Get Lost Sunday


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Aug 7, 2008
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San Diego
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Had a fun Sunday riding, so thought I would share some pictures.

First, I'm not sure where to post lots of pictures and "ride reports"? Is it in the general section? Am I missing a Picture, or ride report forum? I see videos, but think I'm blind. So that said, please don't stone me for posting in these in the general section.

I went for a ride with a lose understanding of where I was going. It didn't take long until I realized I was completely lost, so I just kept putting along and finding some of the best and worst roads that I've been on. The recent rains have left some sand, mud, and water on the roads, so it was a fairly relaxed ride to enjoy a perfect day and views like this:


I really thought I knew where I was going until I hit a wonderfully twisty road with horribly grooved pavement and water. I was thinking to myself "Shame, this would be an awesome road, but with how bad the surface is I don't want to come back." Then I thought I saw a bad sign, but had to turn around to make sure I saw it right:


Hrmm....I swear this road goes through; the sign must be old.


Oh well...back up.


Not bad, it was like this all the way back to the correct road and I hadn't seen a car in almost an hour:
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Nice shots! So, how far out of the way did you go before you found a familiar road to travel home on?

The FZ6 can off-road... we've proven that. ;)
Once I got back on the right track I clicked on the GPS to confirm, then continued on my way. It was funny, there wasn't a straight part of the road, so there were signs like this every few miles:


And then I saw this.....again :banghead::

Dang, I guess I should have listened to the GPS when it said right at the fork. It was at this point that I dropped the lens cap for the camera, leaned down to get it, and popped my knee right out of the socket. :eek: Haven't done that in a while, so I set the bike the rest of the way onto the side stand, swing the leg over and hobble around until I get the satisfying pop again and off we go. **need to remind doctor for 100000000th time that the knee still locks when enough pressure is put on it and he missed something while digging around in there.**

Oh well again, at least now I can stand on both legs and enjoy the scenery, and laugh at finding another dead end before turning around again.



And once again at least the road back up was enjoyable with miles of lazy S turns:
Nice shots! So, how far out of the way did you go before you found a familiar road to travel home on?

The FZ6 can off-road... we've proven that. ;)

The first missed turn cost me about 10 miles of fun twisties and 3 miles of death grip sliding on poorly maintained, wet, super tight road.

The second miss turn only cost about 5 miles of enjoyable road and locked joint misery.

I actually went down both roads a while and the FZ was more than willing, but I wasn't sure that the roads actually went anywhere, so turned around both times. :D
After getting back on track for a second time I took off on an amazingly fun road and tuned out everything but the road and the bike....until I started crossing streams and the road turned to gravel. WTH?!! GPS even says we're on a road this time and every high point has great pavement with every low point turning to gravel and stream, so I stopped to enjoy the river and question the motorcycle gods about not giving me a sense of direction.



I finally found some more great roads and then popped out to this view:

Ok MC gods, you're cleared....I really did get lucky with some amazing roads and view like these.



I found an awesome french bakery with a great breakfast crepe, realized I'd been riding for a few hours, and booked it double time back to the casa to catch some football and beer!

Then again, it's easy to hurry home when the return roads look like this too!

Hope everyone else has an equally fun Sunday! :rockon:
Nice pics, and sounds like a fun day... even with the set-backs.
Hope the knee looks after you, would hate to get out in the middle of nowhere and have it lock up and not go back in.

Thanks for sharing.

Wow, what a great day you had. The San Diego area is so pretty. Thanks for sharing the photos. :thumbup:
I don't know where these roads are but they look a lot like the roads i got lots on a few months ago haha. Looks like it turned into a nice ride!

I'd be interested in trying them out, especially that view. Where was it you ended up? And where are these crepes you speak of?
Nice shots - and it looks like you had an awesome Sunday! :thumbup:

BTW - you look far too young to have a knee popping out on you like that...
I don't know where these roads are but they look a lot like the roads i got lots on a few months ago haha. Looks like it turned into a nice ride!

I'd be interested in trying them out, especially that view. Where was it you ended up? And where are these crepes you speak of?

The first road I got lost on was Lilac in Valley Center, I missed the left turn onto West Lilac, so ended up back tracking to Couser Canyon and across to the 76. The second road I got lost on was De Luz Road heading from Fallbrook to Rancho California where I thought I was supposed to stay on De Luz, but really was supposed to make a right turn onto De Luz Murrieta.

Once on De Luz Murrieta I had to cross some shallow streams which were nothing really, and then the road eroded in some parts, but were fine if taken slow. De Luz Murrieta turns back into De Luz and then into Rancho California road where the overview of the mountains was taken, then crosses Old Town / Front Street in Temecula where there is a little french bakery called Cafe Daniel which had a menu of 20 some crepes and the breakfast crepe was outstanding.

From Temecula I took Old Highway 325 back to West Lilac and through Valley Center to determine where I made my first mistake and noticed that the turn from Lilac to West Lilac was not marked at all, so easy mistake I guess.

Overall I road Escondido -> Valley Center -> Fallbrook -> De Luz -> Temecula -> Fallbrook -> Valley Center -> Escondido.

Nice shots - and it looks like you had an awesome Sunday! :thumbup:

BTW - you look far too young to have a knee popping out on you like that...

Thanks :thumbup: As for the knee it's an old hockey injury, sustained when I was 13-14 and misdiagnosed for years until I had exploratory surgery when I was 20, that never healed and even after surgery and plenty of physical therapy I still have chronic issues.

The FZ-6 puts my hip and knee in an uncomfortable alignment and leaning to my left while keeping my right leg on the tank was just enough to go pop. :rolleyes: My bad, I knew better than to do that and should have just gotten off the bike. ;)
Sweet pics, sounds like it was a great day (discounting the knee thing). Is that Palomar Mt. with the snow on it?
Sweet pics, sounds like it was a great day (discounting the knee thing). Is that Palomar Mt. with the snow on it?

I'm not sure which mountain it is, but it's looking east over Temecula, so should be the San Bernadino National Forest area, or Idyllwild area. Hrmm, should have payed more attention at the time.

I think next week I'll ride toward the desert and try to get some pictures of the Palomar Mountain Range and Laguna Mountain Range.