I got the job!!!

congrats pete!! nothing like a toast of crown royal karma-- in fact i will have another---just for you. stay safe over there.
So you sound excited as if you thought there's the slightest possibility that you wouldn't get it huh? Gotta believe in FZ karma man :D:D

CONGRATS! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
Pete, I'm very happy for both you and your wife. I hope it's a successful and meaningful career move. I'm toasting to your job with a fine tequila right now...
Hey Everyone - I got the job I applied for a couple of weeks ago! :cheer: FINALLY! I start on the 15th and have my work cut out for me.

Thanks so much for the Forum good karma, I knew it would work. :D
Well done mate, At last some good news coming from the recession. I wish you every success at it.

Congratulations, Pete. Was there ever any doubt..?

This here forum's got some good juju goin' on. Stay safe and best of luck in the new position.