Hello All


Junior Member
Jan 21, 2008
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Hi all,

I have been reading the forum for a while in lurker mode just to get a feel for the place, and have just made my first post in another thread, so I thought I had better pop a little hello in here.

Not a lot to tell really, I'm in the UK, and ride an as yet un-modded 07 black S2N.

Lots of good information in here, and it seems a friendly forum. :thumbup:
Welcome to the forum Arty, enjoy, oh don't forget to post a picture of your baby, then you (and we) can do a before and after mod comparison :thumbup:
Welcome to the forum Arty. glad to have you. take a peek (as im sure you already have) at our mods section. you have a clean slate to work with that probobly won't stay that way for long.
Hi all,

I have been reading the forum for a while in lurker mode just to get a feel for the place, and have just made my first post in another thread, so I thought I had better pop a little hello in here.

Not a lot to tell really, I'm in the UK, and ride an as yet un-modded 07 black S2N.

Lots of good information in here, and it seems a friendly forum. :thumbup:
Welcome Mate,
Where in the UK are ya?

Welcome to the forum.

Remember that Black is stealthy,
Blue is faster
And Red, discontinued for being to slow. But now a collectors item.
Welcome Arty!

Don't believe the RED theory. Note that BLUE is the ONLY color that is made EVERY year! Reds just cannot keep up so they had to discontinue them. :thumbup:

If you want info, these guys have it! This place is better than the manual!
Thanks for the nice welcome guys. :thumbup:

Neil (perryn) I am in Surrey, lost in the commuter belt.

As for bike colour guys, blue seems a little too common to be the fastest doesn't it! :p Red should be reserved for Italian bikes, and their wonderful reliability, the white looks like they forgot the top coat and it left the factory in primer...

Yes, I think you will find that black is the smart choice, besides, black goes with everything...