Happy Australia day, cobbers.

Cheers Mate.

Ahhhhhh, Sun, Beer, and BBQ's.. That's what it's all about. 10:30 am here, and it's about 32 degrees C outside.

Oh yeah, and the day many Aussies change the colour of their skin...
Cheers Mate.

Ahhhhhh, Sun, Beer, and BBQ's.. That's what it's all about. 10:30 am here, and it's about 32 degrees C outside.

Oh yeah, and the day many Aussies change the colour of their skin...
I saw that picture to and nearly used it lol.
Shouldn't you be watching the cricket, drinking beer and chewing on a lambs carcass?

Cheers nelly just about to go grab a beer.
Well why you two go an pollute the atmosphere with your barby smoke, I will be tucked up in bed wondering if its gona be pi55ing down on the way to work.
Enjoy fellas ( and Sheilas).
Just remember "We love lamb" now who said that..........................? it wasn't a Welsh farmer. it will come to me ...........snoooooor nite nite.

Am sitting in Nursing accomodation in Loxton in South Australia's riverland with 3 nurses, a Wii, and cold beer! Watching the Cricket at the pub is on the agenda for later....it's damn hot up here, forecast for tomorrow is 47 degree's C!!!!!!! Now that is freakin' hot in anyone's language.

Happy Australia Day everyone....Aussie, Aussie, Aussie.....Oi, Oi, Oi!
Holy smoly, I did the math and that's 116 F over here. That's probably what it will be here on the 4th of July. Yes California can get a bit toasty too yet we had snow this morning.
Only one thing you guys can do-drink more beer! Too hot to ride.

Happy Australia Day
What could be more Aussie (well, South Aussie) than heading up to Lobethal for a Breakfast dog then off with Matt to Echunga for a coffee, then off to Goolwa for fuel, then back to Meadows for a pie and a very manly strawberry milkshake, then back to Lobethal via Mylor, Stirling,Crafers and Uraidla.

Had another Bundy ginger beer, said cheerio to Matt and headed down Lobie road and off down Montecute road, then back up to Lenswood then off to Uraidla and home via Crafers, Belair and Clarendon.

All up around 500km...lol.:rockon: I love Aussie day:rockon::rockon::rockon::cheer:


P.S. My tire is a little sad now:(.
Thanks Nelly , nice warm day here in Oz and yes i did chew on a lamb carcass :D.......Lamb , snags , rissoles and steak on the BBQ , washed down with a few cold beverages ahhhhhhh life doesnt get any better :thumbup:
So what the hell is a mystery bag :confused:

p.s I'm English so feel free to translate to english slang :Flip:

:rof: :rof: :rof: This is to much fun :D , Us Aussie's should start a slang thread and have an Aussie conversation and leave the world wondering what the hell we are on about :thumbup:..... A snag/banger/mystery bag is an Aussie sausage
A snag... Is a Sausage.. plain and simple.

Mystery bag... because it's a mystery what's actually wrapped up inside that skin of a sausage.. and you really don't want to know, except that they taste great :)
A snag... Is a Sausage.. plain and simple.

Mystery bag... because it's a mystery what's actually wrapped up inside that skin of a sausage.. and you really don't want to know, except that they taste great :)

It's also one half of zeppelins in a fog, which I mentioned earlier as bangers and mash.

Preferably on a slice of bread with some onion and enough dead horse to drip out the ends:thumbup:.