Happy Australia day, cobbers.

How much:rof::iconbeer::iconbeer::iconbeer::iconbeer::iconbeer::iconbeer: ave you had? lol.


I'm guessing none. Our good old Mr. Humpy likes his Bundy too much to waste his evening on beer:rockon:....lol.

That's what all good Queenslanders do of an evening. Drink Bundy and bend bananas....LMAO. They're so sloshed they actually think they're straightening them...lol.:D

I'm guessing none. Our good old Mr. Humpy likes his Bundy too much to waste his evening on beer:rockon:....lol.

That's what all good Queenslanders do of an evening. Drink Bundy and bend bananas....LMAO. They're so sloshed they actually think they're straightening them...lol.:D

I don't mind a bit of Bundy myself lol. Is Banana bending a national or regional sport?

So what your saying is, Queenslanders are thicker than a whale omelette :rof:?


LOL....Possibly....but I reckon most of them are more than half cut on Bundy most of the time. You don't get that in Adelaide, for instance.

Down here they're all half cut on Cooper's Pale:eek:...lol. :D
I'm guessing none. Our good old Mr. Humpy likes his Bundy too much to waste his evening on beer:rockon:....lol.

That's what all good Queenslanders do of an evening. Drink Bundy and bend bananas....LMAO. They're so sloshed they actually think they're straightening them...lol.:D


C'mon Mike dont be mean , i might live in QLD but im a NSW's boy through and through and we know banana's are straight :thumbup:......To right bout the Bundy aswell , whats beer :confused: :D...Or should i say XXXX coz QLDers cant spell beer :eek:
I love Queenslanders...Thongs, badly fitting shorts, bad shirts, leatherised skin from the sun, no decorum, just flat out Aussie drunks, who like a good feed, hate a surf, and best of all they are happy to live in constant fear of flood!

LOL....Possibly....but I reckon most of them are more than half cut on Bundy most of the time. You don't get that in Adelaide, for instance.

Down here they're all half cut on Cooper's Pale:eek:...lol. :D

Mate QLDers couldnt even spell Coopers :D , thats where XXXX comes into it :thumbup:
Mate QLDers couldnt even spell Coopers :D , thats where XXXX comes into it :thumbup:

Dont need to spell Coopers, just ask for "2 pales thanks mate"! That's only 4 letters, that's why we drink it! One syllable, instead of two!...PALE.....4 X!

Dont need to spell Coopers, just ask for "2 pales thanks mate"! That's only 4 letters, that's why we drink it! One syllable, instead of two!...PALE.....4 X!


You can tell im a NSW boy then because i can handle 2 syllables and 7 letters :D , 6 Bundies thanks cobber :thumbup: