Hello From Greece...Thats My few Mods Guys...but at last,my fz6 is 1 of is kind as we say.....

Well 2 issues I can think of:

#1 - Leagality. You'd have to check what your local restrictions are in regards to specifics about mounting plates on bikes.

#2 - Clearance issues with suspension. You have to be VERY careful that where you mount the plate will not interfear with the bike's suspension or come into contact with any part of the bike during full compression.

I've seen bikes (not FZ6's) that have their plates mounted low on the swingarm.

thats quite Ugly,isnt it??

P.S: of course i will be careful about the clearance issues with the rear shock...

and i wont be fitting it so low,but quite high so it will be Better hidden from the Eyes :p///

Thats the point ...i dont want A camera photo,to catch my lisence plate when i m speeding..

if they give me a ticket for lisence plate is 150 euro here..

but if a photo catch me with 200+ kms,u are going into jeal..

so i prefer If ever they stop me for a check,and if the policeman is Heartless ,to give me a ticket for some euros,rather than going into jeal...
Thats the point ...i dont want A camera photo,to catch my lisence plate when i m speeding..

if they give me a ticket for lisence plate is 150 euro here..

but if a photo catch me with 200+ kms,u are going into jeal..

Well the solution is simple then; DON'T speed.

You wanna speed, you pay the price if you get caught.

but if a photo catch me with 200+ kms,u are going into jeal..
And you should go to jail! The ONLY place you should be doing 200+Km/h is the TRACK, not public roads.

For future reference, please don't ask for suggestions to help aid in your illegal activities on this forum as it's against forum rules.
sorry mate,my mistake...
i know that the license plate matter may be illegal,but i m not a criminal though..

anyway thanx for any help...