H1N1, Who's getting the vaccine?

Who is getting the H1N1 (swine flu) vaccine?

  • Yes

    Votes: 13 15.5%
  • No

    Votes: 65 77.4%
  • Not sure, is my leg gona fall off in 10 yers time?

    Votes: 6 7.1%

  • Total voters


International Liaison
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Jul 8, 2007
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Co Offaly, ROI
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The H1N1 virus is now global. The Vaccine is now availible to most of us.
Who is getting it?

Nope. It's been all over Central Texas as the main freeway, I35, is the one that goes from Mexico to Canada. With all of the trade and illegals we got hit hard about 6 weeks ago. The local childrens hospital set up a series to tents to examine and treat H1N1 kids to they wouldn't enter the main hospital. Smart move actually.

I figure if I haven't gotten it yet I won't at this point.

What do you think? Am I in a fool's paradise Nelly?
In the states, it is still only available for the category 1 - 3 folks, those being the very young, chronically ill, elderly and pregnant women. I have not had it, my wife is a diabetic and she hasn't gotten her call and my daughter, who has asthma and is pregnant, did get the shot.

She's still got both legs after 4 days. ;)
They only have 1,800 vaccines for a county with 338,000 people here.
You almost have a better chance of winning the lottery.

They banned people under 18 from going to hospitals around here unless they or a relative are dying.:eek:
Nope. It's been all over Central Texas as the main freeway, I35, is the one that goes from Mexico to Canada. With all of the trade and illegals we got hit hard about 6 weeks ago. The local childrens hospital set up a series to tents to examine and treat H1N1 kids to they wouldn't enter the main hospital. Smart move actually.

I figure if I haven't gotten it yet I won't at this point.

What do you think? Am I in a fool's paradise Nelly?
Well Pete, you and 75% of my colleagues are in the same boat. They also feel that they are of good health and will ride the storm. To be honest I don't know? Several of my colleagues and I were debating the topic last week. There is as much negative press about the vaccine as there is positive? I have decided to get it as I have personally treated 12 confirmed cases now. I don't want to bring it home to the children. On the other hand all my children attend pre-school/toddler groups so they have maximum opportunity to bring it in the back door. The one thing I can say for gospel is this. Good basic hand hygiene and standard precautions do work.

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They only have 1,800 vaccines for a county with 338,000 people here.
You almost have a better chance of winning the lottery.

They banned people under 18 from going to hospitals around here unless they or a relative are dying.:eek:
Please can you tell me where you are from exactly?

They only have 1,800 vaccines for a county with 338,000 people here.
You almost have a better chance of winning the lottery.

They banned people under 18 from going to hospitals around here unless they or a relative are dying.:eek:
To be honest, and I know that it seems harsh but containment is still the best option. Since there is relatively little from a medical point of view that can be done. Anti viral medications like"Tami Flu" are of limited effect. Keeping people away from hospitals and their vulnerable populations is actually a very wise thing to do.
In reality most of us who get it will be fine. If H1N1 was not so prolific from a media point of view, We would be calling it the flu or a winter bug.

Like posted by another member, it's not available to everyone here in the states. Very select group get the vaccine for now.

If offered, I would take it.

However, I just did get the normal flu shot the other day. My arm is still sore.

What's with the leg jokes? Is there some sort of side effect to the shot?

If I get the flu, will I die?

How do I know that I have this flu, and not the regular flu. Anything different that will make me know that I have it?
Our HR department sent out an email stating that we might be able to get it as class 5 (lowest risk) people in the second round, when the flu comes back through late winter/early spring.

Given that I am fairly healthy and at a very low risk, I think I would rather get it once and develop my own anitbodies. Perhaps if I have it the first time, future shots for other strands will be less risky.
Like posted by another member, it's not available to everyone here in the states. Very select group get the vaccine for now.

If offered, I would take it.

However, I just did get the normal flu shot the other day. My arm is still sore.

What's with the leg jokes? Is there some sort of side effect to the shot?

If I get the flu, will I die?

How do I know that I have this flu, and not the regular flu. Anything different that will make me know that I have it?

Yea, you die!:D

Seriously though it's just a freaking flu! The media is making it more than it actually is. Chances are if you get it you're not going to DIE.
Like posted by another member, it's not available to everyone here in the states. Very select group get the vaccine for now.

If offered, I would take it.

However, I just did get the normal flu shot the other day. My arm is still sore.

What's with the leg jokes? Is there some sort of side effect to the shot?

If I get the flu, will I die?

