Helmet stolen - Majorly pissed off

Who can I really blame?

  • Myself, for not taking better care of my helmet.

    Votes: 22 25.0%
  • Myself, for not securing it better.

    Votes: 13 14.8%
  • Myself, for not fitting an alarm.

    Votes: 2 2.3%
  • This stuff just happens.....

    Votes: 52 59.1%
  • Someone wants to steal your bike! (Conspiracy!)

    Votes: 8 9.1%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I didn't have that as the last option, because if I find out who did it I don't want any evidence of premeditation for my revenge hanging around :p You saw nothing!

Yea I only use a disc lock when I'm parking it somewhere I can keep an eye on it, otherwise I always use my chain through a wheel or some non easily removal part of the bike and onto a solid object that is equally unmovable. I might suss out if there is somewhere with a CCTV that I can park that might be a bit safer.
Oi Kris! One more thing to watch out for. I'm too lazy to check exactly how you park...lol...but If someone can park a ute next to your bike, park elsewhere.

Shove bars through the wheels and a couple strong blokes each side and your bike is sitting in the back of a ute. (50kg's each)

I park my bike out in the plant/machinery section out the back with a disc lock (screamer) and the steering lock on. I don't turn the bike 'til I am about to leave and there is a long way of three foot wide path to get through before it widens out.

Just do as much as you can without making your own life a paranoid hell and live with any further incidences knowing you did what you could. And learn from this one (which no doubt you have).

Oh! and it's illegal to set your bike up as bait while you stake the place out with your crossbow (unfortunately):( I've asked:D

Re my alarm: Scorpio 900i...I got it cause I work in clubs, and sometimes need to leave my bike on the street...

My alarm has a proximity sensor, tilt, shock, ignition, and tamper sensor...all which have their own very loud alert as well as sending me a message to the units remote control ( providing I am within about 250 metres of the bike) which tells me which sensor was tripped...so if it us anything other than a proximity alert...I am off towards my bike in a flash!

No randoms sit on my bike anymore!


I have an older Scorpio I500 on my FJR. Its a plug and play (where the tail lights plug into the main harness-should be the same yamaha harness as the FZ). Used it on my old Goldwing while on a trip, perimeter sensor, fairly easy install. I got mine with the optional built in battery should the bike battery die/become disabled. It'll flash ft and rear lights/acticvate horn (if set on that mode) besides alerting you. You can also adjust the sensitivity. It takes very, very little power and would last easily several days without affecting the battery short of numerous activations. Now the remote needed recharging (small 110 volt recharger) if activated on/off often in a week long trip. I believe it was around $100. You can buy bike specific harness's to move the alarm between different bikes if needed....

I would think that would help some with the thievery of a locked helmet. My helmets are locked to my bike almost always (short of crappy weather) and haven't had a problem... Scott
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Oi Kris! One more thing to watch out for. I'm too lazy to check exactly how you park...lol...but If someone can park a ute next to your bike, park elsewhere.

Shove bars through the wheels and a couple strong blokes each side and your bike is sitting in the back of a ute. (50kg's each)

I park my bike out in the plant/machinery section out the back with a disc lock (screamer) and the steering lock on. I don't turn the bike 'til I am about to leave and there is a long way of three foot wide path to get through before it widens out.

Just do as much as you can without making your own life a paranoid hell and live with any further incidences knowing you did what you could. And learn from this one (which no doubt you have).

Oh! and it's illegal to set your bike up as bait while you stake the place out with your crossbow (unfortunately):( I've asked:D


Haha sad about the staking out being illegal thing, street justice would be good
I always make sure that the chain on my bike is on something secure (at work its locked directly to a giant set of steel stairs that are the fire exit from the building into the parking. You would need some serious welding/sawing to get the bike free.
Its one of those giant super heavy locking chains, well its not a chain, its a plastic coated special super heavy duty 'thing'. I got the second strongest one the shop had since the heaviest weighed as much as I did ;P
If there is nothing really secure I try and put it around a telegraph pole or similar, so you would need to lift it literally 3m in the air to get the chain 'over' the top of the pole.

I'll definately keep in mind about limiting access with the way I park so a ute can't do that too now
I think whoever took the helmet is getting unfairly criticized. How do we know his/her situation? Look, the person may be desparate, down and out, scrounging everyday to make it. We have to have compassion for these kinds of people and should, instead, try to understand their situation. THEY are victims. How would you like it if you were reduced to having to steal or even vandalize somebody's property? They need help, not hate.
The only leeway I give them is they didn't touch the bike. If they had...............

That being said if I see a homeless bum on the side of the road cooking roadkill in my helmet shell then I'd probably be willing to say it went to the more needy

That being said if I fell that low I think for the good of society I'd have to opt for being put out of my misery, can I (currently not in that situation) opt for the same solution for those who are :p
Sorry to hear about your helmet. Hooligans! :mad:

Although it might be easier to find a safe spot at work for your helmet than you think...

When I ride to work, I take my helmet inside and hang it by the rings around the hooks of a pair of coat hangars and then put my jacket on the hangar around it.

