Injury: done riding for the year :(


Not so Junior Member
Apr 6, 2010
Reaction score
Bristol, UK
Well this was supposed to be the weekend I restart riding after taking a break for Ramadan...

Thursday night, Broke 2 bones in the right palm(one of them in 2 places) .. NOT pleasant.... something as simple and mundane as getting my bag from overhead storage...bag fell with my fingers stuck in the handle..twisting the fingers and wrist hard...


6 to 8 weeks in the cast..will be well into the winter by that the Fazer is now parked up till April.. :(
Well, I have to say getting attacked by your own luggage is a unique way to end a riding season. :) Glad that's 'all' it was. So many times we end up reading these sorts of posts and it's so much worse....
Holy crap that is awful! Sorry to hear about that, winter sucks bad enough without having something like this happening to you.
That bites...I hope you get well soon, I know I would be going crazy not being able to ride

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Sorry to here that mate,
I hope it didn't spoil "Eid" to much for you.

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Oh man does that suck! I very much hope you're a righty.

Heal well!
What a way to break bones. Remind me to never fly or place things high again

Heal up soon and hope things won't be too hard without the use of one arm. Look forward to riding that bike again!
I had a ladder attack me once, the feet slid out while I was moving storage around. Both legs went thru a rung, skinned me from my knees to my ankles.

Well there is positive side to this.....more time to do mods! Heal up soon:thumbup: