Fitting the ATC3K (and ATC5K?) to the FZ6


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Dec 13, 2008
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Sheffield UK
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Rear Facing:

This is easy (if you don't have a pillion). On the rear peg foot guard mount the handle bar mount by removing the locking bolt, slide the unit over the foot guard and replace the locking bolt so that it passes through a hole in the guard. The foot peg needs to be down to mount camera, but still allows peg to be folded up when camera not in use.

View like this...

[ame=""]YouTube - FoxHouse to Hathersage[/ame]

Front Facing:

Use the flat helmet mount, get 4 good quality tie-wraps about 5mm width. Remove the side guard from the radiator, pass two tie-wraps through mount inner slot, through one side of the radiator side guard, back out the other, and pass through the other inner slot. Now using the locking bit of the other two tie-wraps tighten them down onto the two tie-wraps fitted to the mount. Once fully tight chop off the excess tie-wrap.

View like this...

[ame=""]YouTube - Woolley Wood[/ame]

The temperature rating of most tie-wraps should be OK in this application as the locking part is in free air flow.
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I just got an amazing deal on an ATC2CK and was looking at my bike and trying to figure out where to put the mounts. this is extremely helpful.

Do you get the front tire interfering with the view at low speeds on the front mount?
Just uploaded a bit of video showing tyre (just) on a slow, tight right hander.

[ame=""]YouTube - Tyre just pops into view ATC3K[/ame]
I just dug up my ATC2K and finally figured out how to get it to stop shutting off mid ride (electrical tape over the SD card). Thanks for the pics of your mount ideas.

I've been using the handlebar mount on the sideview mirror stalks. Good for front view and looking back at the rider. Wanted to aim it to get a shot of me dragging my knee, but all you see is knuckles and clutch lever :(

I want a shot from the back of the bike along the side looking forward. I was thinking of mounting it on the grab rail, but the pillion peg is a great place to try too.

I've been riding the same stretch of road with all these different angles in the hopes that I can edit a nice video once I get enough. Will def post up once I do!
Thanks for posting this! I missed it the first time. I have an ATC5K and struggled with where to put it too. The mounts on your ATC3K look the same as on mine, so these mounting options should work for both cameras.

I first put the camera on the handlebars with the supplied helmet mount and velcro strap, but wasn't pleased with the picture quality; it was not very stable. I played around with a couple of different mounting positions (including the radiator guard) before fastening it to the frame on the right side just above my frame slider. It is a very stable position and out of the way, but you have to remove your front indicator to get a clear shot. I think I'll keep the mounting position and get flush mount indicators to fix that.

I did break down and get a camera tank mount from ebay. Great quality by the way, seller name is rrbarna if you're interested. I just leave the tank mount on and take the camera on and off. It takes a minute to get the camera onto the tank mount and the camera can be controlled from a normal seated position without reaching down.

I'll take some pics of my mounting solutions and post them on this thread.
i will be mounting my at2ck in these locations soon... Watching the videos again these look like the best places to mount them.
bump, so i can find this again later on today :)

Yes, besides subscribing to the thread, that's a good way to keep it handy LOL.

What are you doing with your Oregon Sci camera today? I'm going on what looks to be an amazing 174 mile ride through some local hills today. Should be a great time. Taking the camera with me; if I get any good footage, I'll post it up.