Do you Lane Split

Do you Lane Split (Filter to the front of traffic)

  • Always

    Votes: 91 22.6%
  • Sometimes

    Votes: 96 23.9%
  • Rarely

    Votes: 66 16.4%
  • Never

    Votes: 149 37.1%

  • Total voters
LOL! INSANE! What did he do to cause that!

I had a P Plater in a car (learner driver) try and lane split me today, I was on the far right hand side of the left hand lane near the line trying to decide whether the truck in the right hand lane with its hazard lights on was going to move too far forward for me to move up the left hand lane and get past (parked cars further up) when this driver literally drives right up alongside me and then starts to move across towards the truck with me inbetween him and it.
I'm not sure what he thought, maybe because its two lanes but there are no marks he assumed I was in the same lane as the truck, despite not being behind it but either way wasn't very fun.
Someone should probably have told him that sharing a lane with a motorcycle when its the car pushing in is -NOT- smart.
Thanks for the video..

Yeah, The basic rule of thumb is no more that 15 MPH faster than the traffic and if a LEO feels that you're doing it unsafely or from the wrong lane you will get pulled over....You could have also used the car pool lane. Here in Ca. bikes are also allowed to use the car pool lanes and don't require 2 people or a sticker pass.

and also toll-free on Caltrans managed bridges (SF Bay Bridge, etc.) during car pool hours!
I bet Brad Pitt wishes he didn't do it ,lol

YouTube - Brad Pitt motorcycle's accident

OMG--I also saw that last night on TV Show "TMZ" and whiffed at that accident. I sympathize with Brad Pitt trying to make a break from the Papparazzi but, geeez, do us all a favor and get some more time just "normal" riding---you really look like a noobie. And, that's not even lane splitting---that's reckless sqeezing between parked cars on the right and traffic. That is some really poor riding skill!
Has to be done sometimes, but at a low speed and with a degree of caution.
Here in the Northern U.K. the cops dont like it, and as a consequence I've had a few bollockings but never been booked for it.
I don't lane split, for the simple reason that I'm uncomfortable with it. Did it once at a backed up intersection instead of waiting 30 mins, and scared myself quite a bit. The lanes here are a bit too narrow and make it hard.
I wouldn't do it because cagers are stupid. Most don't even know what the traffic laws are. How would they know about a m/c exemption? Example: Guy ran a yield sign and nailed me. Told the cop he did yield. Couldn't explain how he hit me if he had yielded.

Yesterday, a women changed lanes under a traffic light forcing me into the shoulder, dropped in behind her and she flipped me off.

These people don't seem to know or care that their actions could result in the loss of life. I don't think they would hesitate to smack into a bike they thought was trying to get in front of them.
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I usually lane split and filter ahead of all the traffic at lights. When traffic is stopped on the freeway I usually ride on the shoulder about 30mph.

There are a lot of angry people out there though. I had one guy try to throw things out his window at me. Another one got as close as he could and threatened me. I try not to look at anybody and not to say anything back.

I do not see anything wrong with going in front of the cars that would be going slower than me.


So from what I read it seems thats It's legal in California only in the states, the UK its not prohibited?, and In Aussie you have to stay in your own lane?
I want to know how you guys feel about lane splitting.

I am with Luiz here. I do the same. ONLY do it at light where the cars are stopped and even then i NEVER exceed 30kmh or so as I am very aware that in the city stupid pedestrians will often jaywalk through traffic that has stopped.
I am also very weary of other lane splitters coming up from behind, and ALWAYS check mirrors before pulling out.
I think the biggest danger is Scooter riders who do this, as almost NONE of them check before splitting lanes.

Oh yeh, and ive even split past a few cops and to date i havent been pulled up. (needless to say i did so very gingerely)

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In California, it's pretty much standard to lane split. Once in a while, you will see a bike just sitting w/o moving in stand still traffic while another efficiently filters through the mess. But, that doesn't happen too often (at least around here). Once in awhile, I won't split lanes either because I just feel too lazy or there are only a few vehicles or something else. Often, after moving up the queue at a light and stopping in front at the limit line between two cages, one sees another rider on the opposite side who has done exactly the same thing. Go to Italy or some other country and it's "OMG!" Some countries---they even split sidewalks. But, it all works out and drivers are totally accustomed to bikes splitting lanes everywhere on busy city streets. These are often rather sophisticated countries where, say, one is mature enough at 16 years old to buy liquor and probably knows more about the USA than its own citizens.
i have actually been pulled by police for not filtering through traffic

i sat behind a police car in slow traffic for a while when his passenger waved me in to the hard shoulder (breakdown lane) and asked why i didnt want to pass him..i actually had a licence plate the size of a postage stamp and didnt want to be pulled over ironically..all he did was check my tax disk and that was it
For the rest of us riders who are not in California, where splitting is allowed under certain conditions. If it comes down to splitting versus riding on the shoulder when traffic has stopped or slowed, you would probably be able to get away splitting traffic rather than riding along the shoulder if you came across a cop. Strictly my opinion.
You know it's funny, you can sit at a light, your the first one at the light, and a car that wants to turn right will pull up next to you and turn. This bugs me, like who gives them the right!!!
To date the poll says 141 never split. Didn't realise we had so many Can Am Spyder riders on here.

its sort of a grey area with regards to lane splitting here. the traffic police do it themselves.
i lane split only when i feel comfortable with it, ie
-when the gaps are big enough
-cars are moving slow (about 60-70km/h on expressway) i would be travelling no more than 15km/h faster than them
-no lane splitting between 2 big/heavy vehicles
-at traffic light junctions, i avoid lane splitting unless its a clear path all the way to the front.
- normal 2 lane roads, i avoid lane splitting.
I always lane split, but only when the traffic is stationary. Except of course when i take the wifes FZ6 to work. I also only ride her bike at the speed limit and never take it over 4000 rpm because that would be wrong. ;)
Every day to work, there's always a big traffic I lane split for 3 km, looking at angry car drivers as i continue my way while they have to wait for 15 minutes to drive 100 meters...:rant: