here she is!!

Again, excellent work! Definitely a unique FZ6! Even though you took a completely different direction than I did with my FZ, I really like it.
None of it was very hard to do just time consuming and yea it still rides good its comfy, at first it wasnt but the seat softened up a bit now its nice. i feel like i have to address this, for all the guys who are thinkin why didnt i just buy an r6.well simply cuz i didnt want a r6. i mean the fz has the r engine and a good bit of potential, i like buying undersized under powered toyz and build them the way i want em so when sumbody thinks my lil fz cant hang ill pull their paint off when i go by. nothing i own is stock. i just cant help but build and tinker. i just like sleepers. and im not sayin the fz doesnt have enough stock power but more is always better. im building the bike in my opinion the way yamaha shouldve. they wouldve sold alot more and theyd prob still be availible in the states. great beginer bike but it needs to also atrack a more skilled croud and that r6 croud as well. but thats all my opinion. to each his own. and for those who try custom builds stay with what you have in your head and dont let ppl tell you you cant do it and itll turn out great.
Im interested in doing this to my fz6 but i lack the know how...since im still a beginner at mechanics. Would you mind explaining how you made it fit?