Good crash, On helmet cam!


Junior Member
Jan 7, 2009
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Petawawa, On, Can
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Well, not on the FZ6... But on my other Yamaha a 250f
Out at the track for practice, was my 3rd lap so I was still just getting into the track. not sure if I locked up the front or the rear, but I ended up being run over, and took it all to the head.
I lost my sight for I would guess, 20 seconds and I had a blurry spot in my left eye for a few hours... All is fine now however. I've had something around 20 concussions so I have learned how to deal with it lol.
Using a gopro hero wide, this sucker is tough, not a mark on it! The helmet on the other hand is now junk....

wow man that is crazy! It is like something out of a horror movie. Made me jump.

I hope you are ok and take it easy till you get back to 100%
Thx guys... I was tempted to go back out about half an hour after it happened, but I know better... So I just went home. Head hurts, but it'll be over with in a day or two.
Tomorrow is another day with a 600 km ride ahead of me to quebec city on the FZ6 :)
All in all my life is pretty sweet!
naw, he stayed up and made sure I was ok. The people there were surprised to see me get myself up lol... And best of all, the cute flag girl for that corner was making sure I was ok and helped me off the track lol.
Ouch! :eek: That sounded painful. 20 concussions is no laughing matter. Please be careful.
Good grief! That was like one of those videos someone emails you where everything is fine and then something jumps out and screams...freaked me out!!! :eek: The sound of that was horrid!

Glad you're ok and I agree that 20 concussions is a lot. Maybe you want to stick to street riding? LOL.


holy wow man.

QUICK WHATS 3 + 1 = ?!?!?

lol jk. but seriously man thats a lot of concussions to be taking you know they catch up with you. many people who take routine concussions (football players, boxers, rugby players, etc etc) get varying forms of dementia as they age.....but much sooner than when people normally get it.

that means when you are 50 your brain will be the brain of a 120 year old person and its messed up. keep your head safe man, if ur taking any kind of regular head injury i would stop doing that stuff even if it is lots of fun.

Dementia (meaning "deprived of mind") is the progressive decline in cognitive function due to damage or disease in the body beyond what might be expected from normal aging.

Dementia is a non-specific illness syndrome (set of signs and symptoms) in which affected areas of cognition may be memory, attention, language, and problem solving. Higher mental functions are affected first in the process. Especially in the later stages of the condition, affected persons may be disoriented in time (not knowing what day of the week, day of the month, or even what year it is), in place (not knowing where they are), and in person (not knowing who they are or others around them).

Astonishingly, and this doesnt mean you can just get hammered everyday now with an excuse, or that you need to stop taking head injuries:

It appears that the regular moderate consumption of alcohol (beer, wine, or distilled spirits) and a Mediterranean diet may reduce risk.

Some more info:

Repeated concussions brought on by blows to the head during their playing days significantly boost the chances that retired professional football players will suffer dementias such as mild cognitive impairment in later life, a new study suggests.

brief report: point is this is a serious matter. different people respond differently to multiple head injuries. you dont notice till you get older. some of those football players were legendary iron-men. they were the men of men. now many that suffered multiple concussions cant tie their own shoes or even know where they are half the time. saw documentary about it. quite a few took their own lives as well. very tragic stuff.

think about it mate.....its your head.
Man that sounded like someone hit you on the head with a pipe!

How many fingers am I holding up? :rockon: Okay.....:thumbup: