Help me name my company! :D

My pick for a good name for an architectural design firm dealing mostly with residential projects:

  • Perfect Plans

    Votes: 6 21.4%
  • Pure Design

    Votes: 5 17.9%
  • Precision Plans

    Votes: 7 25.0%
  • Fine Design

    Votes: 1 3.6%
  • True Design

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other: I have offered my own suggestion and will post it in this thread.

    Votes: 9 32.1%

  • Total voters
Custom Residential Design

:thumbup: If I saw a sign that said that, I'd know exactly what the business did.

Custom Home Design would work too. I think maybe that's what I'd look for in the yellow pages or on Google if I needed your services.
The greatest companies tend to have the most obvious names,


IBM (International Business Machines)
ABC (American Broadcast Company)
General Motors
I havent voted, but agree with whats been said, keep cost out of it, that was the first thing i thought reading your suggestions. Push quality, or as has been said something straight to the point, doing this poll will probably be the best thing as we can say what we would look for as a customer( always think as the customer ) and work around that.
Making your home come to life
Making your home a reality
Negative: Relevant domains taken.

MyHouse or YourHouse
Your house, your way!
Positive: is for sale.

MyHome or YourHome
Your home, your way!
Positive: is for sale.

No matter what you end up with, make sure you can get a matching domain name. You would like your future and current customers to remember where to find you. Thus, many businesses (in Norway at least) start with a list of available domain names, and let that decide the name for the business.

I wish you the best for your new work. Live long and prosper! :thumbup: (now, where is the Vulcan greeting smiley...?)
Allllrighty folks. Pretty sure I've got a name picked based on the feedback here. The alliteration seems to have drawn the most votes, and so it falls to Perfect Plans, Precision Plans, and Precision Planning since I decided to let the people show me what sort of thing they like (rather than me pick one I like and force it in there). Precision has the lead atm so it got me to thinking more seriously about this option. I was leaning towards Perfect before if I was going to go the alliteration route.

I didn't really like the use of the word "plans" just because there's more to it than just floor layouts.

So I think I will be registering this today and picking one of these for the business cards: (the one in red has the lead atm in my mind)

Precision Planning
Plan for Perfection, with Precision.

Precision Planning
Making your plans perfect.

Precision Planning
Plan for perfection. Choose Precision.

Precision Planning
Because Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers, and he would have picked plenty more if he had a precise plan to pick those peppers!


:thumbup: If I saw a sign that said that, I'd know exactly what the business did.

Custom Home Design would work too. I think maybe that's what I'd look for in the yellow pages or on Google if I needed your services.

Indeed. But Custom Home Design (while essentially what we do) implies a certain level of involvement that only makes up a portion of the work done here. Custom home design tends to be starting from scratch just about every time. It would give expectations for every person walking in that I don't want to put out there just yet.

You really should try and get the "City of Champions" in there somehow..:BLAA:

"Champion City Design" ?

Actualy, I like "Open Plan" Simple...:rockon:

Pretty sure you have to win a championship in the last 15 years to really warrant that. And the Grey Cup alone doesn't count...80% of the teams make the playoffs. Lol


I havent voted, but agree with whats been said, keep cost out of it, that was the first thing i thought reading your suggestions. Push quality, or as has been said something straight to the point, doing this poll will probably be the best thing as we can say what we would look for as a customer( always think as the customer ) and work around that.

Yeah, there's been a lot of feedback here I am going to use. The bit about keeping the cost out of the name/motto is a good idea.

And this has been a very helpful poll. It's market research without any cost and has been a great resource.

Design on a Quarter
Because your ideas are worth more then a dime


Lol this is actually pretty awesome. But then someone else would come out with:

"Design on a Toonie"
-Because you ain't no Loonie!

And I'd be hooped. Lol jk :p I actually like that name.

Edit: But this also gives me a whole host of names as backups if Precision Planning is another protected name. Thanks again guys. Makes this whole thing much easier. Cheers

Edit2: Lol, websites already taken but I can work around that. Link will be easy enough and on the business card anyways.
Last edited:
Nothing to add at the moment, but this thread has become hilarious. Vandelay Industries, you have to be a Seinfield fan to understand how comical that was. Winning a Championship within the last 15 years, Grey Cup don't count, LOL. Ape Design? Really LOL.

Good luck Lone

Lone Design?

FWIW, having met and spending time with you, you do have the appearance and the right personality for anyone to feel comfortable and confindent in your abilities to help design the perfect plan.
Precision Planning is good but drop any word in your tag line that starts with a P, you have enough in the name. Although I really liked the Peter Piper- :BLAA:

Quality Designs by one mean ass biker! (ok you can drop the biker part)