I generally trust my co workers and since I work overnight, nobody bothers it. But I imagine if I had to, I could thread a thin anti theft cord through the hangar, the rings and around the bar (which at my work is secured on both ends with screws) to keep someone from just walking off with it; or knocking it over for that matter.

A practiced or determined thief will find a way to overcome pretty much anything you can think of but for me, it's all about preventing those random acts of vandalism and theft from Joe Passerby.
Yea thats it really, if they really really want it no matter what you do they'll either get it or probably destroy it when they can't.
Its just the randoms who will take advantage of situations that you can prevent by that little extra effort or precaution
The only leeway I give them is they didn't touch the bike. If they had...............

That being said if I see a homeless bum on the side of the road cooking roadkill in my helmet shell then I'd probably be willing to say it went to the more needy

That being said if I fell that low I think for the good of society I'd have to opt for being put out of my misery, can I (currently not in that situation) opt for the same solution for those who are :p

I completely agree (I was being sarcastic with my last post). I hope whoever the coward was that took your helmet, someday has the "favor returned" after that, gets ripped off again and again so he/she can "reap what you sow."

On another note, I am constantly amazed at how often Harley riders simply hang their helmet (unlocked) off a handlebar. Many times, though, it's just one of those skimpy 1/2 helmets that Harley riders seem to favor. They're not even worth stealing to the scum, maggot low lifes?
Sorry to hear about your helmet! That really sucks.. Why can some people just not keep their hands off other people's stuff?! Bastards!:spank:
Haha yea I've wondered the same thing. One of the guys I know who rides a harley generally just uses his $90 half face helmet most of the time.
I'm pretty dubious about its safety benefits despite the little approval sticker on the back.
I think whoever took the helmet is getting unfairly criticized. How do we know his/her situation? Look, the person may be desparate, down and out, scrounging everyday to make it. We have to have compassion for these kinds of people and should, instead, try to understand their situation. THEY are victims. How would you like it if you were reduced to having to steal or even vandalize somebody's property? They need help, not hate.

I scoured your post over and over looking for the tongue in cheek icon but didn't see it.
Crossbows and hedge clippers all 'round!!:sinister: I did get to catch a guy in the act of breaking into my truck when I went riding my dirt bike. It was pretty fun, I didnt press charges either! He didnt get my rent cash that was in the center console or my stereo either, but he did get to take away a few "souveiners" to tide him over.:spank: I like the idea of staking out the parking lot but it only happens once in a million that you get to catch someone in the act.

I am also nervous about leaving my helmet on my bike, but sometimes it isnt conveiniant to take it with. I have heard stories of wankers who releive themselves in the hanging helmet on the bike. :eek:
Sorry to hear about the helmet mate. Check out the helmet warehouse on the hume highway, they have runout model helmets pretty cheap. even if you can find who stole your helmet( probably the hoons to wear doing their burnouts) its probably ruined now. hopefully karma will see them crash and burn!

Just want to thank Dantow!
Went out to the warehouse and got an older model Shoei for a good price, much better fit than the old one which had worn quite a bit and was getting loose, and it even suits the colour scheme of my bike too!
They where extremely helpful and patient with me as well, didn't try and rush me into anything, and just had great service!
Sorry to hear about this Kris(missed this thread ?).
I never leave my helmet with my bike,a mate did once and when he got back to the bike someone had left ,well shall we say,some bodily fluids in it !

Catching the guy reminds me of a story I heard once.
Seems a Hells Angels house was being broken into when he was at work,little did the thief know that the guys mum lived over the road.
She rang him and he rang his mates,then after a bit the police where called.It was never satisfactorily explained how the thief broke both arms and his nose in the act of escaping the house ;)
Just want to thank Dantow!
Went out to the warehouse and got an older model Shoei for a good price, much better fit than the old one which had worn quite a bit and was getting loose, and it even suits the colour scheme of my bike too!
They where extremely helpful and patient with me as well, didn't try and rush me into anything, and just had great service!

Glad to see you at least got a decent deal on a new lid....and there aint nothing wrong with Shoei helmets, older model or not....

And if it fits better than the one you had lifted, then maybe it was a blessing in disguise....even if it was a very annoying & costly blessing!

Am having a wild stab in the dark, that you will never leave your helmet on your bike again...

Am having a wild stab in the dark, that you will never leave your helmet on your bike again...


Haha I think thats a safe stab to be making :D
I've been thinking about upgrading for a while, but they are expensive, and while I don't think my old helmet was a safety risk, it definately was starting to reach the end of its life (was 4 years old) I was having to wash the lining frequently because it was starting to compact a bit too much.
I'll post my pictures later tonight when I get the camera charged, I think its a pretty cool design on the helmet (despite my GF saying it looked girly) and it suits a white FZ6 to the T

Did your mate give it a wash and keep using it Ozzie? :D

Good to hear someone else in the biking community got some justice in a similar(ish) situation!
Sorry to double post here, but heres my new helmet!

My GF pointed out the light grey viney parts where a bit girly, but I quickly informed her that was to take the edge off the awesome graphics. I mean people could die of fright just looking at me otherwise!
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