Fizzer totaled


Sep 9, 2008
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Havent posted much lately but figured I'd drop a line...totaled the fizzer last thursday. Witnesses say I locked the front wheel trying to stop on 395 and went over the handlebars and the bike landed on top of me...I don't remember anything between lunchtime Thursday and waking up in the hospital on Friday morning. Got some good rash on my knees, bruises and a concussion. Bike is totaled, bent the rear subframe sideways, bent handlebars and a slightly bent front end, along with scrapes on the rear. On the flipside, I at least lived through it thanks to gear. I can attest to a Shoei keeping my head in one piece! Will post pictures when I get back to my laptop.

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Havent posted much lately but figured I'd drop a line...totaled the fizzer last thursday. Witnesses say I locked the front wheel trying to stop on 395 and went over the handlebars and the bike landed on top of me...I don't remember anything between lunchtime Thursday and waking up in the hospital on Friday morning. Got some good rash on my knees, bruises and a concussion. Bike is totaled, bent the rear subframe sideways, bent handlebars and a slightly bent front end, along with scrapes on the rear. On the flipside, I at least lived through it thanks to gear. I can attest to a Shoei keeping my head in one piece! Will post pictures when I get back to my laptop.

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Why were you on the brake?
Glad your alive man, heal soon.
Glad you're okay! When and if you remember what happened please let us know.

Heal fast! :D
Get better, bikes can be replaced...

My only serious bike wreck, (broken femur-2 places, broken jaw 4 places, dislocated shoulder, blood out of the ears, etc) 9-30-77, happened on a Friday at noon. I remember waking up in a hospital the following Wednesday. 19 years old at the time...

To this date, I don't have a recollection of the wreck.. Reblteen84 may never remember, probably a good thing...

The guy made a left turn in front of my 1975 RD 350, my speed was likely 30-40MPH, hit him in the right rear door of his ford SW (3/4 helmet)
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No clue. I'm told traffic in front of me stopped fast. The lady that was behind me says I was doing around 50, nothing stupid. I've heard I went over the guardrail, but I have no clue.

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Glad to hear you are OK. It's probably a good thing that you don't remember the accident. Sounds brutal. Mind sharing what gear you had on at the time other than the Shoei?
Glad to hear you are OK, can always get another bike, although it does hurt emotionally having to part with a bike you like. Heal up quick and glad you were wearing the gear.
Holy crap!! Amazing how relatively minor your injuries are! Heal fast and be safe.
Glad to hear you are OK. It's probably a good thing that you don't remember the accident. Sounds brutal. Mind sharing what gear you had on at the time other than the Shoei?

Helmet, gloves, textile jacket armored on the shoulders and elbows, jeans (the only mistake), and a pair of high hiking boots that protected me fairly well...a little rash where the foot attaches.

When I start replacing gear, I'll probably go with riding pants this time around. Will get the same helmet though
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damn dude. there are motorcycle accidents on 395 all the time.
glad you are ok.

there was a terrible one a few days ago. glad that wasn't you. that guy had some terrible injuries.
Helmet, gloves, textile jacket armored on the shoulders and elbows, jeans (the only mistake), and a pair of high hiking boots that protected me fairly well...a little rash where the foot attaches.

When I start replacing gear, I'll probably go with riding pants this time around. Will get the same helmet though
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Damn, these kind of threads gives me the heebe jeebies. But it's important too. To a speedy recovery.

You said it yourself, wearing jeans was a mistake. To this day, I still don't understand why most riders think that the lower portion of their body doesn't need to be protected. Yes, helmet, gloves and a jacket, but that is usually it besides the footwear.
damn dude. there are motorcycle accidents on 395 all the time.
glad you are ok.

there was a terrible one a few days ago. glad that wasn't you. that guy had some terrible injuries.

I heard about that one...its been bad this season. We had 2 riders die on the same road I think last month...might've been April.

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Damn, these kind of threads gives me the heebe jeebies. But it's important too. To a speedy recovery.

You said it yourself, wearing jeans was a mistake. To this day, I still don't understand why most riders think that the lower portion of their body doesn't need to be protected. Yes, helmet, gloves and a jacket, but that is usually it besides the footwear.

I'll admit it was a mistake, one I won't make again. I'll get riding jeans at the minimum next time around. I'm keeping my helmet for posterity though.

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You were unconscious for over 12 hours? That's some serious knock. Glad you had a serious helmet!

For commuting I wear a Fieldsheer textile armored suit over my office clothes. Sidi Vertigo boots and my shoes stay at the office.

I hope you have a smooth recovery and get a newer Fizzer.
Heal well Man!

My biggest accident still remains a mystery. I rode over to see my Mum to tell her that I failed my motorcycle test (kind of ironic!) when I rode back home, something apparently went wrong.

Mum tried calling me 'missing' but the Police said I wasn't 'missing' until after 24hrs, so Mum walked 5kms up a nearby range, on my way home, because she felt something was wrong.

19hrs after I left my Mum's house to go home, after failing my motorcycle test, Mum found me in a ditch surrounded by lantana.

Nearly 4 weeks later, I came out of the coma and 2 weeks later I was discharged from hospital.

To this day I have no recollection of the events of the day, nor several weeks prior.

And that was in 1994.

You may remember, but you may not. It once burned inside me, wanting to know what happened, but now it just remains a mystery.

I was 17 at the time.....

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