Im back ..yay


Riding the Big Honda
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Aug 25, 2008
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As some of you might remember ,back in the summer i had a rush of blood to the head and got a TLR1000..and as fun/mad/terrifying as it was ive decided to stick with the FZ..which has been sat in a bike showroom up till a week ago..the TL was a riot but not for me..too thirsty, too uncomfortable and too old..collecting my fz gave me the same excitemnt as the day i bought it brand new...i would of been a fool to get the tiller goes into storage untill the sport bike season returns as it wont sell at the moment and the FZ returns to the streets...its good to be back!! :rockon:
cheers..just realised how much catching up i gotta do..lots of reading material for the last few days in work before we close for xmas
Welcome back, and your experience just goes to illustrate what we all already know, the FZ6 is a fantastic bike for just about all your everyday needs.

As some of you might remember ,back in the summer i had a rush of blood to the head and got a TLR1000..and as fun/mad/terrifying as it was ive decided to stick with the FZ..which has been sat in a bike showroom up till a week ago..the TL was a riot but not for me..too thirsty, too uncomfortable and too old..collecting my fz gave me the same excitemnt as the day i bought it brand new...i would of been a fool to get the tiller goes into storage untill the sport bike season returns as it wont sell at the moment and the FZ returns to the streets...its good to be back!! :rockon:

I did a similar thing and bought an Aprilia Shiver practically giving away my 04 part ex.
Bought my 08 pre reg and am more than happy.
Welcome back!!
Back on the Block. That's good. We understand why you came back. Just wondering what took you so long (smile).

Welcome back!!!:welcome:
cheers peeps...another reason to keep this fantastic bike of course is you guys :thumbup: