
Re: Congrats!

i just keep getting the runaround.. if someone told me 9 weeks that would be cool at least i would know when i am getting it.. they told me 2 weeks then.. 4 weeks then.. 6 weeks now its 7 and i am told 2 more.. that my issue i just want some kind of accurate date/week ? maybe i am asking to much :confused:

Sounds like Robert is giving you the info he is getting from Laser in the UK... and it seems Laser (in the UK) is NOT doing a good job at being accurate... that sucks, but it sounds like Fosterrad is just in the middle...

Good luck with it... I hope you get your pipes soon!
Re: Congrats!

Sounds like Robert is giving you the info he is getting from Laser in the UK... and it seems Laser (in the UK) is NOT doing a good job at being accurate... that sucks, but it sounds like Fosterrad is just in the middle...

Good luck with it... I hope you get your pipes soon!

thx wavex.. i dont really like to complain thats why i did not open a bashing thread... us fz6 owners are very civil right?

either way once i get everything in i will make a picture and a how-to thread :) i orderd a windscreen and framesliders also .. oh and the top s. seat is working out great after 1k miles i luvs it :):p):):):):_P
Re: Congrats!

ok so its going on 11 weeks i think?!?!??!
i was informed foster rad never even put in the order i guess??? WOW!!
they are never getting buisness from me ever again or anyone i know worst place ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i got my refund orderd a 2brothers exhaust from somewhere else and will have it by friday.ugh.................................................. seriously had to take some valium when i was told the order was never place i wasted almost 3 months of my riding season
Re: Congrats!

wtf.. I read something on another forum (SBN) this morning about foster rad screwing everybody... good thing you got your cash back.
Re: Congrats!

wtf.. I read something on another forum (SBN) this morning about foster rad screwing everybody... good thing you got your cash back.

yah it sucks i would say do not buy from there AT ALL!!! unless u want to have ur money tied up for a long time and get nothing for it