How to survive on winter storm in Los Angeles with motorcycle...

Nobody has any business riding anywhere during month of January. That would be like putting on a bathing suit and diving into a swimming pool. Here in NoCal it is snowing at around 2,000 ft elevation. Rain everywhere else. SoCal is not much better. Even Arizona is getting hammered. Why, in some areas you shouldn't even go out in a CAGE.
Nobody has any business riding anywhere during month of January. That would be like putting on a bathing suit and diving into a swimming pool. Here in NoCal it is snowing at around 2,000 ft elevation. Rain everywhere else. SoCal is not much better. Even Arizona is getting hammered. Why, in some areas you shouldn't even go out in a CAGE.

Here in San Diego, as long as we get a little sun it warms right up and you can ride. While it's like it's been this week, it's a lot cooler and I use the car.
I haven't looked out toward the mountains today but imagine there will be some snow at the higher elevations.
you Californians crack me up. "winter storm" HA! Congratulations, you are experiencing the weather we get in spring. Who on this thread has never lived where it snows? I hope you guys don't get eroded away!
Here is the video clip showing how I handled against it... to share with you.

YouTube - Jan. 17, 2010 Ride


"Winter storm!!! How to survive!!!".....

Where did you find out a storm?
I believe, there is good weather conditions in LA all time. So, you were scared with three drops of rain))). I invite you to Moscow right now, we've got snow, t = -18F, very good conditions for riding)))
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Nice vid :thumbup:

However: Winter??????? Storm????? did I miss something??

Here in Denmark a winter storm would deliver at least 60 cm of snow, and winds above 15 meters pr sec. ..... (But maybe it's just that I'm getting used to ****ty weather :) )

I also had the same impression, it looks like a normal day actually. :)
If I had a cam, I could make some video's from the weather overhere that gives you L.A.-guys nightmares for weeks. :D
half a block from my house (shot 30min ago):

YouTube - Rain in LA 1/19/10

Haha, the most funny thing is actually the radioshow. I thought the radio show's in GTA where all exagerated. But clearly they are not. They were talking about nazi's, sex offenders... I don't get to hear about those things over here. :D

This indeed is a lot of rain, I admit it. :)
Hi, Dan...(and for the Phillpe)
You got me, and I got you too... ha ha ha
If you had felt that feeling, it worked for my some other intention.

Thanks for the comments.
P.S.: You may missed other member's comments >>> we kalifornians are little spoiled >> I admit it ... ha ha ha