Hey all you all you South Aussie FZ6 riders, who's interested in getting together for a ride?

Well ,I had an interesting day. Got to Myponga (the long way) and from there until Yank there was a pretty much continuous flow of police cars and bikes with a "once over" station set up at Myponga. Hundreds of coppers:jawdrop:. Slowly chugged past all that lot and had a top ride to Victor via Delamere:rockon:.

Got to Victor just as they closed the coffee shop:( so I topped up fuel and headed back. Was having a great ride when all of a sudden, at 5:45pm with the sun still high, I spot a skippy:eek:. After a very quick double take I emergency brake from a fair old clip down to a complete stop. Was it close?.....As the panicking kangaroo tried to bail it flicked gravel clanging onto my headers from about 2 feet away:spank:....lol.

Got back to the Old Willunga Hill Road and headed down:thumbup:. About halfway down the front (quickly followed by the rear) stepped out on me by about a foot:eek:. Very thrilling moment. Went back up and down and had it step out twice more. Stepped out once more on the Esplanade to the point where I had to drop a foot down to push up:thumbdown:.

My front tire has "gone off". I'll be taking it very easy tomorrow if it doesn't rain. If it rains then I'll have to pull out:(. New tire coming Friday:cheer:.
Thats one hell of a day you had there , if it were me i would have just dragged my bottom lip all the way home after finding the coffee shop closed :( , then if i had a run in with Skippy i'd have given him a good hard :spank: ....... Glad our day wasnt that eventful tho :D
Skippies are scary at the best of times but this one was close:eek:. Actually could've given him a :spank: or at least nudge it with a boot. Had to go feel around on the road afterwards for my eyeballs, I stopped that hard:rof::rockon:....PMSL. Good thing the coffee shop was closed or I'd be doing an extra 20kph:D...lol.
Yup. It's the tire for sure:spank:. It's nearly down to the wear marks but the scalloping is pretty bad:(. I'll be fine in the dry if I don't push too hard:thumbup:. I was pushing pretty hard today but not so's I'd slip and slide like that. I was surprised at how the rear let go almost at the instant the front did:eek:. I'll also go the pressure wash on the way to the meet tomorrow and scrub my tire a bit, just in case I've got something oily on there but I don't reckon I have. It's only once I start getting to the knee dragging stage:rockon:...lol. The rough surface of the Delamere road was fine fore anything I wanted to give it.:thumbup:
Going to have to work hard to scrub in my new tire for the tractor pull:thumbup:...lol.
Mutter....mutter....mutter, it's freakin raining...it's a freakin thundering....i am not freakin happy.....it's 7.30am in the morning, and we are supposed to be heading out at 12 noon for our ride...it better f%$^#@&* clear up before we are supposed to be getting on it!

With a bit of luck the roads are now washed clean and will dry out in the wind before we ride today:thumbup:.:cheer::rockon:
That wasn't all the police out and about for the Hells Angels poker run was it ?

Apparently so. I didn't know we had that many coppers:Lurking:. Now i know where my tax dollars go, but can't understand how there can be so many break ins and stuff.:don'tknow:.

The ride today was excellent:cheer:. Great roads, great bikes and great company.:thumbup: I actually took my camera but thought I'd forgotten it:shakehead: but probably wouldn't have gotten too many shots any how....lol.

Only had a couple little slippages on the way back from Lobethal, hardly noticeable.:noworries:

Matt's Mt01 goes great for a bike still runnig in.:rockon: It's a bit of a bloke magnet though....dragging attention from anyone owning some testosterone:thumbup:

We had a very nice bloke bring a map over to us in Birdwood while we were discussing which way to go (thanks again unknown Gentleman) and everything seemed to go our way really. The only spots of rain we got were in a roadworks area and helped with the dolomite dust anyhow:D

More than happy to head that way again soon....lol.
Have to agree, great ride today, bit boring gewtting to our road of choice, but once we got there...it was worth the wait....:thumbup::thumbup:

Was a bit windy on Palmer road, but other than that, it proved to be a great road, well reccomended, by a couple of people. Had a nice run home through the twisties..even if they have reduced the speed limit to 60km/h on Upper Sturt Road....:( even got to ride along Lobethal road for a bit...my favourite piece of road anywhere

Company was great, have to agree, if ever there was a hairy chested mans bike, then the MT-01 is it!....and Matty loves it! perfect match!

Had a new guy along on the ride today, Alex on his Ducati 998? 996? anyway, it was a very nice Ducati, and he is a nice guy, well matched to our groups riding tempo, and demeanor.

Gary (Z1000) missed today's ride as he slept in! and he was super keen to ride today...spoke to him an hour ago, or so, just to remind him of what he missed! :spank:

Anyway, we rode the wheels off our bikes, talked BS, ate lots, drank heaps of coffee, did not have any drama.. in fact it seems the motorcycle gods were on our side today! All in all, another great way to spend a Sunday.

