FZ1N Headlight parts list

WOW!!! I just saw this thread. Great work on finding getting the price down! I'm jealous. I went and looked at the pics on the FZ1OA site and the parts look to be the same. In fact, the Burlington kit references the parts diagram so I'm sure you are set. Getting the bracket to work is tricky. Here are some photos that might help... :thumbup:
I meant to update this post.. There are a few things that you don't need in the parts list.. can probably save 5 or 10 bucks.. First thing that comes to mind is the rubber cover for the H4, as it is already included in the headlight assembly.

I'll update once I'm done fitting the headlight on the bike.
If you're on the sideline because of the price, as dropping $500 on a headlight kinda s*cks (especially when you find out you owe money to the IRS but let's not go into this...), it seems there are a few of them that pop up on eBay UK, like this one: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&item=250396081550

The auction is only for the headlight itself, so you still need to get everything else from the parts list, but the headlight being $240 in the US, if you can get it on eBay for a good price and the seller doesn't overcharge on the shipping, that could be a way to save some change on the conversion.

Just a thought...
Hello everybody. As you can tell I am Chris from flatoutmotorcycles. I have heard of the forum but this is the first time I have dropped by. if you guys questions feel free to contact me. I can see that a lot of you are thinking about the FZ1 euro headlight kit. I do try to keep them in stock for now. Like I said if any of you need parts hit me up.

Chris Adkins
FlatoutMotorcycles Sales Rep
When I called, I spoke to Chris and he helped me out. Was very cool and easy to deal with. Although I ordered the kit, I'm not going to be doing it. I would like to suggest for whoever does the next FZ1N mod for their FZ6 to take note of which parts they don't use and update Chris at Flatout so that others aren't ordering parts that aren't needed. A few that come to mind are the light bulbs and the rubber back gasket for the back of the light. The main headlight comes with those already.

Do any of you know where to find the meter cover and the stuff to mount it to the gauges? I contacted chris from partshark.com and he said i had the right part #'s but on the site there is nothing coming up. I emailed him back but he's probably gone for the weekend. I must be blind or something.

I need this cover # 1 2D1-83559-00-00 and associated hardware.

I got my kit from flat out. great price, excellent service. Only downside the 75 bucks in duty I had to pay, be warned canadians.
ive been researching this mod, and cant seem to find a definitive answer.

is this conversion plug and play, or is there some custom fabrication involved? I have a 2006 fz6. one of the threads i read showed some custom fabrication...
It's not plug and play. There is some light fabrication work that needs to be done, plus the addition of fork brackets. Off the top of my head:

  • The headlight bracket needs some material removed to fit around the FZ6 ignition.
  • Flyncycle fork brackets become the upper connection points between bike and headlight
  • Lower cross beam needs to be fabricated to connect to the frame
  • Wiring harness needs to be spliced in as the FZ1N plug is incompatible
  • Other creative odds/ends of bolts, spacers etc to get the angle and seating right.

All in all not that difficult, as evidence by the several people here who have done it. Details on the above can be found in the posts. Hope that helps.
yes, that does help, thanks.

i guess im confused then, didnt Yamaha offer a naked fz6 in the years 2004-2006 in Europe? it seems like if they did, then those parts would be plug and play with no custom fabrication.