Have you ever wanted to break a 3rd grader in half????

Is that the son in the Marines now?
Either way tell your son thanks from some other random dude in KY. I appreciate the hell out of what he does.

Yes, it sure is, he was always the short, chubby kid, now he is a big, bad Marine, but still MY baby boy. I will definitely give him your thanks.
Thanks all for the positive replies.

The vice principal called back and said that this will be dealt with. Katie (my daughter) is going into the office tomorrow morning to write everything down that this girl has said or done to her and then it will go on the girl's record file. He said they have a no tolerance for threat policy and it requires immediate attention. We'll see what happens tomorrow. All I can do with the Sheriff's dept. is file a report.....they can't do anything else because she's under a certain age and at her age, they don't consider her \"a threat.\" :confused:

I'm going to ask if she will be suspended, put in a different class (which doesn't really matter because they see eachother at lunch), detention or SOMETHING additional to the written report that will go on her file. I may just homeschool her until we possibly move.

Get a copy of what the administration did...for your records...if it comes down to a school liability issue schools are notorious for 'losing' paperwork. Get copies of the incident and what disciplinary action the school took.
Little girl getting picked-on at school?

Whenever little kids fight with one another, it's because the nice one has something the bad one doesn't. That's when the bad girl fights people to get what she wants. Pretty sad huh?

Whatever you do: DO NOT encourage your child to smash the bad girl in the face. Although it MIGHT work, you'll be in a deep well of trouble if it fails. It's a gamble.

Here's what I recommend:

Find out WHO'S BULLYING THE BAD GIRL. It's like a kink in a garden hose...you have to backtrack and find out the source of the problem. You need to UNKINK the hose. Otherwise, the scene will never change.
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It is truly sad but not surprising. I have two kids of my own and I am scared everyday they leave my house. It would seem these days that most parents expect the school to dicipline, TV to babysit and Macdonalds to feed them. The really bad thing is that if they talk to YOU that way, just imagine what the teacher hears. Good luck.
Whatever you do: DO NOT encourage your child to smash the bad girl in the face. Although it MIGHT work, you'll be in a deep well of trouble if it fails. It's a gamble.

Here's what I recommend:

Find out WHO'S BULLYING THE BAD GIRL. It's like a kink in a garden hose...you have to backtrack and find out the source of the problem. You need to UNKINK the hose. Otherwise, the scene will never change. [/COLOR]

I totally agree here. I understand that there are situations that warrant self-defense, but telling a kid to bash in someones nose is not a good way of dealing with bullying.
Getting administration involved is your best bet. It is their legal responsibility to protect your child, and they will (should) take that seriously. If not they can lose funding and close the school.

I won't believe that violence is the only way to put an end to violence.
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I would guess the problem is with the parents and/or siblings of this screwed up kid. Perhaps the fact that her uncle is apparently a violent convicted felon speaks to this. They are probably the ones bullying their kid and screwing her up for life. She needs help. Sorry this is happening to you, it's a tough situation but you have to do whatever is necessary to ensure the safety of your kids. Get this kid in a different class and get copies of all the documentation for your own records. I wouldn't agree on the home schooling personally, the good guys don't run IMO, but again you need to do what you feel is right.
Eric, I have done the exact same.

I have taught my kids that it's not ok to fight and if someone picks on them, they need to just walk away.

All of the boys pick on her (I know it's different when a boy picks on a girl, rather than a girl picking on a girl, but still) and so I told her one day.....you know what, if that boy touches you again, just hit him right in the mouth! So I get a call one day from the vice principal saying that Katie hit some boy in the mouth. I told him,"Good! I told her to." He says,"ya know, we don't tolerate that." I said,"let me explain something to you; I've been a stay at home mom for 5 years....I have protected her since birth and now with her being in school, once I drop her off, I can no longer protect her and she needs to be able to stand up for herself and protect herself.....I expect the school's staff to protect my daughter once she steps foot on school property....if you and the staff were doing your job, none of this would've happened." That boy has not bothered her since!

She was always afraid about getting in trouble if she did something like this and told her,"if that happens, don't worry about it....I will take care of it."

I had to explain to her that she has to create a reputation for herself and everybody will leave her alone. I guess that's what kids have to do now to survive! I too have told her not to start a fight, but she can end one.

Seth (my son) was getting picked on and Katie stepped in front of Seth and told the boys,"you're gonna have to go through me first." The boys then walked away.

We'll see what happens!

EDIT: Elm, I agree....when a girl picks on another girl, it usually has to do with some kind of jealousy. I'm not saying this because Katie is my daughter, but my daughter is so beautiful and I really, truly believe that's why this little punk picks on her.
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and so I told her one day.....you know what, if that boy touches you again, just hit him right in the mouth!

I had to explain to her that she has to create a reputation for herself and everybody will leave her alone.

Good for you!:thumbup:

I too tell my son (who is a little sensitive) that fighting is not OK when it can be avoided. However, If someone continues to hurt you, then you have to stand up for yourself and make them stop; even if it means fighting and you will not get in trouble for standing up for yourself.

