If this isn't Photoshopped..


I found this on another forum

they used the hollow axles to "slide" the bike on the brackets, with an other bracket and the middle, and higher, to keep the bike against the wall
Oh. My god. Career Bachelor, indeed!

Not that I don't like it necessarily, just ... wow.

The picture of the bike in bed with the blanket pulled up is priceless. I'm sending both of these over to my wife. :)
Oh. My god. Career Bachelor, indeed!

Not that I don't like it necessarily, just ... wow.

The picture of the bike in bed with the blanket pulled up is priceless. I'm sending both of these over to my wife. :)

We're all replaceable you know. . .
Nice a 916SPS. My brother in law has one of them but with absolutely everything carbon fibered out and a SBK class 955 big bore engine. Pretty neat bike but too high maintenance for the kind of riding I like.

Guess it is low maintenance if it is hanging on the wall......