How do I know that I have this flu, and not the regular flu. Anything different that will make me know that I have it?
Well Kenny thats the problem, I work in health care and the guidelines we are given to work by change on a weekly basis. If you presented to my ED with flu like symptoms we would treat the probability of you having H1N1. The swabs we take have a two week turn around. In this time you would be free of the virus.
The leg thing is my humor.............. I attended an update on the vaccine. I asked the question, "So in five years when my leg falls off where do I stand (I know the quick members are thinking, "well on one leg you fool") about safety and was not given any guarantees. This just increased the paranoia amongst front line staff who have been told " You have moral obligation to have the vaccine".

Our HR department sent out an email stating that we might be able to get it as class 5 (lowest risk) people in the second round, when the flu comes back through late winter/early spring.

Given that I am fairly healthy and at a very low risk, I think I would rather get it once and develop my own anitbodies. Perhaps if I have it the first time, future shots for other strands will be less risky.
Your views are shared by a good few.
Yea, you die!:D

Seriously though it's just a freaking flu! The media is making it more than it actually is. Chances are if you get it you're not going to DIE.

For most people Anthony, this is very true. But this flu is different for the very young, sickly and elderly.

This flu doesn't kill you at all. It's not the flu but your own complications that you already have that can kill you. The H1N1 significantly reduces your immune system thus giving other ailments free reign inside your system. With the severely weakened immune system, any other ailment you have can intensify a great deal. This is exactly why the majority of folks are not at a high risk and can weather the storm.

My wife is diabetic. They are VERY slow to heal and their immune systems are already weak. For her, the cold that I get over in 3 - 5 days lasts two to three weeks. Can you imagine what an H1N1 infection would do to her?

Please don't be quick to judge this as something that isn't dangerous. It may be to most, but there's a minority that fear such a sickness. I hope that helps shed some light on the H1N1 and provide a different perspective.
Like posted by another member, it's not available to everyone here in the states. Very select group get the vaccine for now.

If offered, I would take it.

However, I just did get the normal flu shot the other day. My arm is still sore.

What's with the leg jokes? Is there some sort of side effect to the shot?

If I get the flu, will I die?

How do I know that I have this flu, and not the regular flu. Anything different that will make me know that I have it?

Hey Kenny,
Your legs will fall off more from the Tamaflu stuff than catching the virus! Hahaha!
Eat good yogurt ease up on the coffee and drink good green and black tea. Oh Yeah! Home made Chicken soup! :thumbup:
For most people Anthony, this is very true. But this flu is different for the very young, sickly and elderly.

This flu doesn't kill you at all. It's not the flu but your own complications that you already have that can kill you. The H1N1 significantly reduces your immune system thus giving other ailments free reign inside your system. With the severely weakened immune system, any other ailment you have can intensify a great deal. This is exactly why the majority of folks are not at a high risk and can weather the storm.

My wife is diabetic. They are VERY slow to heal and their immune systems are already weak. For her, the cold that I get over in 3 - 5 days lasts two to three weeks. Can you imagine what an H1N1 infection would do to her?

Please don't be quick to judge this as something that isn't dangerous. It may be to most, but there's a minority that fear such a sickness. I hope that helps shed some light on the H1N1 and provide a different perspective.

I not making light of things, but think the media is making things darker than they need to be. I didn't mean to make light of the situation, but I also fell it is being made bigger than needs to be. Best wishes to you and your family.
I not making light of things, but think the media is making things darker than they need to be. I didn't mean to make light of the situation, but I also fell it is being made bigger than needs to be. Best wishes to you and your family.

I fully agree about the media. It's caused major ripples!

Where I work, we had to come up with a pandemic plan to suit the needs of several of our biggest contractual customers. This coming week? How stupid is this? Mandatory FLU training! I'm almost embarrassed that our company is making us do this!

All anyone needs/wants to know about it is readily available online at Centers for Disease Control and Prevention without the hype. ;) Hell, Google knows as much about it too. :D
I haven't gotten the regular flu in a decade or more (that I can remember) and the last cold I got was several years ago at least (I don't count a runny nose as a cold). Never had a shot or any immunizations beyond those required for school. Guess I'm on the 'deep end' of the gene pool.
No shot for me.

Though I will consider a .45 "shot" for the next person that says "OMG SWINE FLU WE'RE ALL GONA DIE". I will admit to only hearing news reporters and politicians say that so its OK, I doubt either will be missed.
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Not me. More people would probably die from the common flu than swine flu.

What doesn't kill us, makes us stronger

When your number's up, it's up. You can't delay the inevitable......

Just treat each day like it's your last and enjoy life......