First Track Day Tomorrow!!

First one? Only advice is to have fun!! Maybe pack a lunch - the front straight is looooooooong!!!!! Say hi to Nick and the boys\ladies!
Well it went pretty well! The track is amazing.

My biggest issue was braking hard while downshifting, I never ride the twists on the street fast enough that I need brakes, so that was completely new to me.

The stock rear set position is going to have to change though, I was sliding my toe sliders pretty frequently.
Another take away that probably isn't a big deal since I'm a newbie still, but...

I think my bike could be geared shorter. My bike is converted to a naked bike, so the aero isn't really there. I was hitting about 135 or so on the front straight and then it seemed to stop pulling hard in 5th, I never even hit 6th.
Everything will came in time benji.

Track riding is somehow different than street. One major thing is you want to be fast :) When you are going faster then you have less time for reaction. Your brain, muscles, intuition have to get used to new speed.

In my case, approaching a turn on a track usually goes:
1 - brake
2 - downshift (remember about clutch control unless you're lucky with slippery clutch:)
3 - body position to the turn. butt, upper body, head
4 - tip in

it's a lot to do in short time. Initially you have to think about every step. As you practice more it will become more natural and you wouldn't have to think about it. Pick one skill you want to improve on and practice it on a track. Let's say it's braking (IMVHO braking is most important skill if you want to go fast). Try to brake little harder, little later. If you feel uncomfortable, back off a little.
Smaller steps are better (although doesn't work well for unpatient minds :)

Don't get discourage. And remember one and foremost important thing about track riding. It's not about speed, it's not about score. It's about having fun !
Have fun and nothing else matters :) I'm one of few guys around here who don't use lap timer. If I would start using one, it would be too competitive and I would lost fun of riding. I would try to beat myself on every lap :) Screw that :) I ride for fun !
Hey congrats on your first track day! I'm looking to do the same later this summer. How did the bike perform? If you have any pics post them!
Hey congrats on your first track day! I'm looking to do the same later this summer. How did the bike perform? If you have any pics post them!

The bike was great, the only issue was me and the rear set height.

I'll have pics eventually, the photographer told me it would take about two weeks to get them to me.

Here's a GoPro still for the time being.

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I brought mine to the Advance Riding School last weekend. It's not a huge track but still lots of fun. I put myself into level 2 and I think I'm right in that group. Bike performed fine, but it's not designed for track obviously. I didn't scrape any hard part cos it was raining that weekend :( It's still fun and great bike to learn on too.
Another take away that probably isn't a big deal since I'm a newbie still, but...

I think my bike could be geared shorter. My bike is converted to a naked bike, so the aero isn't really there. I was hitting about 135 or so on the front straight and then it seemed to stop pulling hard in 5th, I never even hit 6th.

If you go -1 in the front you will still get the same 136 mph top speed, but will get it in 6th.

Your powerband will be shifted lower down though, and the bike will pull a lot more from lower down.

Best mod for the money, and i have done a few now...