Dumped on the highway at rush hour


Jun 6, 2008
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Arlington, MA
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Doing about 50 in heavy rush-hour traffic on 128SB in MA just north of Rt 2. A small black sedan (BMW perhaps?) quickly changes lanes right in front of me. I slam on the brakes and lose control of the bike. Everyone ELSE stops, but not the black sedan. No injuries (except to pride and a bruise on my hip). As far as I know, nobody saw a plate number, and by the time I was back on my bike, he was long gone (though, I did consider a chase, but there's no way I would have known if I found the right car)

Bike did well, the front fairing is scraped, the crankcase cover is scraped. Minor scrapes on the blinker and mirror. Everything still mechanically fine, and I was able to ride home. In case anyone was curious, the Motovation sliders work great, but they do nothing to protect the crankcase cover.


Luckily, it looks like the part of the fairing that got scraped can be replaced for MUCH less than it would cost to replace the entire front fairing. That's one option.

My other option. What if I were to clean up the scrapes and give that piece a good coating of black? Here's a mock-up of what it would look like if I did that to both sides:


If I screw it up on the one side, I'm still only out that one piece that I was going to have to replace anyway. Thoughts?
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IF you need to use any filler putty, I recommend Flexible Body Filler. I believe it's a bondo product.

Regular Bondo is very hard, and since your fairing does flex, it won't last as well. I've used the flexible stuff in the past with great results.

Good thought on trying to fix it cheap. May come out looking awesome.. You can't lose by trying.

How fast were you going when you went down? Were cars close behind you when it happened? Did you crap your shorts?

Looks like you're a gear believer :thumbup:
Thankfully you are okay! The bike fared very well too (no pun intended :)) It is unfortunate that the car didn't bother to stop. Some people are so wrapped up in themselves they forget there are others in the world. Also so many people are never held accountable for anything so they possibly had no idea they were responsible for your spill.

Sorry you had/have to go thru this, and hope your hip heals up okay.

Good thought on trying to fix it cheap. May come out looking awesome.. You can't lose by trying.

That's what I'm hoping. I can always primer that one side and see how it looks, and if it sucks, I'll find some red or just replace it. The only chance for fail is if the damaged one comes out fine and the OTHER side looks like crap, and then I have to replace both of them.

How fast were you going when you went down? Were cars close behind you when it happened? Did you crap your shorts?

Not sure how much I slowed when I hit. It was heavy traffic, but going at least 50. I remember wobbling for quite awhile before I actually went down. If I'd been thinking clearly, I could have let off on the brakes and probably been fine (the car that cut me off wasn't THAT close). I was strangely calm and clear headed during it. I accepted that I was going to fall and concentrated on not hitting any cars when I did it.

Looks like you're a gear believer :thumbup:

For sure! The look on the other cars faces was priceless when they saw me get up without a scratch on me. I think I will invest in some better hip armour for my pants, though. The foam they came with did almost nothing, as far as I can tell. The jacket did AMAZINGLY - I'm sore, but undamaged. Hands are fine, of course, and my helmet didn't even hit anything.
Glad your OK man. People actually stopped on 128!! I hate that road with all the passion one can have.
Glad to hear you'll live to ride another day. Fizzer took it pretty well too all things considered.

Depending on how deep those scratches are you might be able to just sand them out and not worry about filler putty. If any plastics are cracked or tabs broken you can melt them together with a soldering iron pretty easily and effectively.

Color-rite offers well matched factory color if you want to repaint it red. It's a bit pricey though.. at least for the '06 red, it's 2 colors. A base and top coat thing. Dunno bout the 07+. I bought a touchup kit from them and it works the color matches, but it uses a pin kinda thing which can leave streaks. It's only good for very minor scratches. I bought som spray cans for bigger jobs.. course if you go gloss black then you can pick it up on the cheap at any store just bout. G'luck on the repairs :thumbup:
Glad you're ok mate. Sorry to hear about you're bike. Idiot's probably still blissfully unaware that he's wrecked someones day like that. If only they'd turn their head. The red and black does look pretty good. Be worth a try.
That piece is called Mole 2, part number 4S8-28345-00-P3 on Ron Ayers. It is $50.52 and if you order from the 2008 FZ6 Microfiche, you will get them in the factory black. :D

Mole 1 is the other side if you want the matched set. They both have the same part number so make sure you order Mole 1 & 2.

Glad you're OK! 128 is a b1tch! Is there another route for you to take home? I avoid that highway like the plague!
Also, the crankcase cover is $47.47 and the gasket is $4.37.

Cheap fix for ya! Good as new with a different look afterward!
Also, the crankcase cover is $47.47 and the gasket is $4.37.

Cheap fix for ya! Good as new with a different look afterward!

Is that an easy replacement? I'm generally wary of opening anything that is going to leak oil when I do (except filters, but those are supposed to come off)
Nice Photo-Chop by the way. I can't even tell that that's not real.

Are your forks actually black? I like that..
May be mod time for me!
That sucks man, but glad you are ok! 128 sucks big time. I started working in Burlington in 1988 coming from the North Shore. In the first two weeks traveling 128 I got rear ended twice (I was in a cage). Nothing gets the pulse racing like going around a blind bend at 80mph in wall to wall traffic only to have traffic stopped dead in front of you!

Take care and be safe!

That piece is called Mole 2, part number 4S8-28345-00-P3 on Ron Ayers. It is $50.52 and if you order from the 2008 FZ6 Microfiche, you will get them in the factory black. :D

Mole 1 is the other side if you want the matched set. They both have the same part number so make sure you order Mole 1 & 2.

I think if I end up ordering the fairing, I'd just get it in the same color rather than going to black and needing to buy both. Going with black was just to save $50 and future-proof the bike (since I know that is a contact point, I can always re-touch it up).
Is that an easy replacement? I'm generally wary of opening anything that is going to leak oil when I do (except filters, but those are supposed to come off)

You'll want to drain the oil so it would be best to do the swap on an actual oil change. The key with the engine covers is proper torque because these little bolts and aluminum threads are easily stripped. There's not a lot in the way for removal so it's relatively easy. I just have to stress proper torque over and over... :D

Until the oil change, you can leave the scuffed cover on as is. You can take a Sharpie and color it in if you don't want it so noticeable until you swap. ;)

Do you have a torque wrench? If not, Walmart has one for cheap dollar as well as Harbor Freight.

You can do it! Patience and torque... :D
Nice Photo-Chop by the way. I can't even tell that that's not real.
Are your forks actually black? I like that..
May be mod time for me!

I hope the actual paintjob comes out even close to as good as the photoshop did! I think I am pretty convinced on this idea, but I am still deciding if I want to go with flat black or gloss black. Yeah, the forks are black, it does look pretty nice that way.

Do you have a torque wrench? If not, Walmart has one for cheap dollar as well as Harbor Freight. You can do it! Patience and torque...

Yeah, I have a torque wrench. Good suggestion on doing it at the same time as an oil change. I guess that means I should do my own oil change, then! I'm probably due for one before I put it away for the winter, anyway.
I hope the actual paintjob comes out even close to as good as the photoshop did! I think I am pretty convinced on this idea, but I am still deciding if I want to go with flat black or gloss black. Yeah, the forks are black, it does look pretty nice that way.

Yeah, I have a torque wrench. Good suggestion on doing it at the same time as an oil change. I guess that means I should do my own oil change, then! I'm probably due for one before I put it away for the winter, anyway.

Look for a matte black to match the frame and forks. ;)