Hard choice to make...need some input

When i got married in 2001 i owned a little 250 nighthawk and rode it to school. after graduation i sold it. fast forward 7 years and now my wife FORBADE me from getting a dirt bike. bought it anyways and she would not shut the F up about it making my life hell. i weathered the storm about the bike but then she started saying she wanted a divorce. The week after she moved out i got a 2007 bandit 1250. BEST DAMN TRADE I EVER MADE.

point: dont believe her that you can get another bike later.
If the bike is paid off, it's costing next to nothing to keep it. It's a 2006 FZ6. It's not going to bring you a windfall if you sell it. It's $2900 - $3800 in value. Later on, it will cost you more to go buy a bike. You know this one is solid and a used bike down the road for the same money might end up a lemon. Just how far would you get on $3500 anyway? Now, if that was what you owed on the VW and could kill that payment completely with the cash from the bike, it *might* be worth it. That would put you in a comfort zone where you could sock away even half the no-longer-needed car payment toward a new bike later. If it were me, I'd figure out other sacrifices rather than sell something that I own and costs me almost nothing to hold on to.

As for marriage... I think it is great! But I wish more couples would spend less on the ceremony and bash and save that money for a house, new car, crib and diapers.... I just watched a friend go $44k in debt to put on the big "show" because his wife wanted the fairy tale wedding in a meadow overlooking the valley and hills. Sure it was nice, but now the guy is broke, cannot go out to lunch with us and his car is failing and he cannot afford to finance a new car OR fix this one. But boy, was she a beautiful bride in a beautiful outdoor wedding. That honeymoon is over..... :shakehead: Elope or a small ceremony with close family and friends. Spend the money for the future as a couple, not the big day. Boy.... I ramble on sometimes.... :rolleyes:
Another for not selling the bike. They're much cheaper to operate and maintain than a car or truck (my truck gets 17mpg, costs roughly $75 to fill up at the moment so I don't drive it much). If you sell it for money that you'll use a year or two down the road then why sell it now? I understand how difficult nursing school is, had a couple of friends that have done it.

My current GF is a former ER nurse and loves to ride. She just bought her own helmet yesterday for a ride we're going on this Saturday. Of course we're not in the same situation as you.

It's hard to get rid of something that's paid off, especially a vehicle. Kudo's for cutting back on other things you can live without.
Here is the way I look at it. Personally if you have to sell something to afford a ring you don't belong buying the ring. What is the big hurry to get engaged/married? I have been with my fiance for 9 and a half years. We were high school sweethearts. We didn't get engaged until this past June. I say as the bike is paid off keep it. As others have stated take it off the road if necessary. You are to the point that the depreciation will be minimal. Go through school and get your life in order then worry about taking the next step.