F the Police!!!!



I swear, I'm getting so sick of being harassed by the frickin fuzz!!! Today they were at it again. after getting my ticket, I've become a model citizen on the road. so I'm riding home today at the legal speed limit, I'm getting passed by all kinds of cages, I see a sheriff oncoming and watch him slam on the brakes and flip a U-turn. I glance down at my speedo and I'm doing an indicated 68mph (my speedo is 6mph optimistic) there is a cager that just passed me at approx 75+ mph and who does Johnny Law come and mess with?
this prick gets right on my tail and stays there for 7 miles. I signal and change lanes into the left lane (seeing how I was in the right lane) preparing to make my left off the expressway. this idiot swings right in behind me and follows me off the expressway at about 5 feet from my tail. I stop at the stop sign, doing an exaggerated foot down, look left, look right, look left again, stop and proceed to make a left and putt down the street at 27mph as the posted limit there is 25mph. I signal my intension to turn right about 100 ft from the intersection and make my turn. the cop stops in the middle of the intersection for a second then turns right and gets right back on my tail. I made it obvious I was looking in my mirror and just shook my head. he followed me tell I turned onto my street before he flipped a u-turn and took off. I don't know what the hell is going on but it's really starting to piss me off!!!:rant:
honestly u know what i would have done if he was on my arse like that:

pull over. wait till he comes to talk to you. politely ask him for his badge number and inform him you will be filing a complaint and you intend to follow up on it with his superiors. tell him that you are sure it wont go on his permanent record, but it will hopefully deter him from endangering the life of a motorcyclist int he future. a mere touch on your rear tire could conceivably have sent you into oncoming traffic.

he'll give you lip, but at the end of the day, you have stressed him out with an ongoing headache. he will think twice about being a jerk for no reason. if ur not breaking any law you should press it to the max. you are in the right.
Think twice about that. I have a PA State Trooper friend. They don't take kindly to being provoked. They might of had a report of a stolen bike like yours and he was running the plates... Besides, last thing I would do is piss off a cop. Better off venting here then getting another ticket for something stupid.;)

You do run an R1. It is a high profile bike. Everyone knows their fast. Everyone knows the owners run em' too.

Advice to live by:thumbup:
Similar thing happened to me about a month ago...the first day out on my new 08 FZ6. Was riding home from the N. GA mountains and the car behind turned and the car behind him/her got right on my butt...I held my speed but was getting pissed. Right before we came up to the cop the prick turned, but I was right around the speed limit. Just a bit down the road I looked in my mirror and the cop was behind me. I stayed around the speed limit and he followed me for about 3 - 4 miles and then turned. Real tough guy!!!
maybe so, can't be the color my FZ6 was the same and I never got the buessniess on that, must be the bike. frickin jealous little oinkers!
I don't blame em'. You have one sweet ride. I'd pull ya over just to have a look see.:D

if that was the only reason I'd be happy!!!

needless to say I've decided the R1 is staying completely stock, big ol honking fender and all. no need to add a fix it ticket.
Hey now.....Im a cop.......

Just Kidding!!!!!!! Id say pull over and talk to him like you said you were gonna do. Maybe ask him if he rides, or ever thought about getting a bike.
JSW4178 made a good point.......bike could have been reported stolen and was just running your plates. On behalf of all the owners who have had their bikes stolen, I'm sure you would want every cop to do that.

Next time, just pull over into a convenience store or get fuel, so they either have to keep on going or pull in and ask questions.

However, I did saw on CNN Headlines news today about cops raiding a house with a "No Knock" Warrant to search a house. They busted the door open with no warning, and shot two Black Labs to death for no reason. Yes, they were barking, but that's what any normal human being should expect. They said one of the labs was running away and shot the dog in the back, outside away from the house. Turns out, the house was the home of a Mayor of the town or nearby town. Personally, these type of no knock entrances into your home sounds very dangerous for both parties. I think you should have some kind of rights inside your own home. Doesn't matter if it's the police or crooks. When anyone comes busting through the doors with guns, you are lowering yourself into the categories of no good thugs. Yeah, cops could have been in assault gear, but you never know who it could be these days. Home invasions are becoming more and more comon.
they would have thought so if the house was rigged to blow and they all got blown up. some times i wonder how many special ed classes people in charge of important things in the country have failed..... Bush:spank:
Think twice about that. I have a PA State Trooper friend. They don't take kindly to being provoked. They might of had a report of a stolen bike like yours and he was running the plates... Besides, last thing I would do is piss off a cop. Better off venting here then getting another ticket for something stupid.;)

You do run an R1. It is a high profile bike. Everyone knows their fast. Everyone knows the owners run em' too.

