Good news!


Distance Rider
Mar 22, 2008
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As many of you know, the Iron Butt Association exists to certify long distance, timed motorcycle rides (they also hold an invitation-only ride every other year where guys ride 11,000 or so miles in 11 days). The minimum ride for IBA certification and membership is completion of a SaddleSore 1000, which is 1000+ certified miles completed safely in less than 24 hours.

Some of you know that I attempted a SS1000 on my FZ6 a couple of months ago (details and ride report are linked on a sticky in the Touring sub-forum). I did ~1067 miles in under 20 hours (really no big deal at Interstate speeds, but definitely some endurance skills required).

Anyway, I got some great news today! My ride was APPROVED for certification and I got my IBA membership number. The ride details will soon be posted on their electronic database and the certificate and other goodies are on their way to me. I was pretty paranoid about keeping full documentation during my ride (there are specific requirements for certification posted on the IBA website), but I was still very excited to find out my ride had been approved. To be honest - MUCH more excited than I had thought I would be.

When I phoned my wife and told her, she immediately knew what I was already thinking......"what should I do next?" :rockon:

From what I can tell, I'm the 7th person to complete an IBA ride on an FZ6 (3 were done last year, 1 in 2006, and 2 in 2005; all were the same ride I did except one in 2005, which was a BunBurner 1500 = 1500 miles in under 36 hours). Next year I hope to take it to the next level and try the BB1500 as well. Stay tuned!
Very cool, indeed! I've come close to that kind of mileage, but never pushed on through. I have thought about it, though. One day...
very cool, i didn't know that there was an actual association for this, i might have to go for it, i know i have it in me to get all those miles in...
Welcome aboard I did my Saddke Sore 3 years ago just after I bought my FJR. 1,033 miles in 17 hours. Very little freeway miles, just a big loop in Nevada. Easy to make good time in the desert, one stretch between Tonapah and Ely is 190 miles which I did in just under 2 hours. Nice when you can cruise at a buck 25 for miles.
Good on you to do this on a FZ, wouldn't want to even try it on mine.
Do you have an IBA # yet?
Opps, missed seeing your number (it's early). Kneebone (IBA Pres.)has really added a lot of riders in 3 years.

Yup. The number of riders doing this has gone up a LOT (along with the number of new riders in general). It also seems like there is more interest in adventure riding/touring/endurance riding than just a few years ago (perhaps replacing the chopper craze, which appears to be on the way out now that people don't have 30K to spend on chrome).

I'd love to have an FJR. A road-eating machine. It's a good thing I haven't spent any time or I'd know more about what I'm missing!
I'd love to have an FJR. A road-eating machine. It's a good thing I haven't spent any time or I'd know more about what I'm missing!

Ive ridden my Dad's FJR for about 50 miles one day but ut was amazing. Super easy to ride and comfortable. I want to have one someday myself.

Congrats on completing the ride and getting your association number. I hope to one day do the same.
Congrats man! Took a while to get the approval though, huh? I mean that was mid-summer when you did that wasnt it? Late June/early July?

Either way, nice Job!

As many of you know, the Iron Butt Association exists to certify long distance, timed motorcycle rides (they also hold an invitation-only ride every other year where guys ride 11,000 or so miles in 11 days). The minimum ride for IBA certification and membership is completion of a SaddleSore 1000, which is 1000+ certified miles completed safely in less than 24 hours.

Some of you know that I attempted a SS1000 on my FZ6 a couple of months ago (details and ride report are linked on a sticky in the Touring sub-forum). I did ~1067 miles in under 20 hours (really no big deal at Interstate speeds, but definitely some endurance skills required).

Anyway, I got some great news today! My ride was APPROVED for certification and I got my IBA membership number. The ride details will soon be posted on their electronic database and the certificate and other goodies are on their way to me. I was pretty paranoid about keeping full documentation during my ride (there are specific requirements for certification posted on the IBA website), but I was still very excited to find out my ride had been approved. To be honest - MUCH more excited than I had thought I would be.

When I phoned my wife and told her, she immediately knew what I was already thinking......\"what should I do next?\" :rockon:

From what I can tell, I'm the 7th person to complete an IBA ride on an FZ6 (3 were done last year, 1 in 2006, and 2 in 2005; all were the same ride I did except one in 2005, which was a BunBurner 1500 = 1500 miles in under 36 hours). Next year I hope to take it to the next level and try the BB1500 as well. Stay tuned!
Just out of curiousity what kind of seat do you have on your FZ? Congrats on the accomplishments happy for you. Later and take care. O and good luck with the future rides.
I got my ride certificate from the IBA today! (along with a ride pin AND the all-important official licence plate frame). IBA also updated their master list of rides and it now shows up there as well.

Here's a photo of the certificate. It appears that this is the first IBA ride done on an FZ6 in more than a year. Perhaps the only one done by one of our bikes this year? The 'official' mileage on the certiciate is 20-25 fewer miles than I recorded on my odometer, so I suspect they must re-plot the route on their software and use that as the official distance (so others planning to do this should be sure to ride a bit more than 1000 miles to be safe).


The official list for all IBA rides can be found at: Certified IBA Rides
Once the page loads, type in YAMAHA and then wait about 10-15 seconds for the list to load. You can then search by the words FZ6 to see all of the rides done by our bikes.
Well done on succeeding in this.

11000 miles in 11 days?? I have never read anything about this. Do you have a link for it?

Well done on succeeding in this.

11000 miles in 11 days?? I have never read anything about this. Do you have a link for it?


IBA - World's Toughest Motorcycle Riders

Check out this link. If you click on the various years at the top you can read stories about each rally. It's incredible. There are also some great stories about other rides you can do too (e.g., 4 corners - touch the four corners of the continental US in 21 days; Mexico-Canada border runs in 24 hours; riding the lower 48 states in 10 days [or 48+Alaska in 10 days!])

Next year is the 25-year rally. There are a lot of guys entered with classic bikes from the 70s (including at least 2 Suzukis with rotary-engines!) That should be cool.

Someday I'd like to do the rally. Entrance is determined by a lottery (with some weight given to what you've done before). In prior years a Ninja 250 and a Sportster did very well. Mostly it's big BMWs that win or drop out with Final Drive failure. I do hope to try one of the regional rallys they hold (generally 1000-2000 miles long).

Last weekend I had lunch with a bunch of long distance riders. These guys are amazing. They'll ride 1000 miles just for lunch and then ride home. Seriously! One guy has done over 50,000 miles on his bike since APRIL. None of them is stuck-up about it either. What I found really funny is that these guys claim claim that there is a whole league of riders above them (guys who consistently finish in the top 20 of the IBA rally and do nothing by ride the continent).

Pretty amazing.
Congrats man!! :thumbup: I have a route planned for a SS1000 next year and can't wait!