Free Download: Twist of the Wrist 1, 2, and extra


SuperFlanker Moderator
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Apr 19, 2008
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Surrey, UK
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Go buy these books: Twist of the Wrist 1, and 2

Twist of the Wrist 1

Twist of the Wrist 2

Please go buy Mr. Codes awesome books. They will help you to be a better rider and he will make some money so he will keep writing books and teaching in his schools.
Last edited:
Negitive ghost rider this is a nono. Mr Code works very very hard for his money and these books should be purchased. We have already removed them twice from the site. The last time at his personal request, as he is a member of the site just to pm Dennis to ask for the removal of his copyrighted property.
my bad. I assumed they were free. Just a .pdf floatin around the net.

but it is a legendary piece of literature. ive heard people from many places recommend it VERY highly
my bad. I assumed they were free. Just a .pdf floatin around the net.

but it is a legendary piece of literature. ive heard people from many places recommend it VERY highly

I belive it was defy who said that when you read this do a track day and it will make way more sense and you will be able to make a lot more use out of it after that
my bad. I assumed they were free. Just a .pdf floatin around the net.

but it is a legendary piece of literature. ive heard people from many places recommend it VERY highly

Oh yeah dude, they are awesome books. We just have to buy them.
They will change your riding. It truly is amazing how much better you can become by reading his books and implementing what you read.
Everyone who rides should be required to read it.
where can you buy them?

I was in your shoes once. I wondered for years where I could buy a book, then I found this little site on the internet. It's amazing! You can get so many books here. I'm surprised more people don't use this treasure of an online vendor. Here is a link to their site. Please patronize them, I understand they are struggling.
I was in your shoes once. I wondered for years where I could buy a book, then I found this little site on the internet. It's amazing! You can get so many books here. I'm surprised more people don't use this treasure of an online vendor. Here is a link to their site. Please patronize them, I understand they are struggling.

Really had me going there,- nice link-humour :)
[ame=] twist wrist[/ame]

whoa not bad. 26 bucks for both of em.