Regardless of what might be the reason for the cop to be following there is no reason to follow that close. I would have pulled over and requested that another officer be called out and make a report to that officer. But hey thats just me.
I live in Wa state and you can buy special plates. One I have for my work van is the Law Enforcement Memorial or an LEM plate. I have had troopers come up along side of me and give me a wave more than once.My son who is a motor cop has one for his BMW 1200. He got pulled over the other day for doing a bit over, when the trooper saw his LEM plate ask him if he was a cop and with out having to show any ID the trooper told him to get lost. If you have custom plates in your'e state they might have a LEM. You might not get hassled as much if you have one of those. Good luck.

I swear, I'm getting so sick of being harassed by the frickin fuzz!!! Today they were at it again. after getting my ticket, I've become a model citizen on the road. so I'm riding home today at the legal speed limit, I'm getting passed by all kinds of cages, I see a sheriff oncoming and watch him slam on the brakes and flip a U-turn. I glance down at my speedo and I'm doing an indicated 68mph (my speedo is 6mph optimistic) there is a cager that just passed me at approx 75+ mph and who does Johnny Law come and mess with?
this prick gets right on my tail and stays there for 7 miles. I signal and change lanes into the left lane (seeing how I was in the right lane) preparing to make my left off the expressway. this idiot swings right in behind me and follows me off the expressway at about 5 feet from my tail. I stop at the stop sign, doing an exaggerated foot down, look left, look right, look left again, stop and proceed to make a left and putt down the street at 27mph as the posted limit there is 25mph. I signal my intension to turn right about 100 ft from the intersection and make my turn. the cop stops in the middle of the intersection for a second then turns right and gets right back on my tail. I made it obvious I was looking in my mirror and just shook my head. he followed me tell I turned onto my street before he flipped a u-turn and took off. I don't know what the hell is going on but it's really starting to piss me off!!!:rant:

I dont know what the law is in your state but in Pa the sheriff's department cant pull you over for speeding unless they clock you on those wire things they lay across the road. I used to work with a sheriff's deputy at my one part time job and he told me enough that the state and local police are the only law enforcement I have to worry about.
MSF BRC says slow down if someone is tailgating you. Or pull off and let them pass.

If they were running your plate they could have gotten it then backed off. Oh well, don't let it bother you too much.

My friend was driving on a country road in his talon late at night. Headlights came up behind him and started tailgating him so he slowly, slowly, sped up to get them off his ass. They stayed right there. Let him get all the way to 87mph before they turned the lights on. A-holes. Oh well...
I can’t say that I’ve been harassed by the cops at this point in my riding. However, the other day a cop was behind me and I did notice that he was driving awfully close. More than enough, that, if I needed to break quickly, he would have run into me. This isn’t something that I’ve really noticed while driving in my truck. Then again, I do seem to notice things more so when on the bike.

You guys must just live in some messed up places. I have ONLY ONCE in 13 years of law enforcement written a ticket to a motorcyclist. That was after he was doing 95 in a 35 mph zone while doing a wheelie and nearly taking out a pedestrian. He would have ran but was quickly stopped by another unit. There are alot of PRICKS on motorcycles that give other riders a bad name. I thought I would speak up and say something. I get sick and tired of cop bashing on every forum. People always blame the officer for something THEY did wrong,speeding,DUI,etc. Man up if you get stopped...think about the times you did not get stopped! On that note , not all cops are people friendly or motorcycle friendly like I am. Afterall, we do recruit from the same hiring pool as everybody else. There will always be bad apples and for that I apologize. RANT OFF:thumbup:
They are still looking for that 168MPH RED STREAK!!!!!

Around here all the highway overhead signs have been reading "POLICE ENFORCING MOTORCYCLE RECKELESS DRIVING"

It's been like that for a few weeks now....but there are more squids than actual motorcyclists around here so it makes sense. Imagine if it said "POLICE ENFORCING ASIAN RECKLESS DRIVING" or "POLICE ENFORCING RAG-TOP RECKLESS DRIVING" :rof:
yep all the squids blocking traffic on the interstate to do "stunts". running from the leo's endangering everyone. these bikes bring attention from leo's. cant blame them. heck pull over in next safe place and see what is up. you might be surprised. had a state trooper pull me over and went around my bike ten times, feeling of the seat, asking about the bike in general. i thought he wanted to take it for a test ride. didnt get a ticket.