Had a nice run home through the twisties..even if they have reduced the speed limit to 60km/h on Upper Sturt Road....:(

Gary (Z1000) missed today's ride as he slept in! and he was super keen to ride today...spoke to him an hour ago, or so, just to remind him of what he missed! :spank:

in fact it seems the motorcycle gods were on our side today!


That lower speed limit is to make it easier to win one of Dunnos(?) fast riding awards...lol.:spank:

I take it you told Gary it was the best ride in the universe ever....lol. That's just evil...PMSL:D

Yup forgot to thank the motorcycle god's in my earlier post:thumbup:
Yup forgot to thank the motorcycle god's in my earlier post:thumbup:

Dont forget them or they wont be nearly as kind to you next time :D , us QLDers dont hafta thank em coz they already live here :rof::rof::rof: as they say.... Beautiful one day perfect the next :thumbup: :thumbup:
That lower speed limit is to make it easier to win one of Dunnos(?) fast riding awards...lol.

I take it you told Gary it was the best ride in the universe ever....lol. That's just evil...

Yup forgot to thank the motorcycle god's in my earlier post:thumbup:

Dont forget them or they wont be nearly as kind to you next time , us QLDers dont hafta thank em coz they already live here :rof::rof::rof: as they say.... Beautiful one day perfect the next :thumbup:

I have won enough fast driving awards in my car...so no thanks, dont wish to contibute anymore to the donut fund!

Yes wound Gary up, told him we were doing 600km/h, and we were floating two inches above the road all the way....:smoking:

As for Sunny Queensland ...isnt that Perfect one day...melanoma the next! :spank::ban:

And the motorcycle gods, i :bow: before you!

If anyone is interested am going for a ride tonight with a couple of the boys from Yamaha World...R1 & R6, Dont know where we are going, but we are meeting at 6.30pm...PM me if you wanna come.

Well i just got back from a very interesting ride...Started innocently enough, with a quick cruise down Upper Sturt Road, onto the Freeway, back off the Freeway at Eagle on the Hill turn off, then a quick blat through the old road to the bottom of Freeway, back on Freeway, then to meet Matt (06 R1) & Simon (03 R6), at servo at tollgate.

Then we all ride back up freeway, turn off at Crafers, and go through piccadilly, etc, till we get to Lobethal road, once on Lobethal road i open up the fizzer for a bit of fun, with the R6 & R1 chasing me, all is going well till i get to a sharp downhill left, where i have to wash off about 50km/h reasonably rapidly, only problem is the corner has gravel everywhere, first the back tyre goes, then the front, pull bike up straight, so i dont fall over, onto wrong side of road, rapidly approaching cliff face, manage to get enoughcontrol to turn bike in about 6ft of gravel inbetween road and cliff, brush cliff, with handlebars, and jacket, turn back onto road, stop in middle as i am in 4th gear still and have no drive, bang it back into first, continue riding to Lobethal, giving the bike a couple of corners to get crap off tyres, then back on it.....it was a closish thing, and now my hips hurt like hell, from the strain of muscling the bike back under some sort of control.....came very close to having a bent FZ6, so i can deal with a little bit of hip strain,if that's what it took to save both my bike & my butt from a lot worse.

Anyway, after a calming cigarette 10 minutes later at Lobethal it was back on the bikes, and off to hahndorf via Woodside, Oakbank, etc.

Once at Hahndorf turn off, we turn down river road to Mylor, through Mylor, to stirling, back onto Freeway, then back to Eagle on the hill run, for about 6 laps of reasonably satisfying sport riding.

I think we may have spotted Mick ( Ozfazer ) at the bottom of Eagle on the Hill.......photo's attached! Lol1 ;) along with the obligitory photo's of the bikes.

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Phew:eek:. Glad you came out ok mate:thumbup:. Some of those corners with the gravel up there give me the willies:spank:. Sounds like you kept your head and attended to business:rockon:. I've been doing a bit of the old two wheel drift myself lately, and I don't much care for it:eek:. But gravel's worse:(. Sounds like the rest of your ride was good though.:rockon: One day I'll have to catch up with those Yamaha lads for a ride:D.
Phew:eek:. Glad you came out ok mate:thumbup:. Some of those corners with the gravel up there give me the willies:spank:. Sounds like you kept your head and attended to business:rockon:. I've been doing a bit of the old two wheel drift myself lately, and I don't much care for it:eek:. But gravel's worse:(. Sounds like the rest of your ride was good though.:rockon: One day I'll have to catch up with those Yamaha lads for a ride:D.

Yes, Phew! is one way of putting it! i muttered a much more colorful description of it at the time! I reckon riding every day helps you in those situations, keeps your reflex's sharp. My hips are stuffed, both aching like hell!

Yes you will have to come for a blat with the Yammie World boys...nice lads, nice bikes.