It's too bad that you have to tell 5 year olds that they have to stand up for themselves when bullied.:confused:
I know how you feel, something similar happened to my daughter on the bus. The only difference is My daughter was in grade 5 and the girls picking on her were in grade 10. We are in such a small area that the bus system carries elementary and high school kids on the same bus. I took the problem to the Principal at Emily's (daughter) school, she said she could do nothing about it, so I took it to the high school Principal, the busing company and the police.
It was dealt with, the 3 girls no longer ride this bus.
Children learn what they live. The advice has been pretty consistent.. we always told our son the same do not participate in a fight, walk away. Well this kid had been up his butt for months and Chris just ignored him (yay the right thing) but finally there was an altercation when it was time to get on the busses.. this kid starts in with him so Chris starts walking toward a teacher, and the kid punches him in the mouth.. Chris did not retaliate because he knew he would be in trouble. The School suspended both boys even though the teacher saw that Chris did not hit or fight with this other boy. My husband was livid. He went to the school to read Chris the riot act for getting into trouble/fight. Chris kept saying, but Dad I didn't hit him, he hit me (he had a fat lip) so when the admins came in to talk to Josh and Chris.. he learned that Chris was infact telling the truth. Blood boiling, Josh sent Chris out to the car..He said so let me get this straight, my son has a fat lip, did not retaliate and he is suspended for a week? They said yes, we have a no tolerance policy. Josh said this was a battery, are the police coming down. No we are handling it internally.. so Josh said, so if I assault you I won't be in trouble with the police? Well uh, uhm well that isn't the same ... Josh left thankfully.

The hard part is now you have to worry that the situation may escalate that this punk girl will start to call Katie a snitch or something.. then she needs to hit this girl square between the eyes.
Children learn what they live. The advice has been pretty consistent.. we always told our son the same do not participate in a fight, walk away. Well this kid had been up his butt for months and Chris just ignored him (yay the right thing) but finally there was an altercation when it was time to get on the busses.. this kid starts in with him so Chris starts walking toward a teacher, and the kid punches him in the mouth.. Chris did not retaliate because he knew he would be in trouble. The School suspended both boys even though the teacher saw that Chris did not hit or fight with this other boy. My husband was livid. He went to the school to read Chris the riot act for getting into trouble/fight. Chris kept saying, but Dad I didn't hit him, he hit me (he had a fat lip) so when the admins came in to talk to Josh and Chris.. he learned that Chris was infact telling the truth. Blood boiling, Josh sent Chris out to the car..He said so let me get this straight, my son has a fat lip, did not retaliate and he is suspended for a week? They said yes, we have a no tolerance policy. Josh said this was a battery, are the police coming down. No we are handling it internally.. so Josh said, so if I assault you I won't be in trouble with the police? Well uh, uhm well that isn't the same ... Josh left thankfully.

The hard part is now you have to worry that the situation may escalate that this punk girl will start to call Katie a snitch or something.. then she needs to hit this girl square between the eyes.

See, that is BULL SH*T!!! So, if Katie's gonna get in trouble no matter what, why not let her just beat the piss out of her!!!

In high school, my/my brother's friend got sucker punched......he dropped to his knees and covered his head while this dude beat the crap out of him. James never hit him back and he got suspended along with the other guy. It really pissed my brother off, so when the other guy came back to school, my brother hit him and knocked his tooth loose. My brother got suspended but the other guy didn't and he actually hit my brother back! :eek:

This morning I was telling the vice principal that I want the appropriate discipline done to this girl......and he tells me that her discipline will start today, but he can't tell me what it will be! That is BS!!! Katie's teacher said it works both ways with Katie and Destiny.....I told him,"I don't CARE what was said on Katie's part, Destiny threatened my daughter's life and there is no excuse at all!"
Jstein, I truly do not envy your position. I wish you favor and all possible positive outcomes. You have one of the hardest and most important jobs on the face of this planet - being a parent. I wish more parents would discipline their children, teach them to love/respect themselves and others. Unfortunately, many parents don't even know how to do that. The law and our "culture" doesn't seem to help much, either! Hang in there, I hope your girl's situation improves and you get maximum cooperation from the school. Sorry for the long post - I feel rather passionate about this very topic.
Big Bump +1
Nicely written.

See, that is BULL SH*T!!! So, if Katie's gonna get in trouble no matter what, why not let her just beat the piss out of her!!!

In high school, my/my brother's friend got sucker punched......he dropped to his knees and covered his head while this dude beat the crap out of him. James never hit him back and he got suspended along with the other guy. It really pissed my brother off, so when the other guy came back to school, my brother hit him and knocked his tooth loose. My brother got suspended but the other guy didn't and he actually hit my brother back! :eek:

This morning I was telling the vice principal that I want the appropriate discipline done to this girl......and he tells me that her discipline will start today, but he can't tell me what it will be! That is BS!!! Katie's teacher said it works both ways with Katie and Destiny.....I told him,\"I don't CARE what was said on Katie's part, Destiny threatened my daughter's life and there is no excuse at all!\"

You could file a formal complaint with the school board if they want to ignore the issue, or call the police and report terroristic threats. I don't have kids yet but I feel you, I would be furious if the people entrusted with protecting my child were more interested in keeping things quiet than making sure the kids are actually safe at school.
The verdict!

That girl was sent home this morning, so obviously she got suspended. I don't know if she got suspended for monday as well, but I really hope her parents correct her behavior. She will possibly be taken out of the class too. I just pray this doesn't happen again. The school is so lucky that they did something because I was about to become their worst nightmare.
Re: The verdict!

Keep us posted Janette. I hope this does resolve it for your daughter!