How long had you ridden before you crashed.

How many months or years before you crashed.

  • Never down under two years riding experince

    Votes: 63 44.1%
  • Less than 6 months Crashed.

    Votes: 27 18.9%
  • One year or less Crashed.

    Votes: 8 5.6%
  • 1-2 years Crashed first time.

    Votes: 17 11.9%
  • 2-3 years Crashed first time.

    Votes: 1 0.7%
  • 3-4 years Crashed first time.

    Votes: 3 2.1%
  • 4-5 years Crashed first time.

    Votes: 3 2.1%
  • 5-6 years Crashed first time.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 6-10 years Crashed first time.

    Votes: 3 2.1%
  • Over 10 years Never Crashed.

    Votes: 18 12.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
10 years+ on the street, many close calls and saves. on the dirt...

well thats another story:D
I wasn't quite sure what the poll was referring to in terms of crash so I put less than 6 months as it didn't have a slot for the first day of riding. I was like 9 or 10 and crashed my mini bike complete with a Briggs engine. It got hurt more than I did though. If this is just for street stuff it would have to be like 5-6 years and a Honda 305 Scrambler.
Hey Charlie what happened? I know you have been riding a very long time. Mine was due to many factors, overconfidence being one of them along with tired, ego, hungry, thirsty, and just not seeing what I should of seen. I should of made my turn in later in the turn and at a lower speed.
No crash yet, but I didn't even get it off the trailer yet before I dropped it. :D
Never crashed myself, but been crashed into in my second year. It was my own fault for obeying the law and sitting in the traffic, I was crashed into from behind. I learned my lesson and always break the law and filter through the traffic now (This was in the UK, in Belgium it's legal to filter).
Hey Charlie what happened? I know you have been riding a very long time. Mine was due to many factors, overconfidence being one of them along with tired, ego, hungry, thirsty, and just not seeing what I should of seen. I should of made my turn in later in the turn and at a lower speed.

I was coming off a dirt road on to the highway and the front tire washed out. It wouldn't have been bad if the dang thing would have hooked up after sliding but it didn't and bye bye went Charlie.

I'm glad you mention thirsty as to me this can be a real problem for some folks on hot days. Especially Harley folks that have been riding that space heater for a while. They get dehydrated and by the time they figure it out it's too late. Good call Steve because water, not beer, Coke etc. etc is very important. I use that flavored Gatorade and drink it like a fish.
in a moment of trust for the car driver infront of me i saw him start to move onto the road THINKING he had plenty of room, he didn't and changed his mind and hit him, HARD!!! new tank required for my then month old 07 FZ6N

I think I have my first bike about 5 or 6 months before I low sided and stuffed it under a car. I think I've crashed hard about 10 or 12 times.

1) Stuffed TX500 under car
2) Low sided XZ550, hit gravel at night on Rabbit Ears Pass
3) RD400 ground peg on race track too hard, low sided
4) GS1100, tried to do a stoppie on cold tires at about 60 mph
5) RZ350, knocked over on race track at about 85 mph
6) Slid GS1100 out on new asphalt at 15 mph, two up with gear
7) Low sided RZ350 on track after coolant and oil puked onto the rear tire in a 4th gear sweeper
8) High sided RZ350 at 110 to 125 mph on race track

I know there are others but I can't remember them, musta hit my head!
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I'm scared to answer because I might jinx it. I haven't crashed. I have had a few close calls though which resulted in a some sleepless nights.... :(
4) GS1100, tried to do a stoppie on cold tires at about 60 mph

8) High sided RZ350 at 110 to 125 mph on race track

Those two sound especially horrible. OUCH!!! I know the second one was real bad, but how did you and the bike fair after hitting the ground at 60?

Warm tire stoppies FTW!
This will be my 10th season riding, and while I did the 'stall & fall' (or variations on that, ie: short legs and uneven pavement) 3 or 4 times my first season on my EX500, I have never crashed a bike. So far... and I'm really trying to keep it that way!

Not to sabatoge your post, I think it's a great poll. Howeverrrrr, wouldn't you think distance (miles or Kilometers) would be a better representation. There are many riders who will take a period of several years to ride over 12,000 - 15000 miles versus members such as you and me who ride over 12,000-15,000 miles in one year. Remember, the average rider has less than 3000 miles on their bike when they go down for the first time. From various crash posts that I have read in this forum, our average is much less than that figure. The likeliness of going down is much greater for a rider who rides every day versus a seosonal rider or weekend rider. Therefore, the amount of time spent on the saddle vs just overall dead time should be the factor. Just my opinion.

Good point, i have had my bike on the road since march and have 4600 miles on it now...
Don't fit any of your categories...been riding 6 years, about 20000 miles, and have yet to crash. A couple of close calls but no crash yet...KNOCK ON WOOD!

My step dad has owned bikes his whole life and never crashed. I still think it means nothing, since he rides maybe 100 miles a month on average...

What's important is the # of accident(s) you had per miles ridden. On top of that, it would help to differenciate the type of riding you do... do you just ride flat straight roads once a month? do you commute on country roads? or in heavy city traffic? do you push it at the track or in the twisties every weekend?

Anyway, my $0.2
But none of you has ever died in a wreck, right?


But seriously, any serious injuries? I think I'll post another poll to go along with this one.
But none of you has ever died in a wreck, right?


But seriously, any serious injuries? I think I'll post another poll to go along with this one.

Actually at least one of us has died. There may be more that just dissapeared from the forums with out any contact info.
Actually at least one of us has died. There may be more that just dissapeared from the forums with out any contact info.

It's not a very good feeling when you lose a member. He was a very experienced rider too. And yes, it is a scary thought that there could be more. A long absence and you start to wonder. Maybe we should create a buddy system.
It's not a very good feeling when you lose a member. He was a very experienced rider too. And yes, it is a scary thought that there could be more. A long absence and you start to wonder. Maybe we should create a buddy system.

yes, I have wondered that myself.

buddy system? good idea!