friends lucky escape


Junior Member
Jun 21, 2013
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leeds/ west yorkshire
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saturday just gone myself and two friends were out on a ride in the yorkshire dales, we are not stupid top end speed freaks and even open straights rarely top 80 unless we are trying to catch each other up.
after a nice days riding we decided to head home as i was working at 5pm (catering sucks!) and about 40 minutes from home and 10 minutes from civilisation again my friend was involved in a head on collision with a ford focus.

i was in the middle of the group and after the corner looked in my mirror to see a cloud of dust rising up which could only mean someone had run wide onto gravel or into something.
with amazing luck the first car on the scene was a first response operator for 999! i left this guy to it as we slowed traffic and phoned the emergency services.
within the hour my friend was on his way via air ambulance to hospital. we later got a report that he has broken his thigh, both wrists, his rigt hand was crushed, broken his neck (at the top of the spine but damaging nothing so thankfully there will be no complications) and as a concussion.
we are part of the ATGATT brigade so thankfully he is still with us, without his gear he would have been another statistic, it just makes you think, what could be round the corner and has been abit of a shock because it isnt just something that happens to others and effects others anymore.

after a trip to the hospital again today we have been given the news he will be in a wheelchair for a few months but is being discarged hopefully on friday all in casts and a neck brace.

not sure why im telling a group of faceless people over an internet forum but i guess its one way of venting off. thanks for reading and a big shout to the air ambulance responce guys, you will be getting a nice donation sometime soon i imagine!
Yeah, thanks for sharing! Its never good to hear about accidents, but in this case, its great to hear he is alive:thumbup:
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not sure why im telling a group of faceless people over an internet forum but i guess its one way of venting off. thanks for reading and a big shout to the air ambulance responce guys, you will be getting a nice donation sometime soon i imagine!

So glad you did; we all need reminders like this. :(
Thanks for sharing brother. Been on both ends of crashes so I know what you're sharing. No one likes this type of excitement on a ride!

I always support ATGATT :)
Our thoughts and prayers are with you all!
cheers for the replys and support guys, when i saw him today he was abit out of it from the surgery but aparently is progressing well so fingers crossed he will be back with us on the friday
Thanks for sharing and wish a speedy recover to your buddy, I myself am ATGATT (minus pants) and hope I never have to use it.
Here's hoping its a speedy, no complications recovery,
scary reading!
That's never good, but Thanks for sharing - sounds like he'll be needing a good friend to get through the next couple of weeks to stay on track! Do all you can!
saturday just gone myself and two friends were out on a ride in the yorkshire dales, we are not stupid top end speed freaks and even open straights rarely top 80 unless we are trying to catch each other up.
after a nice days riding we decided to head home as i was working at 5pm (catering sucks!) and about 40 minutes from home and 10 minutes from civilisation again my friend was involved in a head on collision with a ford focus.

i was in the middle of the group and after the corner looked in my mirror to see a cloud of dust rising up which could only mean someone had run wide onto gravel or into something.
with amazing luck the first car on the scene was a first response operator for 999! i left this guy to it as we slowed traffic and phoned the emergency services.
within the hour my friend was on his way via air ambulance to hospital. we later got a report that he has broken his thigh, both wrists, his rigt hand was crushed, broken his neck (at the top of the spine but damaging nothing so thankfully there will be no complications) and as a concussion.
we are part of the ATGATT brigade so thankfully he is still with us, without his gear he would have been another statistic, it just makes you think, what could be round the corner and has been abit of a shock because it isnt just something that happens to others and effects others anymore.

after a trip to the hospital again today we have been given the news he will be in a wheelchair for a few months but is being discarged hopefully on friday all in casts and a neck brace.

not sure why im telling a group of faceless people over an internet forum but i guess its one way of venting off. thanks for reading and a big shout to the air ambulance responce guys, you will be getting a nice donation sometime soon i imagine!

Really sorry to hear about your friends accident, I'm pleased to hear that he was ATGATT other wise this might of been a different story :eek:

My parents once witnessed an accident (between Otley and Pately bridge) where a car driver took a corner (too fast) and ended up on the wrong side of the road, only to meet a motorbike rider coming in the other direction, the air ambulance did a great job that day as well :thumbup:

Look after your mate as he recovers.

Maybe an idea (after your friends healed up) to raise some money for the yorkshire air ambulance, they do great work especially in those rural area's which are otherwise difficult to reach (quickly). In this time of recession they really struggle raising funds.
we have done the 3 peaks before a few times doing it for help for heroes and cancer research getting about 600 quid total in sponsors for the group so we will probably end up doing that again!