First Drop : (



Hey all, this is my first proper post, but in my usual manner in everything I'm starting on a bad note.
Got a new 2008 FZ6N (White with Red Stripe) at a very reasonable price about 5-6 weeks ago, and have been having a hoot since then, since its an upgrade from a FZX250 (Zeal).

Anyway today while moving the bike from its parking 'place' which is basically the garden courtyard I dropped my little beauty, unfortunately due to my Zeal and my dads old Laverdas it has to be rolled backyards down a path into the carport, and there is a drop of about a brick height.
The brick on the edge of the path was loose and I was stuck between my rapidly falling FZ6 and my Zeal with two other bikes parked alongside it meaning I move for leverage :(
Anyway needless to say I'm VERY upset (mainly with myself for not being more careful)
The oggy nob caught most of the damage, but my Dad thinks I may have bent the peg.

Hope no one minds me asking a few questions in this area too:

Does anyone use a car jack to pick up their rear wheel so they can clean and lube their chain? I used to (in conjunction with the side stand on my old Zeal) but don't want to do anything that could damage the FZ6. I used to place it under one of the reinforced parts of the exhaust pipes.

Anyone have any words of advice when moving your bikes? (On asking this question the first answer that comes to mind is: don't be an idiot, but I already failed on that one)


Nov 11, 2007
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Baden, Ontario
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Does anyone use a car jack to pick up their rear wheel so they can clean and lube their chain? I used to (in conjunction with the side stand on my old Zeal) but don't want to do anything that could damage the FZ6. I used to place it under one of the reinforced parts of the exhaust pipes.
Wouldn't a length of 2" x 4" be better? Use it as a lever and support it with a cement block or something similar... and no damage to the bike...:thumbup: Or, just buy a centre or wheel stand....:D

Ghost Weim

Time to ride!!
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Oct 11, 2008
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Sorry to hear about the drop. When I am moving my bike in awkward spots, I usually get on it for a little better control.

And - welcome by the way! :welcome:


Thanks! Normally to be safe I prefer to be on it too, but theres a patch of gravel between the courtyard and the path, and its absolute hell to get the bike to roll over it.

I'm not sure what you mean by using a plank and a cement block, do you mean lever it up and put the cement block under the bike to hold it up? Over using the plank as a lever via the cement block?
Apparently you can hold the handlebars and push the bike onto the front wheel and the side stand leaving the rear wheel free to spin, but you need one person to hold the bike and another to actually do the work. And apart from finding someone I trust enough to hold it, I prefer to work on things alone so I can take my time and not rush stuff.
I'll probably try and get a wheel stand once I have some spare money though!


********* w/ Twisted Fate
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Mar 11, 2007
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Brenda beat me to it... get on the bike. Plus, always try to move it forward and not backward. Getting on is sometimes not an option though, so.....

If I have to move it backward, I put the side stand down and move it while I stand on the right or throttle side. I control my side and if the bike starts to go the other way, the side stand will catch it. Keep both hands on the grips, one ready on the brake, the other with the clutch pulled and have the bike in gear. If the bike starts to roll and you loose the brake, you can always release the clutch and the transmission will halt the bike immediately.

:welcome: and ride safe!


Ohh, thats an awesome tip, I have actually never thought of that! I've heard having the bike on is also easier, is there any truth in that?

Its a double demerits weekend too (here in NSW, Australia for the Queens Bday Long Weekend), so I'm on my even better than usual behaviour while riding, just watching out for all the maniac's on long weekends is the main problem. I had a lady sitting on her horn because I stopped at a pedestrian crossing to let someone cross, really makes you wonder how some people get a license.