how has a givi top case changed your riding experience

I LOVE mine - most of the time. When I'm commuting day-to-day it's great. I can haul my laptop bag, waterproofs, and beer all at the same time!

I have started taking it off when it's really not needed though. I like the look without it.
It's really useful including the fact that I have somewhere to pu my helmet when I get off.

On the downside, on a windy day it's like having a sail on the back.
I love mine and use it for a ton of things, groceries, to store my jacket some time, helmet, etc...I do like the looks without it though. Riding you get used to it so it is about the same.
IMO they're a clear case (no pun intended) of function over form. I (still) don't like the way mine looks although I am used to it now but the ability to walk out of the house or a store with a bag and pop it in the case and go more than overcomes the aestethics. I wouldn't have another bike without one at this point and even bought another mounting plate so that I can use the case on my dual-sport when I finally get it resurrected.
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I dont have a Givi, but I do have the JC Whitney large topcase. I too love it. I keep my helmet in there when im not on the bike (I always got crap from the road/chain on it when id try to use the helmet hook) as well as a warmer pair of gloves, rain suit, RAM mount for my GPS when no in use. You name it, for a day trip you can put anything you need in it. One of the best aspects of a hard top case in my opinion is when you're traveling, you can take it inside, load all your cloths, toiletries, etc (stuff you probably wont need on the road) and at the end of the day, take it into the hotel or whatever and get what you need out. Top case is my far the best (and most useful) addition to my bike
i have a e370 i think, love it. Big enough i can fit enough crap in it, if i need to carry more stuff i can just strap it to the seat. It's small enough that when riding, i really don't notice it. I have to move my arms so i can even see it in the mirrors. I had side panniers on my previous bikes, this is my first topcase, i think its much more usefull for daily carrying things being top loading and all. They are pricey, but well worth it.
I have a top box and side cases and almost never take them off. Contrary to what people say, i do not think it effects performance or handling. I can ride down the highway at 200kph and not know they are there. But then I am a bike rider and not a bike racer....wannabee.

My partner particularly likes it as she can rest on it when we are riding out. We did 3500km around france last year and she really appreciated it.

It is good when you park up and walk around towns. All our gear goes in the topbox and side boxes, including our boots. So we can walk around in trainers and shorts instead of boots and leathers. It gives you extra peace of mind with them being hard boxes.

The top box does look a bit weird sticking up there all by itself but with side boxes it blends in nicely.

I've got both a top box and the small side cases. I've had the top mount rack on longest and ride with just the top box most of the time. It's really handy. I story my helmet in it while I'm at work. It's great for errands.

It can add a little bit of extra fun to the equation when it's really windy, but otherwise I hardly notice it back there. I know some won't run one just because of the aesthetics. I'm over it.

It's kinda like a mullet in reverse: party in the front, all business in the yeah.
I would carry my stuff in a backpack when I did commute to work, but that wasn't very comfortable....that extra layer on your back got real hot! And I never really cared for the look of the hard case, but my bike had the rack when I bought it. So I found this from Givi :

T450 - Soft bag trolley

I just got it on Saturday, and I have only used it once so far, but so far I give it a :thumbup:
I have the Yamaha top case and rack. I use it daily for my laptop and work shoes on the way in, then store my gloves and helmet in it while I'm in the office. Very useful for quick trips to the store as well. I haven't noticed any difference in handling/wind resistance with the case on or off.
Getting a Givi 52 is the really made my bike functional. I ride to work, so it holds my computer backpack. I no longer worry about rain getting my stuff wet. I can go somewhere and put my GPS, jacket and pants in there. I can walk through the store looking like a normal person. I also only use my tank bag on long trips, so gas stops are faster. If you are on the fence, get off and get one. They are great!
I have a Shad sh50 which I leave on all the time. I commute everyday and carry pack, lunch box, rain gear always have plenty of room. Also great for being a pack m baule during the FZ6 Dragon Meet hauling beer back to the cabin :rockon: