First thing to go - need some advice


It's My Bike!
Jan 26, 2009
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Albany, NY
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I never thought I'd be posting this but I lost my job on Wednesday and obviously the first thing to go is the bike.

I would appreciate some advice on selling. It's a 2005 with approx 27,000 miles on it and has been well maintained. There is still damage to the front where it went down at the track 2 years ago. Other than that, a few minor scrapes here and there. What price can I reasonably expect to get for it?

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I would ask for 3100 - 3200 and expect to get no less than 2800. People are going to be nervous with still visible damage, and for some reason think that bikes are only suppose to be ridden 6 miles a year. 27,000 will probably seem high to a lot of buyers, but I would not take off price based on that alone.

(I would keep the bike though, price of gas was almost $4 when I rolled through there last month!)
If its paid off I would keep it, cheaper on gas then a car. Sorry to hear about the job loss....When one door closes, another opens:thumbup:
Out of the two of us, Cheryl is not the detail oriented person.

The bike has been maintained by me and I have the records since her buying it 2.5 years ago, with 4000 or so miles on it at that time.

It currently has Michelin PR2s with lots of life left, Motivation Frame Sliders, dual headlight mod (my apologies to the person who sold the kit... I don't have the name), foam grips, and a Laminar Lip from my ZX14.

The bike came with a Scorpion exhaust (still have original). It also has a simple side softbag holder as it's a 15 dollar setup that simply bolts to the passenger pegs.

I've ridden this bike a couple of times recently due to Irene... kept it in my garage at that time, and the bike runs really well.

I will dig up some recent pictures...

1) Day trip to Hampton Beach NH. 450 miles.

2) One of many trips Cheryl has taken.

3) On her way to TN / KY by herself.
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September is not a great time to be selling a bike in upstate NY. If at all possible, I would try to hold onto it until the spring. If you still need to sell it at that time, you'd be able to get more for it. I think you'd be in the $2500 ballpark right now. The mileage, damage, and fact that it's seen a track are going to turn off some buyers.

Concentrating on your job search might prove to be a better use of your time and energy. What field are you in?

Best of luck if you do have to sell it.
Sorry to hear about your predicament! I just recently bought an 06' with 21k miles on and some road rash from where it went down. I paid $2600 without service records. I'd have paid a little more if I known that the major services were done. Hope that helps, and good luck with everything. :Flash:
I'm sorry to read about your job.

I have to agree that if the bike is paid off and you do not have any big preventive maintenance costs coming soon your way, you might be able to give it a couple of months and you might a better job before you are "forced" to sell your bike.

Soon it will be winter again and there won't be a lot of interest to buy a bike just to keep it stored during winter.

Good luck,
Sorry about the job.

I think the bike is worth $2,000, based on what I sold my bike for (2006 w. 30,000 miles).
Who will be closest without going over?
Sorry about the job Cheryl.

It would be nice if you didn't have to sell it right away.

Good luck with it all and hopefully you'll get a new job straight away
I agree with the others - I would take a day to go job hunting and utitilyze the better than a car gas mileage. If you can't seem to find a job in time and must sell, I would put it at $3500 to give yourself room to be talked down $500 - $750 - accepting no less than $2750.

PS - I have driven my bike every day for 6 months, and the last time I bought gas, according to my records, was august 22nd, for 13$.

I collectively spent 27$ on gas in the past 6 weeks....I would seriously contemplate keeping it strictly for saving gas, but you have to be committed to riding every day, through thick and thin, to truly take advantage of this.
Thanks everyone, I will probably list it for $2,600 then. High enough to give some bargaining room but low enough to perk interest.

I wish I could keep the bike but I kind of got caught with my pants down and not enough money in the bank :spank:. The bills need to be paid until unemployment kicks in - I should receive a check in about 2 1/2 weeks but I need to live until then. I really never ever thought I would lose my job!

So, anyway I will look forward to buying a new bike in the spring. I was thinking about moving up to a bigger bike anyway - so maybe this is like my job, I wouldn't have moved on unless I was forced to. I really love the FZ!