faster than that then the cars start trying to switch lane in a (usually fruitless) attempt to go faster. Plenty of people braver than me dive between traffic going a lot faster than that though - I suppose to some bikers all traffic could be defined as "slow moving"!
Not legal here in BC as well (or anywhere in Canada from what I know).

When traffic is stopped on the freeway I usually ride on the shoulder about 30mph.

For those who feel that riding on the shoulder is a good idea, it's not. From what I know and speaking with others, it is NEVER legal to ride on the shoulder/service lane!! Period. Regardless if lane splitting is legal or not. I don't know of any place where one can legally ride on the shoulder. The shoulder is for emergencies and break downs/service ONLY!! The shoulder is not a 3rd lane! Not to mention the amount of crap and debris that litters the shoulder. Perfect place to get a puncture.

Heck I ride and it pisses me off seeing motorcyclists riding on the shoulder for no other reason than just being impatient and have thought about blocking them with the car at times. Just becasue you can do something, dosen't mean you should.

My bother in law in the UK rides (where lane splitting is legal) and he says that its one huge advantage to owning/riding a motorcycle and is puzzled as to why it's not legal in Canada. I agree, but trying to add in a new traffic law would be more than 90% of the motorists out there could comprehend....
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I split some when traffic on the freeway drops around 20mph or slower, but it's not illegal in CA, just not specifically legal. :thumbup:

On the rare occasion I will split town if there's a long line at a light, or I'm sitting behind a car that is billowing oil or smoke at me.
I happily filter and the law in the UK, whilst not clearly saying yes it's legal, does provide guidance in the highway code for filtering. Rules for motorcyclists (83-88) : Directgov - Travel and transport

Strangely enough the Highway Code is not law but just an approved code practice and you cannot be failed on your driving/riding test for getting highway code questions wrong. You can however be prosecuted for not obeying it in certain circumstances. (We like to keep things nice and clear over here.:D).

We recently had a case in the motocrycle press about a guy who had his bike confiscated for filtering... Bike confiscated for filtering - | Motorcycle News | Bike News | Motorbike Videos | MCN Although given the reputation that motorcyclenews has for fair unbiased reporting (not) I would like to know the full details of the story and not just the view of the rider before forming my own judgement.

And yes I filter every chance it gives me to make progress.
All the time. As has been said before, it was a grey area in the UK until recently. At lights, in traffic, on the motorway when cars are moving less then 50mph.
I did it all the time when I lived back home in London. Only clipped one wing mirror the whole time, but put it back where it was, waved sorry to the woman and rode off. It was the only way to get around central London efficiently. Walking was the other option. 45 minutes to an hour if I took the bus to school, or about 25 minutes if I walked. I usually walked... at least until I was old enough to ride.
Here it just doesn't seem to be the thing to do. Although not many bikes here, lots of pickups, SUVs and Subarus (two of those many Suby's I own!). We also don't get enough volume of traffic to bother, I'm sure its also not strictly legal either.
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I got caught out and ended up going through London coming back from France on Saturday what a mistake, the drivers there are absolute lunatics!
I got caught out and ended up going through London coming back from France on Saturday what a mistake, the drivers there are absolute lunatics!

You also have to be somewhat of a lunatic when driving through The Smoke.:Sport: Any big city I've been to, whether it be New York, Denver, Paris, Rome, Sydney, Bangkok (not rich, just well travelled after school) people drive like complete... well you said it, lunatics.
Heck I ride and it pisses me off seeing motorcyclists riding on the shoulder for no other reason than just being impatient and have thought about blocking them with the car at times.

Scary man...some people get upset so easily.

I don't see how riding on the shoulder during a traffic jam would pose a threat to anyone else (I wouldn't do it 99% of the time b/c of the puncture and ticket issues).

Blocking a bike that was doing it with your, I don't know what to say about that. Blows my mind.
Blocking a bike that was doing it with your, I don't know what to say about that. Blows my mind.

I gave up riding past the traffic jam when leaving work because of this. We have a really wide road, everyone stays in the middle so they don't get passed, (no lines marked but wide enough for 2 cars). I was going past them, and on 2 occasions, guys pulled out to the curb, just to stop me getting past.

I just sit behind now.
