I'm a girly man and need your help!

I know how you feel,I get a rash just from using soap and shampoo .

C'mon Mick, I thought you were from Australia, not France...


I'd head to a fabric store and buy a small remnant of fleece. Sew a small strip into a "tube" and slip it over the strap. You do know how to sew, right?
If you don't feel like sewing or wearing a bandana, you could try this...as weird as it sounds. Home Depot used to sell a pair of soft insullated work gloves, for less than $5 (as of last year around this time) that you could cut one of the fingers off of, along with the tip of said finger, and use it as a chinstrap cover....plus, you'd have 9 spares.
straight razor or electric razor?
shaving foam or cream?
aftershave lotion or splash?
May seem silly, but it's important.
Otherwise consult a Dermatologist girly man.
Here you go...


Assorted colors

Benefit of blocking rain!

Just unroll to the shoulders...

Don't forget the breathing holes!

Picture the opposite....hmmmmmmmm.......

Well, I found this. Is this right?


Nate, you ASKED for the abuse. ;)
I might actually have something to add.

Is the problem that the new, short (and therefore stiff) hairs are getting caught in the weave of the strap?

If so then you need a material with a very tight "weave" or no weave at all, right?

What about sealing the strap where it touches your neck? I'm just brainstorming here, so bear with me.. What if you waxed or otherwise coated a portion of the strap? That would keep the little hairs from getting caught. Of course it may also take away some of the important friction that keep the strap "locked" in place. No.. If you coated just where it's needed then it shouldn't interfere.

It may sound crazy, but like I said this is pretty much stream of consciousness.

Ok, back to friendly bashing.

Here, I'll start:
Have you tried Vagisil?
Actually teeter, you just gave me a valid idea.

Nate, ever hear of Goop? It's a rubber adhesive for repairing items like shoes, cloth, tents, etc... What if you coated the strap with that to give it a permanent pliable rubber coating so the strap doesn't touch the skin?

The issue there though would be sweat. Hmmmm.................
Hey, Nate, I vote for the silk balaclava. I think it will help prevent the chafing.
When I rollerblade, if I wear one pair of socks, I get blisters...two pairs of socks, no blisters.
I think the additional piece of fabric will make a big difference for you. Good luck!

OK, on to the Girly-Man bashing:
I definitely recommend going with the wings. They stay in place much better. :thumbup:
Actually teeter, you just gave me a valid idea.

Nate, ever hear of Goop? It's a rubber adhesive for repairing items like shoes, cloth, tents, etc... What if you coated the strap with that to give it a permanent pliable rubber coating so the strap doesn't touch the skin?

The issue there though would be sweat. Hmmmm.................

Yeah... Goop. That's the kind of thing I'm picturing.

You could actually try a strip of tape (even masking tape) just for testing purposes. If the smooth surface suits you then you could apply Goop or some other adhesive/coating.
I can't think of anything nearly as funny as what I have already seen in this thread so...

Here is some serious advice. Shave with the grain not against the grain. I used to shave against the grain to get the closest shave possible, and my neck and the area under my chin used to drive me nuts because it got so irritated.

Then one day I was watching a show, "The Good Life," that covered topics about high end living, they did a show on shaving and one of the things they mentioned was that most people shave against the grain and experience rashes, razor burn and iritated skin, they recomended that it is better to shave with the grain, you do not get as close a shave but, it keeps the hair follicles above the skin, preventing ingrown hairs and doesn't cause skin irritation.

Hope this helps :thumbup: